Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 155: Nick Fury was "looked out"

However, Watson shrugged somewhat indifferently. When this realist found out that there were so many worms inside the SHIELD Bureau that he could rename the SHIELD Bureau to the Hydra Bureau, he would naturally seek his own help. One day, it was forced to open up. The Cree who was surprised by the lady alone was not enough ~

Moreover, Nick Fury practiced something thicker than Hulk.

"Now let ’s talk about you, who are you?"

Watson looked at Nick Fury and shook his head: "Secretary Nick, you are different from other people. If you say that another agent is pulled out, they may not believe that there is a stronger civilization outside the earth. , But clearly. As for who I am? What do you call the Fire Knight, Thunder Knight, and Dragon Knight ~ "

Nick narrowed his only one-eyed eye as if he could see Watson through.

"So, you mean you don't belong to Earth anymore? What is your purpose for coming to Earth from an alien."

Watson looked at his eyes and rolled his eyes: "You close your eyes first, because you are really far from another one-eyed person, there is really no deterrent at all ~ As for me, although I ’m a little bit special than others, but I ’m a thorough earth man. Otherwise, I wo n’t help those innocent and weak people. ”

Nick Fury patted the saddle under the **** and continued to ask: "Then ..."

"Dragons, they are the real dragons, only some belong to subspecies such as Xiaohua, and some are pure breeds such as Jiaoye and Xiaobao. No one stipulates that the dragons must be unified? And you can rest assured that they I ’m not interested in this small place on the planet, and I ’m not interested in the planet. If it ’s not you who have to wake me up, I might still be lying in bed and sleep with me! "

While talking, Watson took out a coin from his pocket and flicked it at the flying goose.

biu ~


Nick watched the wild goose, which was falling with black smoke, silent, as if guessing that his words were somewhat authentic.

But Watson ignored the silent Nick Fury and continued: "Actually, I believe that you are human, and that your starting point is for humans. But sometimes, what you see with your eyes will limit your vision. Director Nick, some threats are invisible to you, and these threats are also addressed and dealt with. "

Nick Fury frowned and looked at Watson and said: "The threat I can't see? I think you don't know ..."

"I don't know what? I don't know if your eyes are all over the world? I don't know the story of your grandfather who has been an elevator for 40 years? Or ... I don't know if you are hiding a super-powerful surprised lady?

"You ?!" Nick Fury heard Watson say his 40-year-old grandpa elevator patted his chest instantly, and buckled an ultra-miniature silver piece from his ear.


Coulson, who was recording in the safe house below, heard that the soul of the huge murmur suddenly heard from the headset was about to fly, and he quickly picked it off.

Seeing this scene, Clinton quickly asked, "What happened?"

Coulson walked to the side and shook his head: "I don't know ... It seems that Director Nick has actively turned off the device. It should be fine to see the satellite image. Where is Natasha?"

"I took the spot and walked away. Although I don't think it's a big deal, but you know she doesn't like this, don't embarrass her."

"Of course, to be honest, I don't like ..."


Nick Fury's eyes widened instantly and stood up to walk to Watson's side, but he forgot that he was at a height of 1500 meters. The flower just moved slightly, which made Nick Fury suddenly unbalanced and scared. He had to sit back quickly, although he guessed that based on Watson's current performance, he should be able to catch him, but what if?

Nick Fury never gambles with a win rate below 100%.

But for this reason, he would not think that some people unreasonably raised the upper limit of the winning percentage to 110%.

"Don't be excited, what if you really do something wrong, I don't want to embarrass Natasha. And you see a big earwax in your ear when you feel excited."

Nick Fury heard Watson's words and all the dead fish eyes were stimulated and recovered a little.

After struggling to restrain his emotions, he began to look at the man in front of him. How did he know his biggest secret? !

Ms. Marvel and the Cree, but only Nick Fury knows it himself. Natasha, Coleson, Clinton, Hill and other senior agents are not aware of it! Don't know at all!

Nick stared at Watson and said solemnly, "How do you know this, and the last one is even Natasha ..."

"Natasha? She doesn't know, and what I know has nothing to do with her."

Watson looked at the blue sky around him and sighed, "How is Natasha at work recently?"

"She has always been the best agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., including now, although some changes have been made in the way she performs her mission, she is still the best. Moreover, I was not sent to explore your details regrettable."

Watson smiled and said: "Of course you don't regret it, you are just happy and broken, aren't you? In a sense, Natasha succeeded. And you get much more than you expect. But I need to remind you that I do n’t want to embarrass Natasha ~ ~ but this will never be your bargaining chip. "

"I'm not stupid, but can you tell me how do you know these things?"

"They told me myself ~" Watson said, pointing at the little flower under Nick's ass.

A few invisible black lines appeared on the head of Nick Fury: "Are you trying to tell me that everything that happened on Earth is under the surveillance of these monsters ?!"

"No, no, there is no need for surveillance. As some powerful races and creatures, is it not a basic operation to understand everything? Besides, it's not a big deal ~ Isn't there any Cree people? It ’s no surprise that the Cree Empire is still famous in the universe. "

"Okay, how about we make a deal?"

Watson raised an eyebrow and looked at Nick Fury, saying: "Trade? What trade?"

"I can help you get everything you have on earth, and I will also help you to receive the notice from the board of directors. No one will trouble you."


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