Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 1161: Milaruz's elder temper

The reputation of the orcs has always been relatively loud, and the orcs of the strange world have many branch races, but except for a few individuals who have strength and strong bodies, the rest are not stronger than the indigenous people of the strange world, and they are also character and aggressive. There was absolutely no violent beliefs that invaded the Sazeras orcs for the glory of war.

So in the face of extinct dragons, some beast talents will behave so badly.

Of course, the orcs are not without the strong, but it is also relatively speaking, and there is no way to face the force of bleating.

The two legs couldn't run the dragon wing, and the rebellion ended badly. Even a few large tribes gathered together and failed to destroy the dragon. Instead, they were forced to go to the upper space to ‘join’.

The magical creatures in the lower world can only resist the destruction of the dragon by the large element elf group that is not weaker than the upper space, but can only inhabit special environments, and the stone giant group of crystal maze guardians who need a large area of ​​survival. Race can't compete with an ancient dragon.

And who would have thought that there is more than one such powerful dragon.

After the extinct dragon returned from the crystal labyrinth of feathers, another huge flying dragon immediately came over the crystal labyrinth, and carried out a rug bombardment with an explosive solid magic bomb that had never been seen.

The blast of the explosion lasted for more than an hour, and the purple firelight rose into the sky, changing the sky.

The stone giants had to surrender with heavy casualties, while the Thunder Elemental Elves were bombed and overturned, and then fought under the combined force of the two dragons. The magical creatures who had been to the bombed battlefield were all shocked by the misery there.

As a result, it was not unexpected that the magic creature was shut down by the title of ‘Magic Dragon’, while the Scale Dragon was shut down by the name of ‘Death God’.

The dragon is responsible for conquest, and the **** of death is responsible for destruction.

This news quickly spread to the lower continent, causing many magical creatures to either flee from the wind or catch their hands, and also let the Extinct Dragon conquer no less than forty different races in a row in less than a day. Hundreds of tribes, one with high efficiency.

It was when the Explosive Scale Dragon was very upset when he heard the news, he was clearly a policeman and a proper positive character!

As for these orcs, that is, they are in a remote place and their turn is so late.

Now, just when these orcs thought that the death period was approaching, the extinct dragon suddenly flapped a huge dragon wing, rolled up a screaming wind, and suddenly turned the rock he had just smashed into a flying sand.

"The king is back?"

"The king is back ?!"

"Hahaha ~ The king is back! Aoao Aoao !!!"

Mumbled three times in the mouth of "Bullying the Weak" before fully reacting, raising his body excitedly and roaring in the sky.

Dao Dao sound wave came out along with Long Wei, and the orcs in the cave thought they were going to get rid of them with anger, and they collapsed on the spot.

After the sand fell and the wind stopped, and everything in front of him became bright again, the orc found out that the Extermination Dragon had flown into the air and went directly to the upper field of the distant sky.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Don't know, he let us go?"

"No, I have never heard of an example of that race being let go. Is he going to call another dragon ?!"

"Don't talk nonsense! We haven't dared to resist because we are so small, we should not ..."

A lot of orcs, look at me and look at you. The heart that just dropped puts into the throat.

"Otherwise, let's take the initiative to go under the Dragon Falls in the upper space? I heard that there are already people of Queen Morgan stationed there."

"This is good, let's go quickly, everyone will take the children and follow me! In case the dead dragon comes, it will break!"

A group of orcs woke up like dreams, and began to tidy up and walk out of the waste hole.

But at this time, bleating son has come to the upper space, saw the scaled dragon still playing with the group of magical creatures in the second plain, and immediately flew past.

"Huh? Isn't this a bastard, why is he here, is there a fugitive again?"

Hearing the wind behind him, Bleeding Dragon turned his head and looked at it with joy, which was the only fun he had here. Be sure to let those magical creatures call themselves police uncle!


"Hahaha ~ Where are we going this time? It's the tribe of that race again? This time I'm going to blow up."

"Explode something, hurry back with me, the king is back!"

"Huh?" Explosive scale dragon stunned, a powerful force from a different space suddenly wrapped their two dragons, the magical creatures standing up quickly retreated back and forth, feeling the terrifying power of trembling legs and feet.

Just at this moment, the two suddenly flew behind a white egret wrapped in thunder. The egret that excited the speed to the limit did not have time to call them two, and they plunged into the energy range of Zulong Milaruz.

The next second, the energy emitted a dazzling light, the three disappeared at the same time, the cold ice on the magic castle of the Queen's Castle turned back instantly, and the eye of the investigation above the castle immediately swept there, but found nothing.

"Egret ?!"


Link to the interior of the corridor.

Outside the infinite light curtain, Miraruz put away the energy and waited quietly.

"That kid came back so soon? I thought it would be at least half a year delayed.

Guangtian Jianlong Shenyu can protect him for at least three months, and I can let him stay for three months, so the highest bottom line is half a year.

In order to stimulate him, I deliberately made it a bit serious. I didn't expect him to come back from the border so quickly. It seems that I thought too much. "

"But since I came back, it proves that there is a result, and the sooner the mad dragon virus is removed, the better."

Milaruz murmured on the ground, that 'he' was of course the golden lion Lagarne, Watson never thought that Milaruz was prepared to exaggerate the injury of the golden lion for the sake of everything Hiccups are the same, the results are all false.

Suddenly, some space linking the corridor was twisted and turned into a vortex. Two huge flying dragons burrowed out of it, and then a white egret with a flash of electricity fell out and fell to the ground ~ ~ With the size of the **** and scaly dragon, Milaruz raised his eyebrows. Are the two little guys bigger than themselves?

"Where is this?"

"Wait, Badgergos, do you feel a faint terror ..."


The bleating voice had just fallen, and suddenly numerous scarlet **** thunders exploded in the back. The powerful energy contained in the thunder, even the two of them felt extremely dangerous.

The egret, who hadn't figured out what was happening on the ground, turned his head and glanced.

When they looked back, they suddenly found a horrible dragon with a scale of at least a hundred meters in height and a tail of nearly a thousand meters in length, standing in the sky full of thunder and bowing his head to look like a child. Holding them.

"The two of you guys wait for a while, he will be here soon."

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