Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 173: piece of cake

After listening to the system, Watson shook the water in his hand and then looked at it with his eyes fixed.

If you look at it from the outside, it is nothing more than ordinary, unremarkable stone, but at this moment they emit an incomparable light. This deep blue light seems to have a special magic power that generally attracts attention.

"System, how are these things graded?" Watson asked while looking at the abyss sea stone.

[Such materials are divided into low-level, intermediate, high-level and top-level. The abyss sea stone is the top energy crystal. The previous earth amber was a low-level energy crystal. 】

Watson nodded silently, this rating is white enough.

"I thought the return ball was the most valuable. I didn't expect to get two of these things. System, can you use these two things to make a pair of rings for me?"

[Yes, but two pieces of equipment are required for fusion. Does the host choose to forge now? 】

"Even now, you have said that the best equipment with water attributes is why do I have to die, what if the combination of other attributes blows me up. I ca n’t guarantee such a good material every time. Can be drawn ... "

After talking, Watson handed over two abyss sea stones to the two drunkards who had been watching for a long time.

"Don't play bad for me."

"Meow ~"

Didi ~ Didi ~

"Hello? That one?"

"····· It's me, Coulson, I thought you were picked up by that Asgard guy, it doesn't seem to be."

"Hahaha, there is no way for Earth's signals to spread all over the universe ~"

"I think so too, so Watson, are you doing something again or are you testing your ability? Could you please tell me in advance next time, man, I only slept for 3 hours."

Listening to Coleson's words, Watson lowered his head and looked at the abyss sea stone thrown by two meows to understand what was going on.

"Sorry, it's just a small problem ~ Okay, I'll hang up, I will take care of your Coulson next time."

Watson hung up on the phone and squatted down, grabbed the tossed abyss sea stone from the air and withdrew his backpack, watching the two meowing faces who were drinking and playing all day without fighting.

"Can the two of you have something serious every day? How can you go to the cosmic waves when you two are fat! Since you are so busy, you will go to the ceremony with me later, and you can't embarrass me."

After standing, the two cats raised their paws to their heads and saluted them.

"Meow ~!"

"Where did you learn?"

"Meow ~"

"Two cats poisoned by the tea drama ..."


New York Division of SHIELD.

"That's how he told me last time ..."

Although the director said that S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't around Watson alone, how does it feel like this is the case now ...

Coulson watched the hung up phone and shook his head before heading back to the weapons department.


"Are you ready?"

"Meow?" Halogen egg stretched his finger and pointed to the opposite Aunt Liya's house in doubt.

"Don't worry, I left them a voice message and they will know when they get up."

Watson squatted down and looked at the two meows seriously and said, "Today we may face a tough battle, so you two must protect yourself and hear?"

"Meow!" × 2

"Come on, let's go to an empty place. Now that there are too many people, it's easy to be onlookers."

Watson said and stood on the railing of the balcony. After seeing the two meows grasping themselves, they showed a confident smile, and then opened their hands and spread their wings!

Huh ~! Slap ~!

Creak ~ creep ~ creep ~

The spotlight in the wall on the side of the eaves was swept down by the bone spurs on the edge of the wing, and only one wire was barely supporting it swaying back and forth ...


The two meows lifted their little heads and looked at Watson in surprise.

"Small problems, small problems ..."



The light shining on Asgard broke through the fringe clouds and enveloped the entire Asgard.

Heimdall, standing at the end of the Rainbow Bridge, turned his head to see the light and re-entered the eggshell. He stood on his post and began to tour the enemies who might threaten Asgard. In fact, Heimdall's brows are slightly wrinkled today. There is still a distinguished guest who hasn't arrived today, and ... I don't know if this distinguished guest will do anything?

In addition to this guardian of life thinking, the remaining Asgard warriors are also holding on to their posts.

Numerous battleships were patrolling over Asgard, and as a soldier naturally understood the importance of this ritual. At this moment, although they will regret the failure to witness the inheritance of the Asgard throne, they will be guarded. I am proud of this ceremony! (Although it ’s just beating your face ...)

Although there was still some time before the ceremony officially began, the people of Asgard had put on their own dresses, walked out the door and walked into the street, and the neighbors smiled at each other when they saw each other, and then they started together. Because all have the same destination-Golden Palace Hall!

Because of this, the perimeter of the largest hall on the first floor of the Golden Palace has been squeezed out by the people of Asgard.

There were also countless guards and attendants busy in the originally empty hall, but everyone's faces were covered with smiles.

Because today is the first warrior of Asgard, their thunder **** Thor is crowned as king!

Asgard's mother-in-law, Odin's Queen Friega ~ ~ is here to urge people.

"Is everything ready?"

"It's all ready, His Royal Highness."

"What about guests from other worlds?"

"Guests of Warnerheim, Yalfheim, and Walter Alheim are all over ... only left ..."

Said the attendant suddenly hesitated.

"You mean the dragon family? You don't have to worry about someone doing this."

Friega finished waving and let it go.

"Everything seems to be going well, but you don't have to be here, they will do well."

Friega heard this voice and smiled, then turned back to him and said: "Anyway, this time, at least I think I can do something for him."

Odin shook his head and looked at his wife and said, "He doesn't need you to do anything now, he just needs to be himself. And listening to you, I seem to have become an old bone."

Frigga walked in front of him and helped him gently organize the collar.

"Isn't it? You look at your beard, it's all turned white, when Thor was born, it was still brown."

Odin held out her hand and said, "But my queen hasn't changed from the beginning to now."

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