Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 188: Prestige of the area ··· System update failed

After all, Watson didn't know how long Thor would have come out of them, but when Watson thought about it, Lord Baba's call caught his attention.

Watson raised his head and looked down at Ban Ban's fingers. A golden light appeared on the roof of a backlit house in front of him.

"Is it twilight? Then go check it out, anyway, Asgard can't help it."

Watson did it when he thought of it, and after seeing Lord Ban hanging on himself, he directly spread his wings and flew into the sky.

Just when Watson passed the roof of this house, a golden light full of penetrating power fluttered on his body instantly, and a pair of female fire dragon wings, after being illuminated by the light, seemed to evolve into golden fire dragon wings.

Watson looked up and saw that in the sky far away from Asgard, two rays of light, like the light of dawn, were ejected from the clouds and covered the entire Asgard.

"Really beautiful, does this seem to be artificial? It's amazing."

Watson looked around and randomly found a peak bathed in the dawn from nearby, fell down and sat cross-legged directly on the ground.

"Meow ~"

"I can't drink now, so such a poetic scene, um ... seems to match well?"

"Meow ~!"

"Okay ~" Watson took a bottle of wine from his backpack and handed it to Ban Ye. Then he changed his posture and lay on the ground on the side. He took out his sword and leaned it on his shoulder. The golden dawn, suddenly there is a mood of happy wind man.

Ban Ye opened the cap of the wine bottle and let out a direct sigh, Watson couldn't help laughing: "Is there anyone robbing you?"

Watson shook his head and left it alone, and took out the Atlas of World Records given by the previous system from his backpack.

When the white light dissipated, the heavy weight and gold-textured book clothes aroused Watson's interest. The cover of the gold book clothes had only three characters on the cover.

"So tall? The whole is the same as the Wordless Book ... By the way! It really is the Wordless Book!"

When Watson opened the pages, he found that the thick atlas could only be separated from the middle, revealing two white pages, while the other parts of the front and back of the atlas could not be opened as if they were integrated.

Watson hesitantly issued a large command for the system. I saw a cloud of gold seem to float into the sky, and slowly melted into the album under Watson's gaze. Even Lord Ban put his hands down. The wine bottle ran over and looked at this scene curiously.

When the golden light completely disappeared, the two pages of your original white paper suddenly changed. Asgard's four large characters surpassed the upper left corner. It is a double-sided mountain that can be called a spectacle of the universe. A little bit appears in the album, but it seems to be just a simple picture similar to the concept picture, and the picture above these still move? !

"It's kind of interesting, it looks no worse than Odin's book depicting the dark elves."

[Congratulations to the host for collecting the different world-Asgard, currently included in the world: Earth, Asgard. 】

[Map system update in progress ... Drops ... The update failed, please host upgrade the level as soon as possible to complete the system update. 】

'Yep? What the hell, can the system fail to update? ! ’

[The current host level is too low. This map update requires the host ’s own ability to reach a new level before it can be opened. 】

‘Ce ... Okay, I ’m going to Jotunheim anyway, it looks like a big kill ~’

"So you came here?"

"If you didn't have this cat, you really couldn't find you."

"Yeah, after all, he can fly as much as Thor ~"

While Watson was studying the atlas, several familiar sounds interrupted his thoughts, and it was Schiff and the Three Warriors who flew in front of him in a small boat.

"Meow ~!"

The braised egg emerging from the bow of the ship saw the wine in Lord Ban's hand and rushed over, as if stealing a drink from Lord Monarch himself.

Vostag looked at the two meows and said with a smile: "I like them now, they should have a good drink ~"

Watson smiled and did not respond, but looked at them and asked, "Catch those frost giants?"

Vostag stopped the laugh and turned his head to look at the other three and shook his head.

Fandall looked at Watson's expression and knew that today's events should have no small impact on him, so he said: "The invaders have all been destroyed by the destroyers, and no other frost giants have been found. Trust yours. "

"That's right, Thor just returned from His Majesty Odin. It was just when we came to take you to find him and ask what happened."

"Okay, let's go."


"Ruaaa !!!"

The dining table filled with various exquisite utensils and food was suddenly overturned by the angry Thor, and the food utensils on it rolled to the ground.

The slightly vented Thor sat on the steps froze, and at this moment, a gentle and happy Rocky appeared silently behind him.

Thor seemed to feel his presence and said, "It's not wise for you to stay with me now, my brother. Today was supposed to be my coronation day!"

Loki was restored to an innocent face again and slowly became Thor's side, comforting with a soft tone: "It will come ... sooner or later."

Thor bowed his head slightly and hesitated because he still raised his head and looked at Rocky. "Rocky ... Do you think Watson is so suspicious."

"Me? Uh ... It's not easy to say, and it also affects your throne and the dragon family ..."

Speaking of the throne, Thor's anger disappeared again.

"There's nothing to say about Rocky! I'm your brother, let's talk."

"Uh okay ... I can only say that before the emergence of the Dragon Clan, everyone in Asgard, including the father, had never seen anyone who could escape the eyes of Heimdall ...

"So you mean Watson did it ?!"

"No no ~ ~ I just ..."

At this moment, the people who came back with Watson just came in.

"What happened?!"

"Meow meow meow??"

Thor looked around and saw Watson standing behind the Three Warriors, thinking about Rocky's words in his mind.

Thinking of Thor's sudden standing and striding toward Watson, Vandal and Schiff saw Thor's expression and knew that things were about to be greeted in a hurry.

"Thor ?! What are you doing?"

"Thor! You calm down ..."

"Meow !!" Braised Egg and Ban Ye immediately saw Thor's movement standing on both sides of Watson, ready to take out his weapon to give him a mess.

"What are you doing to stop me ?!" Thor frowned when he saw the two people standing in front of him.

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