Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Vol 2 Chapter 1228: The opening of the Star Wars!


As a blast of fire flickered in space, the war to invade the Sundar star officially started.

Under the three rounds of giant missiles from the Kerry Empire, the medium-sized ship shield of the Nova Corps directly hit the absorption limit and shattered. The huge explosion swept the surrounding space in an instant, and even destroyed more than sixty star warships. A piece of space junk.

A huge spiral warship exited from the huge space passage, but the scene that was supposed to be very domineering was a bit ugly.

After two wars, tens of thousands of undead warships had only less than two thousand left at this time. This is the result of the overlord helping him to carry out the overhaul of all warships. Half of the pilots are Chitarui was a soldier.

Moreover, Dark Star ’s own battleship hull is also a bit incomplete. Although it was repaired and repaired by the Hegemon Corps, there is still a very obvious trace of damage on the left side, which is the damage caused by Rio Reus.

At first glance it looks a bit like a very large refugee fort under attack.

It can be said that the Luonan Army, the accuser who made the whole galaxy frightened by the moment, has been reduced from that top fleet to a secondary fleet. If it is not a group of Zittari fleets flying behind him, it is estimated that there is no card at all. No.

But even this is enough to allow the people of the Nova Army to fight with twelve points of spirit.

{Here is the space station tower for the whole army communication, the enemy appeared in the near-Earth star field H-R-3, confirmed as the accused Luo Nan's Necrotic Corps and the tyrannical Qitarui Corps joint fleet. }

{Here is the space station tower for all-army communication. Enemies appear in the H-R-3 near-Earth star field, and the outer star-area frigates immediately approached the H-R-3 near-Earth star field, preventing them from entering the Shandal star air space! }

Inside the headquarters, Natasha, who was planning to return to her room to rest, was suddenly informed that Luo Nan led the army to invade and quickly went to the central combat command desk with Nebula in the next room.

Where is Nova Supreme and a general think tank already in place, they are surrounded by a three-dimensional three-dimensional light and shadow hologram too, from here you can clearly see every move outside the atmosphere, which is on the other side of the planet, the dark star The huge flagship, behind him, there are two large Zittari warships and countless small spaceships. Together with the more than 1,000 necrotic warships inside the Dark Star, the momentum is not weak.

At this point, the cruise star warships near the H-R-3 star field have gathered, but without the formation of the fleet, the scattered team formation can not cause any obstruction to the fleet of this size.

Just two minutes later, the Dark Star ship has already arrived in the atmosphere and is rapidly breaking in!

"Zitari War Auxiliary Legion, this should be the last one ..."

Nebula ’s words attracted everyone ’s attention, but she did n’t pay attention to these people ’s intentions, but turned to look at Natasha and said: “This may just be the first force. My father gave the last auxiliary fleet to Ronan, and He certainly has a separate attack himself. "

Nebula said, turning his head to look at Nova Supreme: "I think you better not put your power on Ronan, otherwise if I Thanos is attacking, you will have no resistance at all!"

As soon as this remark came out, the officers of the Nova Corps were suddenly in an uproar. Although they knew the power of the Domineering Corps, it was too much to say that there was no resistance, especially because the woman did not like them at all, and even could be said to be disgusted. , Only to ignore her in the face of the Dragon Princess.

"Fine gentlemen." Nova Supreme and Nebula looked at each other and then turned around to look at the crowd, solemnly said: "In any case, we must guard against Thanos' attack.

Ships ordered to move closer to the H-R-3 constellation tentatively approached the Ronan Fleet, and quickly assembled troops over the sky to form a formation to intercept. "

Hearing this, someone in the think tank immediately said: "Supreme, if this is the case, Ronan will enter the atmosphere without hindrance and directly come to the airspace and threaten our city."

"Then we can't let them die in vain! The strength of several people is simply not enough to hinder this fleet."

"Leave it to us. Rio Reus will temporarily block the fleet."

Natasha stepped forward and nodded to the Nova Supreme. The fleet needs some time to gather strength, but the dragon family alone is enough to cause a huge obstacle to the fleet. This is their strength.

Everyone is smart, and some words don't need to be understood at all.

"Okay, immediately after the assembly of the fleet, take the dragon as the center and fight Ronan around! This time, this crazy Cree must not be let go!"


As the order was issued, the new star warships that were advancing toward the H-P-3 space immediately stopped, turned their heads and flew into the atmosphere to form a defensive formation with the large warships that had already begun to gather.

Without the last hint of obstruction, the Ronan Hybrid Fleet took the Dark Star as its flagship and never stopped for another second. It rushed into the atmosphere without hindrance. The atmosphere and the full-strength Dark Star produced intense friction. The entire spacecraft It seemed to be charging forward against a flame barrier, and the small battleships around were away from the dark star for a second and caused accidental injuries.

However, in a few seconds, they could already see the endless high-altitude clouds, breaking through these clouds and facing the land of Sundar Star!

And someone on the ground can already see the scene in the sky as if the comet is falling.

But it's not that easy.

The Dark Star / Zitari large ship also detected a huge object approaching at high speed.

Rio Reus will let them experience fear again!

"Aoao Aoao ------ !!!"

"Dragon Race! It's the Dragon Race! All spaceships shoot at the direction of the three points of the lower chord!"

With the order of the prepared fleet, in an instant, thousands of lasers and missiles were fired into the clouds at the same time ~ ~ But in the next second, a behemoth suddenly broke through the clouds directly under the fleet From the beginning, the lingering flames made him hang like a blazing sun!


Flames, all over the sky are flames, and when Leo Reus flew into the center of the fleet, he directly detonated all the flames stored in his power storage, and a flaming curtain suddenly spread!

In order to deal with the fire dragon, the Overlord Corps has specially made anti-high temperature treatment for them, but even this violent explosion still destroyed dozens of small spaceships, and it is still in the center of the fleet!

At the same time, a golden light curtain composed of tens of thousands of small star warships broke through the clouds. It was they who used the barrier formation to block the thousands of laser missiles, otherwise the cities below would suffer.

"The dragon has rushed into the center of the fleet and the barrier formation is disbanded!"

"Enclose them on both sides with a medium-sized ship as the core! Don't let anyone get close to the city!"

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