Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Vol 2 Chapter 1232: Blood-washed Dal Star!

At this time, the Sundar star sky is blue and red. The purple and green lasers are flying all over the sky, just like the New Year, but Roman Day's mentality is about to collapse.

Not enough troops! Manpower shortage!

The number of sky squads that are doomed is too much!

The star warships that are struggling to intercept the landing of the trihedral ship are almost all forced into battle. If you ignore it, the hegemony ship will definitely kill you before you destroy the trihedron ship.

But these troop carriers were about to land on the ground, and then the first hero appeared, but not Leo Reala.

More than a dozen star warships suddenly fled the battle with all their strength and flew beneath a trihedral ship. Then the six new spaceships were arranged close to each other in parallel, and a golden light flashed between the wings to connect them, forming a golden shield in the middle. shield.


More than a dozen red light beams were shot out at the same time, knocking off the armor of the trihedral armor layer by layer. The next second, the two suddenly collided.


The violent explosion flames once again dotted the sky with a firework. The rest of the new star warships followed this scene and followed suit. Roman Dai did not even give any order, and they automatically teamed up and went to the triangular warship to carry out self-explosive interception.

When Roman Day and the people in the headquarters below saw this scene, an inexplicable sorrow filled the atrium, but then it was unparalleled pride!

Natasha, who witnessed everything, sighed for them, and the nebula, who had always looked down on them, also completely changed.

However, this suicide interception can be over.


The loud Long Yin resounded through the sky, covered with a hot flame especially in the head, and she directly entered the strongest state of robbery and inflammation.

"Here is the headquarters, all the warships of the Nova Corps are listening, and they are fully committed to the main sky corps of the tyrants, and the dragon will solve these troop transport ships!"

"Pin the enemies to live here, don't let them hinder the dragon from destroying the troop carrier!"

With the orders from the headquarters of Nova Sovereign and Roman Day, the Nova Warships who were planning to connect to commit suicide immediately spread out on both sides, and fully engaged in the chaotic battle of the sky.

At the same time, the flaming Rio Reala is like a huge fireball, directly colliding with a huge triangular body, the sharp dragon claw will penetrate the instant, and throw it with the help of the brute force of the charge.

Triangle problem troop transporter flew out like a big shot and collided with another troop transporter.

Before they were separated, a blazing fireball with countless flames on the surface had arrived.

"Boom --------"

A huge ball of fire hangs high in the sky, and two troop carriers carry more than 4,000 vanguards to destroy them!

However, Rio Realia had long been the target of the Domineering Legion, so she got a `` warm welcome '' as soon as she played.

Half of the battleships that bypassed the Nova Corps in the sky to attack the ground turned around. At the same time, the donuts and large ships on the side of the main sky group that destroyed the tyrant also turned around. They both surrounded Leo Leiya and passed from the sky. Natasha, who had just seen this scene, felt a little bit worried.

From the beginning, the "Thanos" took control of the entire battle situation, and unexpectedly time and time again, the strength of the headquarters was almost exhausted. The fleet on the side of Ronan had been tuned back by the Nova Supreme and part of the battle with the frontal forces, Rising star fighters without boarding on the ground also deployed defense forces around the headquarters.

All this seems to be a military-designated plan for Shandar Star, but when the military division of the other party changed immediately after Rio Realia left the factory, Natasha immediately determined that this was not only for Shandar Star, but also for the Dragon Clan. Strategic plan!

"Be careful!"

"Swoosh--Boom ~"

A massive laser flew to the edge of the Nova headquarters. The powerful laser artillery exploded the five or six Nova soldiers defending here, followed by a huge current that wrapped the explosion point and stopped the scattered debris.

After solving this, as soon as Natasha and others looked up, more than twenty triangles fell to the ground in front of them.

The Triangle body ship on the side of General Deathblade was intercepted by Riorea, but the troop carrier ship of the main army in front of the tyrant was safely landed.

"Boom ~ Boom ~ Boom !!!"

Each triangular body hits the ground like a giant heavy hammer. Several buildings are directly flattened by a buttock. The shock wave generated by the impact destroys the surrounding low-rise buildings.

It is better to fall on the edge. The ground nova army has evacuated most of the civilians, but the city near the headquarters has not been completely evacuated. Just a triangular warship fell, and people who are hundreds of meters away are like Fly out like a broken cardboard box.

These troop carriers are also attack weapons!

In just one minute, the death toll of Sandal Star directly exceeded the total number of soldiers sacrificed by the Nova Army so far!

At the next moment, a brilliant blue light passed down from the second church.

The heavily armed black dwarf star appeared in front of numerous warships carrying its sledgehammer, and the night star and the general of the dead blade also descended from the sky.

With the leader in place, the triangular body warships opened the doors one by one, and a triangular body could carry more than two thousand vanguards.

The original timeline attack on Wakanda was only five, about 10,000 avant-garde, then it can already be called a mountain.

And now more than two dozen triangular bodies have opened, which means that at least 40,000 Vanguard Guards have landed on the ground!

"Offense! Blood wash them!"

"Roar Roar !!!"

I saw that General Deathblade raised his spear and faced the Nova Headquarters in one fell swoop. He had four arms, and the vanguard in Phnom Penh was surging out like a giant wave of the embankment.

By the way, the beautiful city was occupied by this group of monsters, and countless roars spread throughout the entire Shandal Star!

"What about shields? Don't cities have shields?"

Watching people dying in desperation ~ ~ Natasha's words blurted out as the monster wave engulfed the ground guard of the Nova Army.

Such a developed civilization, even single warships can be connected to form a powerful shield, which is impossible for other advanced civilizations. They usually only set up shields for large warships. The Nova Army has absolutely strong attainments in this regard. That's right, how come there is no city shield?

And there is the issue of anti-aircraft guns that she had thought of before, is it to restore a perfect city? Too confident in your own strength?

This ... Is this too ridiculous?

"I know I can't hope for this group of people, and I'm ready to run away, just when we don't have this deal."

A ruthless look emerged on Nebula's face, and he turned and walked out.

But she just turned the corner, and suddenly she was hit by a force and flew out.

Someone entered the headquarters!

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