Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Vol 2 Chapter 1201: hold fast! Change!


When the crowd slowly recovered from the roar resounding in the world, the uncontrollable fear and curiosity in their hearts drove them to look up.

I saw in the center of the explosion of the destruction light, there was a huge sloping, vertical ellipse shaped like a vertical ellipse. The battle field just now was erased by more than two thirds, and all the surroundings or grass and trees were turned into After the ashes, dozens of cancerous monsters facing the sky pit turned into a squishy sticky black thing paralyzed on the ground.

Seeing everything in sight, the magical creatures and the two brothers and sisters of Wanda Pietro couldn't help but stay in place.

Just after fighting for half a day, there were countless casualties of magical creatures. How many were killed? Seven or eight? Even if the dragons were killed together, how much did they kill? Forty or so will be skyrocketing.

now what? A super destructive magic went on, and nearly a hundred were destroyed, double the sum of the kills just now!

Moreover, the number of kills is not the upper limit, just because there are only so many in this range.

If it was not the cancerous planet that ordered the cancerous monster army to be divided into two, half of them rushed to the upper world, and the other half were scattered to attack the lower layers of the strange world. I am afraid this number will more than double.

In other words, as long as it is within this attack range, how many will die! Now this result can only be said to be reluctant to lose.

"Is the nuclear bomb just now?" Wanda opened his mouth slightly, staring at the front in shock, and Pietro was no better than her to take it.

Although the two of them survived the "Bomb Threat", anyone who first met the "Nuclear Bomb" round would be shocked. At this time, in their world view, this would naturally be linked to the nuclear bomb.

But what they thought was too simple, to know that this explosion was a "directed" and "purposeful" magical attack, all its power was hit within the attack range, and the surrounding damage was only a few aftermath. . If you really want to compare the nuclear bomb, I am afraid that only the high temperature and impact power within the nuclear bomb explosion center can be comparable to this level of magic bombing.

As for the surrounding scattered shock waves, electromagnetic radiation, dust and other things that are fatal to humans, they are all useless to monsters in the cancerous universe.

However, such a powerful power really scared everyone ’s heart, especially those magical creatures who were not in the battlefield and were in charge of defense. Alright? "

This sentence seemed as if a stone had fallen into the calm lake, and the magic students around him looked at him with bright eyes, as if agreeing with his words. But the black knight Carl, who also heard this, frowned.

Don't let Karl attack, the next magic creature that is returning from the battlefield and is seizing the time to return to the magic has sneered at them: "Do you think this powerful magic is so easy to use?

The Queen not only exhausted her energy, but also gathered the magic of our entire army to inject this super magic circle to have this powerful magic attack.

Although we are still crowded, we can still gather magic power, but the Queen has fallen into a coma. Will you destroy the magic of light and portray the six-pointed star circle? ! "

"More than that." The black knight Carl glanced at the talking creatures admiringly, and then said to them with amplifying magic: "This magic is from the hand of the queen, and gathers everyone to form!

However, this magic is very expensive, the queen fell into a coma, and now has been sent back to the Queen's castle to restore power. So everyone cheers up!

Don't underestimate the enemy, and don't be afraid!

As long as we stick to the queen's awakening, plus the help of the dragon family, we can definitely hold our home! "

Hearing these words, a group of magical creatures shouted immediately, and the big-talking monster closed its mouth.

Although it was dropped by the number of other tribes, it makes sense. Moreover, everyone is now fighting for their homes. Except for life or death, the cancerous universe does not even leave them the opportunity to defect, so no one will make trouble at this time.

However, Karl did not say the consequences.

As with nuclear bomb explosions, this level of magical explosion will also have sequelae.

Magic energy exists between heaven and earth, and sudden changes will cause magical riots in the area.

This explosion also caused a magical riot. Although the power can be enhanced at that moment, it will be changed by the magic of various departments, the disorder of magic elements, etc., which will make the area change in the next few hundred years. Into a chaotic land.

The magical creatures in the chaotic land will gradually demonize, become irritable, irrational, irrational, greatly increased in strength and extremely long-lived. Outsiders will disturb their magic and eventually explode, so even if the war wins, the piece The area has also become another 'forbidden area' in Wonderland.

Watson in the sky was aware of Carl ’s worry, but he did n’t say much. At this time, all his attention was focused on the sudden energy fluctuation that just appeared behind him.

That powerful wave, although only for a moment, and these people didn't seem to find it, Watson was 100% convinced that there was indeed something extraordinary in that direction.

However, although Watson is not an Indigenous People in the Wonderland, it should be understood a lot. The stranger can send out the kind of fluctuations except Liang Ice. There should not be a second one. There can never be a group of magical creatures there. Let's inject energy.

Could it be that the will of the 'world god' exists? Or is it some kind of reflection in this world that reflects the magical explosion of Destruction Light over there?

As Watson thought, he flew to Karl and asked about it, of course, whispering.

Karl was shocked when he heard it, then turned and looked in the direction of Watson's finger.

"Are you sure there is such a strong volatility?"


"There is a dragon vein volcano. UU reading is said to have been occupied by a group of powerful and 'Yan' elemental elves long before the queen appeared, and there are the most powerful magic tribes in the whole strange world, the fire spirit tribe .

The queen once fought against their lord, but they were driven out of the volcanic area. It is possible that the fluctuations you mentioned were made by them. "

Dragon vein volcano, fire spirit element.

These two words flashed in Watson's mind, and I was a little puzzled. The power just now did not look like a 'fire system' at all.

"Roar Roar !!!"

Suddenly, an angry roar came from below the wonderland, and the advance of cancerous monsters had arrived under the dragon waterfall.

At this time, there were about two thousand people left who hadn't come up, and when they saw that the enemy had arrived, they had to defend on the spot.

"They're here, Crystal Archer! Let go!"

"Water curtain impact!"

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