Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 116: The enemies meet differently ...

"Put down the gun, soldier." General Rose turned his head and looked at Watson. "It doesn't mean compromise Watson! But this time it was thanks to Benner ..." Ross glanced secretly at himself. The daughter continued: "Thanks to the assistance of SHIELD and the weapon support of Stark, you can't be used here. Team A, open fire."

"You can rest assured that I will take a look, anyway, you will take the initiative to call me to help."

"That is impossible, this life is impossible."

General Rose watched Hulk rushing towards the position and shouted quickly: "How about 50 caliber artillery? Hurry up!"

"Hulk! Roar !!!"

Hulk watched the military Hummer running beside him directly rush over, and an iron mountain leaned over it to the ground.

And the other car was also stopped by Hulk, which was a violent smash.

Huasheng watched General Ross let his soldiers like the gourd baby rescue grandpa one by one, he could not help but pouted. Although it ’s useless together ...

"Master Ye, they are not as good as you."

"Meow ~"

At this time, two students with mobile phones ran to the periphery of the battlefield to shoot.

"Blansky! It's your turn!"

"Just waiting for you, sir. Cover me!"

Hua Sheng sat up and squinted at the man walking towards Hulk with a grenade launcher.

"Who is he? I obviously saw him for the first time, why do I feel that the face looks really special ..."


"Right, you feel the same way."

Ross turned his head to look at Watson and said, "Don't think that only you people are special in this world."

"Isn't it the serum left by Tony's father. I didn't expect you to use it for him."

"He is an excellent soldier!"

"It can be seen, but he is not a good thing, you should know the side effects of that serum."

"It doesn't need you to care!" Ross stared at the two of them on the battlefield, and Bronsky used the skill of flowing water to avoid Hulk's killing attack again and again, but soon he was attacked faster and faster. Hulk ran away ...

"Good skills, but unfortunately no use of eggs ~"

Rose ignored the rhetoric of Watson, but shouted, "Take him to the sonic gun!"

"Sonic cannon?" Just when Watson wondered, he suddenly felt something and raised his head to see a black dot flying fast.

Call ~ lb ~

"Tony, there is no need to use the superhero landing method every time."

Tony stood up and opened the mask and said: "No, no, you don't understand, this is called romance. Hello general ~ Hey ... Is this beauty?"

Watson looked at Tony, who was attracted by the woman for the first time, rolled his eyes and said, "She is Banner's girlfriend."

"Oh sorry, hello ..."

Ignored General Ross interrupted Tony very angrily: "Stark? You always wear the bright and beautiful, even the weapons you wear. But what are you doing here?"

"Uh, let's join in the fun? Hey Watson, I'm going to Monaco to participate in a car race, do you want to come? Rest assured, I will come out of your car ~"

"Car race? Of course, I haven't tried F1 car yet."

"Well, let me prepare for you first. Oh, by the way, this green fat man is the one after Banner turned ... Hulk? His pants are good ~"

Once again ignored General Rose looked at the happy two laughing and turned their heads gloomy, Nick Fury found two troublesome spirits from there!


"Sir sir immediately! ... Well, let's fire now!"

As Bronsky jumped high, two visible sound waves pushed Bronsky out of the air, and the Hulk in the middle was like a vortex in a slow time, the whole body was slow motion like a snail. ·

"Tony, is this your weapon?"

"Er ... It seems to be right, I forgot, you know that I can never remember such little things."

And Betty finally could not bear to see Hulk's painful appearance and ran to his father: "Please, please stop!"

"Take her down!"

"You will kill him !! Watson! Help him quickly, you ..."

Watson shook his head helplessly, jumped from the hood, and directly summoned the flying dragon suit. Tony saw Watson's movements and put on a mask to start looking at the green fat man with some eagerness to try.

Betty thought that the two were going to rescue Banner, and finally he was relieved, and Rose turned his head and looked at Watson seriously: "Watson! I said it did n’t mean compromise! And you Stark! Are you sure you want to ···· "

At the same time, Hulk seemed to hear Betty crying and turned his head to look at Betty caught by the soldier. The green light in his eyes was even better. When he just wanted to turn his head to solve the enemy in front of him, he suddenly found Betty beside him. , There is a familiar armor man! ! !

"Hulk !!! Roar !!!" The original green eyes directly wanted green red!

Tony looked at Hulk, who suddenly roared, and turned his head suspiciously: "What is he calling? Even with such a big reaction, it seems that he has a good relationship with his girlfriend ..."

Only Watson's heart is clear, this is what makes the enemies particularly jealous!


The angry Hulk erupted into a stronger force ~ ~ stood up against the sonic gun, picked up his large knife and threw it out!

With a bang, a sonic cannon carrier was split directly in half. Hulk, who lost the pressure on one side, jumped directly and hit another armored carrier, and Hulk did not stop. He picked up the wreckage of the armored vehicle and threw it directly at Watson!

"Well, I was wrong, he has no relationship with her girlfriend at all! Great detective!"

General Rose looked at the armored car flying: "Watson!"

"Hmm ~ I'm so comfortable with the sound, fragrant ~"

Watson and Tony got out of the ground almost simultaneously. Watson jumped directly and flew the armored car, while Tony flew directly to Hulk!

"McGee! You see Iron Man and Fire Knight!"

The curly-haired guy with his mobile phone nodded excitedly: "Oh roar, I saw the guy, this big guy is going to be unlucky ~"

"I'm optimistic about the big detective, this time I will take the lead! Let me see my latest research on mk4 ..."

"Hulk !! Roar!"

Snap ~!

The violent Hulk jumped up suddenly and slap Tony out like a fly.

The sparkling Tony crossed a beautiful arc ~ Slap, the large font fell on the lawn.

"... Jarvis, what happened just now?"

"Sir, the external armor received a huge power strike, which is currently damaged by 12%. It is recommended to carry out a long-range strike with the target person."

"I was just slapped ..."

"Yes sir."

"···· ok, let's do it again."

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