After Heimdall saw these eyes, he also had cares in his heart, which should be regarded as a small warning. After all, every king is unwilling to be stared at by others, as heirs of the proud dragon naturally.

Thinking that here Heimdall had recovered the divine light that patrolled everywhere, waiting for the figure of Schiff to appear automatically, it should be fine.

But Shiv at this time is not as easy as Heimdall imagined!

At this time, Shiv felt that he was wrapped up by a sudden burst of power, and the will of the tough soldier was constantly being impacted!

At this moment, Schiff immediately overturned the previous speculation that Thor and Loki could not do this without this ability!

Natasha, who was protected by the system, looked at Watson's lips and smiled vaguely. It was the first time that Watson also had such an official side.

Just when Shiv resisted not letting herself back, that feeling suddenly disappeared.

"There should be no doubt about my identity now?"

Watson said as he put away the Dragon Wing and landed on the ground again, his eyes returned to their original appearance.

Seeing Watson in front of him again, Xifu lowered his head slightly with his fist clasped on his chest: "I'm very sorry, Your Highness ..."

"No need to apologize, it doesn't mean to blame you. You came to invite me to participate in the coronation of Thor-Thor?"

"Your Highness."

Watson nodded and suddenly thought of what turned around and said to Natasha: "If I'm going to the ceremony, do I need to express my congratulations?"

After hearing this, Shiv seemed hesitant ... His Majesty the King did not mention this matter, but he didn't know what to say.

Natasha saw Watson suddenly asked herself and thought for a moment, then said, "It stands to reason."

"That's good ~" Watson turned around and said to Shiv: "You tell King Odin, I will go to the coronation ceremony on behalf of the dragon family. You came to the atrium from Asgard to use the Rainbow Bridge to send an envoy to the dragon family. Courage Kejia. I think you should be an excellent warrior, do you have the reward you want? "

After listening, Schiff shook his head seriously and said, "Thank you for your compliment. Every Asgardian will be honored by completing the task given by His Majesty. I just did what I should do, and no award is needed."

Watson nodded, then waved his hand at the sky. While Shiv was still wondering what was going on, he suddenly discovered that the dragon that had originally disappeared in midair disappeared without a trace? !

Questions and shocks rose in Schiff's heart, so the behemoth disappeared instantly? And it is not gradually invisible, but more like a mature space technology?

"Isn't that ... space technology?" Schiff couldn't help asking.

"Yes, it's indeed space technology, but it's not very skilled yet."

It's really space technology. This space technology can't even be seen in Asgard! No sound, no sign! If you use this technology to transport the army ... it is really terrible, and you will never lose to Rainbow Bridge in strategic role!

"Your majesty is too humble, it is already very powerful to be able to use space technology in this way, at least I have not seen such a technology."

Watson listened to the goddess Sif in front of her, and it was still very useful. The warrior who was straightforward would not be stingy with her admiration.

But ... what commercials blow each other, how could Watson, who has been soaked in the Internet for many years, not know this truth.

"To be honest, at least I know that Rainbow Bridge is also a great technology."

Schiff smiled happily after hearing this. The heir of the dragon family is much better than expected, at least in terms of politeness ... it is much stronger than Thor?

Thinking of this, Shiv nodded to Watson and said, "Now that you have agreed, then I will go back and convey your wishes to His Majesty the King, and I will come to lead you to Asgard before the ceremony tomorrow. "

"of course can."

When he heard Watson's words, Schiff walked to Natasha, took her weapon from her hands, and then buckled her chest to Watson, walked to the rainbow bridge pattern at the center of the intersection, and raised her hands up ... ·

"Heimdall, take me back."


Shiv's Liu Mei raised her eyes. What the **** is Heimdall doing? !

Natasha leaned over to Watson and whispered, "Is she going back with her hands raised ...?"

"Hmm ... I haven't heard of this custom at Rainbow Bridge."

Watson and Natasha glanced at each other, suppressing their smiles and waved to the sky again.

At the same time, Shiv's voice rang from the starting device of Rainbow Bridge.

"It's Shiv, it's her voice!"

"Yes, Heimdall will see how she is doing?"

"Hope her all the best."

Heimdall did not pay attention to the three warriors next to him. When Shiv's voice was just remembered, a pair of **** eyes had already looked at the earth, but he found that he could not only see Xifu, but also the heir of the dragon. I can see it!

Just when Heimdall wanted to pick Shiv back, he heard the next conversation ...

"I know there is someone in Asgard who can see me ~ ~ or see you, he seems to be Heimdall? But I don't like this feeling very much, so I shielded you from his eyes before The perception. Or else I always have a feeling of being peeped ... Will this person often peep at you? Especially if you are still a woman ... "

And Natasha on the side was shocked to hear Watson's words! What kind of Asgard clan has such a person? Was n’t your own dark past and the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D ....

Watson seemed to feel the subtle changes behind Natasha and turned her head to give her a calm look.

After listening to Watson's words, Schiff smiled a little embarrassedly: "No, Heimdall is a qualified guardian, possesses a noble personality, and is also a powerful warrior of Asgard. Is it not? Will do such a thing ... "

Watson pouted, and Heimdall could see people from all over the universe, and every day he was standing guard to prevent him from doing nothing that day and using his own ability to do some shameful things.

But after all, his ability is really easy to use ... Fortunately, we have protection measures ~

In contrast, when passing through the past, what kind of pinhole cameras were there, and what kind of hotel chandelier videos and the like were simply weak, okay? !

Whoever you want to see, whoever you want to see, what time you want to see, I ’m still a bit envious of telling the truth ...

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