Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Vol 2 Chapter 1197: Authentic Turtle Qigong!


Gorgeous purple flames soared into the sky, and the square garden was hundreds of meters away from the ground.

The remaining three cancerous creatures wrapped around the explosive scale dragon were quite strong at the beginning. When the explosive scale detonated the whole body of the explosive scale, they were not swallowed in an instant, and the purple inflammation exploded into the body.

But this process has no effect other than inflicting more pain on them. Several monsters were burned through numerous holes all over the body, and the tentacles superimposed together melted and stuck together, and they burst into bursts until the explosion was finally reached the limit. All over the sky is the smelly **** rain.

"Aoao Aoao !!!"

"Farewell, close your mouth quickly, accidentally eat minced meat and get infected with mad dragon virus, waiting for you, but Lagarne and Ibi Lujiu mixed doubles."

Watson turned his head and glared at him. Blastscale Dragon quickly closed his mouth and ignited a flame in his mouth to burn the flesh flying to him in ashes.

To be honest, he is not afraid of being infected with the mad dragon virus. Both Ibi Lujiu and Lagarne were rescued after being infected with the mad dragon virus, and they have become stronger. As the patriarch of the scaly dragon family, he has evolved. Become a Red Lotus Explosive Scale Dragon, there is no reason to beep them bad.

As for why he is so obedient now, first, Wang has spoken, and second, if Ibielujiu and Lagarne are mixed to suppress his mad dragon virus, then he can give up this opportunity.

You see, now, the three major policemen, Ibi Lujiu and Lagarne, were beaten by the dragons. Which one of them is the 'thuger'? The two of them were beaten. That's quite happy! ~


Suddenly, the brain of the scaly dragon was knocked by someone, and he looked up and found that Watson, who was covered in gold, was in front of him.

"Where do you think, hurry and help the wind drifting dragon Ibi Lujiu!"

Help Yibi Lujiu? Automatically comes to mind: help = show off,

"No problem, King! Leave it to me!" The Scale Dragon's eyes lighted up, and his face flew excitedly into the sky, and quickly flew towards the Tyrannosaurus.

Watson shook his head, turned around and flew towards Lagarne.

Because Watson, Explosive Dragon, etc. were forced to leave the crack, only the dragon was left in the sky, and he was still trapped by the newly added three-headed cancerous monster. The number of monsters continues to increase, leading to a sharp increase in the number of enemies on the ground battlefield.

From the number of dragons that were suppressed to less than five heads, they instantly increased to more than thirty heads, including four giant monsters of 100 meters.

The safest one is the army of magical creatures. Not only there are the defensive lines of the Lord Devil Horns and the Black Horned Maid, but also the steel lines of dozens of earth giants.

But any monsters who want to get close will be pierced by the big gun of Lord Ghosthorn, and after Lord Ghosthorn relies on sneak sneak attack, two medium-sized monsters are knocked over the other three monsters. They don't dare to come close at will, even if there are omissions and a large number of attacks, they will be blocked by the giant tribe of the earth.

But as a result, other dragon tribes have become the target, whether it is the side of the terror dragon or the side of Lagarne, they are surrounded by more than ten monsters, and they are in a crisis.

"Aoao roaring !!!"

Lagarne temporarily put down the dragon-cutting, opened his big mouth and sprayed a thick thunder cannon to shoot a worm monster not far away, then waited for the death of the opponent and picked up the dragon-cutting sword Sweep across, smashing a monster attacking behind.

But when he raised the dragon again, several thick tentacles suddenly swept from behind, but Lagarne's subconscious force didn't catch it, and let the tentacles **** the dragon.

"Roar? Ao roar? !!! (How about a knife? What about my knife? !!!)"

Lagarne saw a sudden thunderstorm with both hands empty, turned and found that a giant monster of 100-meter level would **** the dragon, and he roared angrily, and immediately rushed over to take advantage of the weapon ... Ah no, the brother who took advantage Grab it back.

But he was surrounded by strong enemies, and before he jumped from the ground, he was entangled with countless small tentacles. The other five or six monsters launched a charge towards him. The helpless and angry golden lion ripped off the tentacles. , Fighting with the monsters rushing from all directions, and after losing his brother's encouragement, he issued a stronger force than ever.

Seeing this scene, Watson, who was approaching here, quickly changed direction and flew to the side of the dragon to lose his general.

But when Watson rushed to the side of the dragon and the 100-meter monster, the dragon was lying on his body and struggling to pull out his tail.

But Watson saw that this huge monster was still on the ground, and looked at it from the system. The dragon was out of combat, which means that the monster has burped?

Watson frowned, pulled out his sword and cut off all the tentacles that bound the dragon. When the dragon jumped from the monster and found that he was caught and flew over, the tail was inserted into the position, just poke in. The core of this monster was killed.

A hundred-meter-level powerful monster is so unclear that he is dead, and I don't know whether it is too good luck to cut the dragon or he is too bad luck.

"Oh! ... Oh !!!!"

Watson's facial expression was stunned, and then a foul odor came from the side. He excitedly looked at him with breathless breath. It was found that the dragon who had just stood steady and had no two steps from the monster directly opened his mouth and flew out 3,000 feet. A rainbow fell for nine days, and a pair of prostrate works that had been working for thirty days in a row.

"Wang vomit!"

"Okay, I will send you back to the monster space to rest and rest. I will let you out for a while." Watson said that he could not wait for the dragon to refuse and waved it back to the monster space.

What? You said that Dragon Slayer has always been ‘used’, has n’t you blamed yourself?

Was it used effortlessly? ! Do you know how much perseverance it is to ensure that the whole body jumps all the time ~ ~! ! !

Just when Watson just spared his time, an angry dragon sound suddenly came from the sky.

He looked up and found that Maia was also bound like a scaled dragon, but the difference was that Maa was first entangled by a few flying monsters, and then a 100-meter monster fell from the sky and fell just in Off his body.

The power of the 100-meter monster is very small, and the impact of the fall is undoubtedly stronger. This time the flying monster directly below the buttocks is nailed to the bone spur behind the bleating and interrupting the bleating resistance. The Big Meatball 'quickly fell to the ground.


Suddenly, a burst of violent energy exploded from Watson, the golden flame spread suddenly, at the same time a golden thunder ball condensed from his chest, and the surrounding earth suddenly cracked and floated to the air with the golden flame.


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