Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 135: Minor God-Thor (1)

Nine Worlds-Asgard Rainbow Bridge.

Just after Heimdall toured Yodenheim again, he once again routinely toured the atrium—Midgard in accordance with Odin ’s will.

And Heimdall found the battlefield of Harlem in New York the first time!

Saw this war ruin in the city, Heimdall froze for a moment, and then a pair of starry sky stared straight away, just to see a yellow giant was rushed across the street by something. However, although Heimdall could see the ruined block, he could also see the roaring little yellow giant. But I can't see the huge body of Xiao Bao ...

"Although there is some suspicion of covering ears and stealing bells, it is really a clever technique of concealment. If it is not a large-scale terrain destruction, even if I use all my strength, I will not be able to observe the trace of the dragon. This is the first time I have seen such a thing. "After talking, Heimdall withdrew the divine light in his eyes and passed the idea to the **** king-Odin at the Golden Palace of Asgard.

"Your Majesty, you find the trace of the dragon in the atrium. It is fighting an unknown creature in a city, but as far as I have seen and heard, the law enforcement officers in the atrium seem to be assisting the dragon against that creature, so they It seems to be cooperating, and the creature exudes evil thoughts. "

Odin, who was sitting on the throne of the Golden Palace, heard Heimdall's words slightly stunned: "Cooperate? A dragon cooperating with humans? Um ... continue to observe, I will talk to that dragon in a while Talk about why you stay in the atrium. "

"Your Majesty."

The first Rocky found below his father, Odin, seemed to be distracted for a moment. And Thor was still talking carelessly, not at all.

And Odin also stood up at this time, letting the sons leave the Golden Palace on the ground of going to rest.

Odin suddenly sighed as he watched the two leave: "There can only be one king of Asgard, and both of you are born kings. Rocky ..."

Odin shook his head and turned to walk indoors.

After Thor and Loki walked out of the palace, Loki stopped Thor who wanted to fly away with a hammer: "Hey Thor, don't you think your father is a little wrong?"

"Something wrong?" Thor stopped and looked at Loki, tilting his head and thinking for a while, then said with a smile: "No, why?"

"Father's expression just now seems to have something to worry him about again. I wouldn't misread it. He rarely shows that expression."

Thor listened to Loki's words but smiled better: "You should think too much, there will be things that will cause my father to worry?" Just as Thor said, he was taken aback for a moment, and he took two steps forward as if Suddenly remembering something, I turned around and said, "Wait ..." I suddenly remembered that my father seemed to mention something. It was the last time when I went to report the results, what my father seemed to say ... Oh yes, dragon? It seems to have said this. "

"Dragon? What kind of dragon? The dragon in the biography?" Loki frowned as he heard it.

"I don't know, I hurried to go to Hogan and they drank. The last bet was that he lost and he ..." Thor said he wanted to start his bragging journey ...

"Ok ·· Can we return to the original question? My dear brother?"

Thor shrugged and said indifferently: "I only know this, hey. Speaking of dragons, the dragons I heard are all evil dragons that are doing damage around, then ... how about we go to slaughter dragons ? "

"······" Loki couldn't help but twitch when he heard Thor's words.

Tor said, a pair of blue eyes became brighter and brighter, and the desire of ‘Tulong’ became stronger and stronger, and then grabbed Loki ’s hand and quickly flicked his hammer.

"Wait? Where are we going? Ah ah ..."


Three warriors meeting place.

Loki pinched his blown hair and said to Thor one by one, "Absolutely, never let me fly with me like this!"

"Okay, brother."

Thor ’s gorgeous disregard for Loki ’s words left him with a ‘sexy’ back and walked in front of Hogan.

"Tor, you are late, you have to fine 1 cup ~"

"No, fine him 3 cups! Hahaha ~"

Tor took the glass with a smile, raised his voice and said loudly: "Who is afraid of who? It's useless for you to come together, but before that, guys, I have a big plan!"

"Big plan?" Hogan and Vostag looked at each other and put down the wine glass in their hands, while Vandal also put down the dagger wiped in his hand, and even the side Shiv was attracted by Thor's words.

"what's the plan?"

Tor looked at his crowd and showed a mysterious smile, leaning in and said, "Dragon."

"······· Dragon?" Everyone looked at each other suddenly.

Hogan said with some uncertainty: "Are you talking about the pet of Mosbelheim's flame giant?"

"No, it's not that kind of garbage, but a real dragon. Let's go to the dragon to kill. How about? Dragon Warrior, hahaha, this is the supreme glory that only legend has!"

When Vostag listened to Thor shouting for glory ~ ~ The blood in my heart seemed to have been mobilized: "Ha! I haven't seen a real dragon, if I could become a dragon warrior Of course it couldn't be better! "

At this time, even Hogan and Fandral raised interest, only Schiff showed doubts.

At this time, Loki, who was ignored by Thor, pursed his lips and walked over to look at Thor and said: "Dragon Warrior?"

"Yes! Rest assured, my brother, I will let you choose a place to commemorate your bravery first, how?"

Loki suddenly laughed: "Eh ... Thank you, but ... Do you know where there is a dragon?"



"do not know····"

Hive rolled his eyes and showed an expression that I knew, and the three warriors snorted immediately when he heard Thor's words.

"Please guys, are you bragging?"

"I thought I could really be a Dragon Warrior ..."

Tor watched the crowd and said loudly, "I promise it is true! I heard my father say it."

And Rocky on the other side undressed him mercilessly: "You said you didn't know clearly before."

"Now I know very well." Thor looked at them with a slight silence, and then immediately raised Miu Nier said: "I will now ask where is the father dragon."

"Wait!" Huh ~ Loki looked at Thor, who flew away, rolled his eyes helplessly, and Schiff stepped forward and shrugged to Loki: "You know he has always been like this."

"Yes, he has always been like this. Well, I need to see him. I'm afraid he will hit my father again, see you later." "Rocky" said that it turned into a phantom and disappeared in place.

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