Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Vol 2 Chapter 1220: Black Dragon's Little 99

Link the corridor.

Miraluz went around in the Dragon Realm after getting addicted and returned to the inside of the link corridor. After all, there was still someone to sit here.

Looking at him like this, he should have fulfilled his wish for many years, as if he went to the health care for a relaxed face.

However, he did not expect that he had just returned to the link corridor, and he saw Black Dragon lying on his original "work station".

"Huh? Ha ha ha ~ Do you want to take over my class?"

"Substitute you? If you are at ease with me, you won't refuse me to help you tens of thousands of years ago."

"Hahaha ~"

The black dragon Miraboreas glanced at the laughter of Zulong. In fact, he was a little sad and a little happy. Know that the dragons here have their own small world to rest. Although it is also boring, it is better than this ghost. The place is much stronger.

At least, not even flying is so happy, of course, the feeling of flying in the Dragon Realm must be different, after all, there is their home.

"How about, there is no problem in it."

"Well, it's normal, but it's not normal." Miraruz turned back and adjusted the light curtain to the edge of the sea, looking at the hidden continent after the scarlet energy barrier, frowning: "According to his temperament, it should not Just let this time pass and make trouble. "

"Well, maybe he is dead. After spending so many years in that place, who knows if there will be a problem. Otherwise, I won't be so anxious to break the barrier."

Miraboreas sneered and sneered at the nose, then looked at Miraluz and said: "And I remember the earliest way I said to solve the dragon crisis and devour the world. You see now, isn't it a success? "

"The words are true, but if there is no Watson, the Dragon Realm will not be liberated and strengthened once. Do you think you can devour other worlds?

Opportunity, timing, people, and indispensability are all the things that we can succeed up to now. "

"Hum boy ... I don't hate anyway.

By the way, this time I wanted to ask you something, and they also have this question. "

"You want to ask the void space outside the link corridor has faded, and you can still feel the breath from that kid universe, right?"

"Yes, this means that the link corridor and the place have changed, and the two have become closer.

Did you know this before? "

"do not know."


The Black Dragon was dumbfounded. This was not like Miraluz, who knew everything and had everything in his hands, and asked inexplicably: "Then you don't care? In case it really borders, even the void path disappears, The link corridor and even the dragon realm can directly connect to the universe, and then we will be completely fused with them, and can no longer be separated to other parties. "

"Maybe it might be a good time.

The link between the corridor and the dragon world has been dissipating between the void for too long. Our initial goal was to find ways and people to restore the dragon world.

Now that people have found it, the Dragon Realm is recovering in an orderly and progressing way. It is now only a few years now that it has been on the long days of the past.

Perhaps, we can settle down.

As for whether there will be conflicts with this universe in the future or anything else ... "

Speaking here, Milaruz looked at the Black Dragon in a meaningful way: "Then it will not follow your wishes at that time."


Suddenly Cue's black dragon seemed to be inexplicably quiet as if it had been broken in his heart. Milaruz's eyes changed sharply and he looked at the black dragon: "You come to me, don't you say this."

"That's it, just ignore it and tell you that I'm going out to breathe."


"No, you can breathe, why can't I."

"Huh, I am going to Dragon Realm, are you going to Dragon Realm."

"No." Heilong let him look a little guilty, but he soon returned to normal, and said indifferently: "Now that we are in contact with the universe, shouldn't we go and see?"

"First, before we can fully integrate into that universe, we can't casually cross the path of the void.

Second, we will be suppressed and attacked by rules in that universe, unless the little one uses items to summon.

Thirdly, since there are powerful gods in other universes, this universe will naturally also have them. Our presence will attract their attention, which will have a great impact on the little guy's actions, and even lead him to be strangled!

The stability and integration I said before are based on the premise that the Dragon Realm has been restored, not now.

Fourth and final point, I don't want to support the opening of the void path for you at all. "

"So the fourth one is the most important."

"it's the same."

When Milaruz finished speaking, he turned and fell down to ignore the sulking black dragon, and Watson just arrived at the link corridor at this time.

Lying trough, the smell of gunpowder that I smelled just now is what happened.

Zulong and Black Dragon? Is this arguing or domestic violence?

"Uh ... or will I be here again?"

"No, we've finished talking." Milaruz finished and signaled Watson to come to the front. UU read and began to tell him some changes about the strange world and the dragon world, as well as what he just got The essence of Zulong ...

As for the Black Dragon, it was completely ignored and he walked toward the depths of the corridor.


Marvel cu subject universe.

At the time of the strange world event, Natasha was also going on a big event.

"Why are you here?"

"What does this have to do with you?"

"what is the relationship?"

Kamora twisted his brow and stepped forward, looking at the nebula in front of him: "You have robbed Ronan of infinite gems from us, did you return?"

"Yes! That's my gem!" Quill shouted with an elemental gun, but Nebula didn't glance at him from beginning to end, making him a bit embarrassed as if he was talking to himself.

"I said, I came to the Dragon Queen to discuss things, not to you scum pirates, sister."

Weak pirate? After hearing this sentence, Yongdu Udota, who was about to watch the big show next to him, couldn't help squinting, which also scolded him.

Nebula stepped forward to face Ka Mora and said without any weakness: "You better not stop me. I have no time to waste unless (whispering) you want to see your father soon."




Ka Mo pulls a stunned, that tall figure, like a nightmare, flooded into her brain at once, a coldness invaded the whole body from head to toe.

"Now, let go."

Nebula had just finished speaking, a violent wind came down from the sky, and then a behemoth fell. Nebula looked up and looked at the vertical pupil of Rioreus, and subconsciously took two steps backwards.

"Are you Nebula? I heard them say you will find me again." ()

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