Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 169: Outfit PY

[Big fierce dragon set, this set does not have a single piece of general passive, the special abilities of its set combination skills are: 1. Fast eating: all food items will be quickly digested (10% additional effect), 2. Intimidation: there is a chance Creatures with too much strength below themselves will have a threatening effect (no courage to attack you). 3. Instruct followers: increase the attack and defense level of all followers by 20%. 4. Unyielding: After each death (cat car), the rebirth offensive and defensive level is 50%, the upper limit of this skill is unknown. 5. Squat movement speed UP: The movement speed after squat is the same as standing. 】

‘······ What kind of abilities, what ghosts are you eating? Do I wear this before eating and then eat meat, and then change to other PK? It ’s impossible for me to do this kind of thing. This seems to be too stupid ... Intimidation is a bit of a function, but it is too vague to be lower than its own strength, but it ’s not very useful for followers. Blowjob doesn't need to add BUFF, you will be too much if you don't give in. No one but me can use it. You let him die once. As for the last one, the movement speed of crouching is the same as standing? If I do a duck step game, I can definitely be the first. ’

Watson sighed slightly and summoned his pressure box bottom equipment to wear on his body, a complete set of horned dragon suit, as for that big sword, not a fierce dragon suit, Ignore it first. Too.

As the white light flashed over, an earthy horned dragon covered the entire body of Watson. There were two long slender angles on both sides of the helmet, and two large enlarged curves on the shoulders of the body armor. Horns, these two pairs of angles rushed upright, adding a bit of fierceness to this already powerful armor, as well as the yellow scales on the chest and the bone armor made of fusion of special materials skirt.

All parts except the face, the center of the abdomen, and the roots of the thighs are made of ferrous metal. All other parts are forged from the material of the horned dragon.

The horned dragon set is different from the handsome and slender body of the flamboyant set. This horned dragon set is very burly when it is passed up. The whole person looks bigger, and Watson feels like he was before. Obadea sits like an iron overlord ...

But besides these, it's good. After all, we are pragmatists, and Natasha has been attracted by Watson's powerful horned dragon suit.

Natasha came to Watson and stretched out her hand, gently stroking the hard scales on Watson's chest, and then touched the thick angle on her shoulder and turned her head to ask: "I think this must be made of Kakuya's material. ?"

"Yes, this is the second battle armor except the fire dragon suit, the horned dragon suit. But there is no suit baby that you can wear, so please hold the gloves first."

"No problem, but I like this more than the fire dragon suit you have been wearing ~"

Watson raised her eyebrows after listening and put Natasha into her arms. She looked at her through the two holes in the helmet and said, "Then I still have time before I take it back next time ~"

······· Split line with equipment flying around ······

The moonlight in the sky somehow slowly began to dissipate, but the sunlight that should have risen slowly was covered by a thick layer of mist.

The relatively deserted streets are exceptionally quiet except for occasional passers-by and passing vehicles.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew through the air, gently blowing up the curtains on the balcony on the second floor, and a mist of mist drifted in from the window.


Natasha, who was lying on Watson, seemed to be stabbed into the quilt as if stabbed by the sudden cold air, but the mist seemed to be unsatisfied and drifted to Natasha's little nose. She felt an uncomfortable wrinkled nose because of the inhalation of cold air.

Boom ~ Boom ~

It sounded like the noise from a large vehicle made Natasha frown. It took less than a few seconds before the sound seemed to stop? Stopped at the door?

Boom ~ Between these two seconds, a small and loud noise suddenly came in from the window, which made Natasha, who had no sleep, suddenly opened her eyes and saw that she was still asleep on the side. Watson getting up.

"Who will it be at this time? What are you doing?"

Natasha listened quietly as if she heard some voices, she quickly picked up Watson ’s underwear and put it on her body, and then picked up the flying thunder dragon gloves she threw away last night. He slowly walked to the balcony and looked out.

Just as she controlled herself to slowly move out to look out, a familiar voice came into her ears, and the originally vigilant Natasha relieved most of her vigilance.

"Our action requires three points, fast action, quieter ..."

A group of agents listened attentively and found that there was no more ...

"Sir, what is the third point?"

Coulson glanced at him and said, "The third point is to act immediately and stop standing there!"

"Yes, sir."

Coulson watched a group of men start to work and grunted: "I can't see the third point before I think about it? Really ..."

"Colson ~ Your movements are too slow, I thought you would be packed last night."

When Coulson heard the voice, he turned and looked up at Natasha, who was lying on the balcony railing, and said, “Last night? It ’s just 5:05 now ~ ~ It ’s not the night before you said To 5 hours. "

After listening, Natasha smiled and turned to look at the busy agents. They were using a cutting device to cut the road with the rainbow bridge runes. A circle soon came out.

"Do you want to move this road back?"

Coulson nodded: "Yes ~ Director Nick said this is a rare opportunity to study their technology."

Natasha pointed to the already cut pavement on the back truck: "Where did you get this from?"

"Harlem, thanks to your boyfriend, we can use these materials at will."

Natasha suddenly laughed at Coleson's words.

"Colson ~ Do you know this feeling?"

Natasha said she was sitting on the wicker chair on the balcony, picked up a bottle of wine from the small table in front of her, and poured herself a glass in her hand.

Coulson looked up at Natasha's posture and smiled: "No, I have a bad hunch. For God's sake, please don't say it."

"Get up in the morning and hold a wine glass ~ It feels good to watch you work ~"

"Oh ... My God."

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