Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 1177: Wonderland

War is never a beautiful vocabulary.

War means sacrifice.

War means demise.

We may not be able to define justice for an unusually grand war.

But we can stick to the beliefs and positions of individuals and the world when facing war.

So I think no matter which world, no matter what planet, which country.

When faced with the war of ecstasy, there will be only one attitude.

Destroy the enemy's body and destroy his heart!

General Gus stood at the wall of the castle and watched the countless tribes above the Third Plains unleash a large-scale amplification magic covering a hundred miles.

"The queen has sent a message, invading the world bypassing our main battlefield, and opening the transmission channel in the lower space."

"No matter who it is, whether it is from the upper or lower levels, whether it is strong or weak, we must go all out.

No one can stay away! "

"Listen to all the creatures in Wonderland: Follow our queen! Protect our world!"

"Roar Roar !!!"

"Boom ~ Boom ~ Boom ~ Boom ~"

When the drums of the castle rang, countless magical creatures raised their weapons in their hands and roared wildly.

Even if the lower class was born for only a year, the little lizard men who migrated with the tribe raised the steel fork in their hands.

Immediately afterwards, the gate of the Magic Castle opened.

The black knight Karl, who had been covered with black mist and reached its heyday, rushed out of the door with a horse under the flames of Warcraft.

Thousands of trolls, crystal clan, and other high-level magical creatures surged out under the blessing of 'rapid' magic, followed by the black knights running forward, and there was even a large war in the center of the team that did not last participate Giant beast rhino dinosaur tribe.

These high-level tribe races are all within this day, letting the Extermination Dragon and Explosive Scale Dragon "conquer" them.

Above the wilderness of the Third Plain, the magical creatures who followed the tribe saw this collective action for the first time.

Although the mixed magic army is irregular because of the variety of races, the steps seem to be combined with the sound of the drum of war, giving birth to a magic force that makes their blood boil, as if there is a very strong momentum to push them forward.

"All high-level shooters leave their tribe collection, join the black knight Carl troops on the left, and join the city defense crystal shooter tribe on the right!"

"All high-level melee tribes such as the dragon class, mixed with the troops of the black knight Karl!"

"All the tree spirits and the sky troops drove to the third plain by themselves!"

"All the blessings of large-scale magic all put them on!"

"All the water-fearing magical creatures stay behind temporarily, and they will be dispatched from General Castle Gus!"

"Move faster, no matter how fast!"

Under the leadership of their chieftain, the magical creatures of all ethnic groups mixed into the army to make them grow stronger. When Karl came to the edge of the Third Plain, the sky behind him had soared from thousands to tens of thousands.

Seeing this posture, the small tribes who heard the order in the Second Plain but did not know what to do, all gave way to the army.

However, they didn't get confused for long. The army had just traveled for more than half of the time, and a dozen bigfoot eagles flew down in the sky to tell them how to do it.

At the same time, dozens of mixed troops of dragons, bigfoot eagles, and undead birds (variant vultures) flew in the sky. Each of them carried three to four people from the upper space. The high-level water magic creatures, from the murloc frogman to the first magic turtle, there are even three six-armed naga on it.

They directly passed the fast-moving large force, and turned their direction, diameter flying toward the river of life that runs through the entire upper space.

The line of sight with the sky troops quickly crossed the tens of kilometers of plain jungle to the edge of the upper space, the super giant dragon waterfall that sloped down several kilometers high.

After waiting for a long time on both sides of the dragon waterfall, the water tribe headed by the Naga tribe suddenly heard the loud eagle in the sky.

The vibration of the earth due to marching is getting closer and closer.

"The signal is coming! All creatures listen to the unified dispatch of the Naga tribe and block the flow of the dragon waterfall!"

I saw that the Naga on both sides of the Broad Dragon River raised their arms one after another, as if the pure water energy from the abyss of the deep sea poured out of them and condensed into one.

The rushing water of the Dragon River was suddenly blocked by magic, but the accumulating momentum of the river did not dissipate, but was imprisoned in countless Naga magic in some form.

"Hold on, the army will arrive soon!" Eight-armed Naga, headed by, glanced at the sky-shaking smoke in the jungle behind him, and calculated the time silently.

After a while.

When the impact power of the Longhe Waterfall has almost reached the limit of the Naga tribe, the black knight Karl riding the flame warcraft rushed out of the jungle to gallop all the way to the river, and countless magic creatures behind him roared out of the jungle.

"It's now!"

With the order of the eight-armed Naga, dozens of tribes on the side of the tribe, and nearly a thousand magical creatures working together, the magical power condensed above the river and was released when the army of Carl reached the edge of the river.

I saw a gentle blue gentle energy suddenly spread, covering the entire river field and the nearby small plain.

Large compound magic with no upper limit: Affinity of Water!

All the creatures within the magic range are blessed with the power of water affinity. This power will not bring them any combat power bonus, but it can make them stand on the water and fall.

That is why there is only one way to let the army leave the upper space quickly without the fear of the water race.

Walk down the waterfall.

"Follow military water creatures to keep blessing for the comrades around you, don't fall!"

"Release the Dragon Falls! Control the water flow!"

"Poof—boom !!!"

At the moment when the power of the Naga tribe opened, UU Kanshu saved the sky and the dragon waterfall flowed like a high-pressure water line and shot straight out until it turned into a sloping arc until hundreds of meters away under.

The army that had set foot on the Dragon River didn't stop, and under the leadership of Karl, he rushed straight into the waterfall and got out of the magic mask of the upper space.

The sky troops who had flown out first came to both sides of the dragon waterfall running through the sky, casting magic to control the water flow, and the three Naga tribes used the racial talent to produce a larger amount of water and the width of the dragon waterfall increased sharply.

In this way, an army of tens of thousands of magical creatures walked to the battlefield on the bridge of the dragon waterfall at a height of several thousand meters.

The creatures following the charge also saw two dark cracks in the sky far away, and the light of destruction under one of the cracks.

But when the army was marching, there was a breath of throbbing air in the sky directly above the Longpu flyover.

A dark crack was cut across from the other side and expanded to 100 meters in a short time!

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