Special meow, it turned out to have surrounded us long ago. It seems that King Laufi knew the whereabouts of everyone early in the morning.

Schiff watched the surrounding ice rock walls come to Watson and Thor: "Where are they?"

"It should be hidden, cowards are like this."

Watson quit the map and looked at Thor and smiled and said, "No, they are following us."

Thor looked around and asked, "Can you see them? Where are they?"

"Although the Dragon Clan will disdain the little mice who dare not step forward, they clearly feel what they are doing. Someone has followed us since we first came, and they have formed an encirclement circle. But ... It ’s because someone in front of us is waiting for us, they did n’t shoot. "

Hearing the words of Watson, Xifu and the three warriors looked around with some vigilance, but they found nothing.

But this can't be blamed. After all, in this environment, the Frost Giant wants to hide it. It's too easy to close his eyes, take off his clothes, and then lie down from the side of the road, unless you want to step on a cold ice chrysanthemum , Otherwise you can't see them ...

And Thor laughed when he heard Watson's words: "That's fine, I'm worried that they are afraid to come out and meet me!"

Watson was ready to fight when he saw Thor ’s reaction, but it was a big surprise ~

Seeing that everyone surpassed the ice wine spot they were looking for, Lord Egg Egg Spot quickly took out the bottle and felt the temperature.



It seemed that the two cats came to the front of the crowd again to find an ice pit to continue ice wine.

"Meow ~

"Did you two come to travel?"

"Hahaha ~"

The behavior of the two meows made everyone laugh, and the originally suppressed atmosphere diminished a lot, but the vigilance of the people did not relax at all, especially with the words of Watson.


At the end of the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall has been watching them from the moment they left, for fear that the dragons and the frost giants colluded with the two princes of Asgard.

However, after seeing Watson's performance on this path, he finally admitted that he should have thought more, but nevertheless he did not relax his vigilance.

As for the magic message that Rocky passed on to him before leaving, let ’s hide it for a while, at least let yourself know the answer, or look at the strength of this dragon, the chance of not being blocked may be this one time Too.


But the people on Jordonheim still did not stop their own pace. Rocky was looking at the two cats and suddenly turned around to watch Watson tentatively asked: "Watson, if you fight, you will How many guards can you fight in? "

Hearing Rocky's words, the others turned their heads and looked at it. Obviously they also cared about the problem.

Watson could n’t help lowering his head and meditating when he heard Rocky ’s words. The frost giant did n’t seem to be able to fly. In this case, Xiaokong and Huahua should be usable. But they have the racial ability to control ice, just don't know how far they can fight ...

The most important combat power now is a small explosion. In fact, Watson saw Zulong and Jiaoye after they discovered that their most obvious strength is that they have no less than human wisdom. Therefore, in Watson's view, flying dragon species have infinite advantages compared to other dragon species.

Take the apex predator Loofah, the apex predator of the scaled dragon and the higher dragon, for example. This is completely crushed. I will blow you up from high altitude, and I won't fight melee. It's like Tony playing Hulk in the sky in armor, and there are no restrictions on ammunition ...

It stands to reason that the other main force is Jiao Ye.

But ... the attributes of Jiao Te Meow are weak ice! ! I'm so tired, but I should be able to play shockingly just by my huge body. Just let Jiao Ye keep playing heaven and justice?

Xiaotu feels so-so, but the two flying thunder dragons should be okay. With their flexibility and discharge ability, they can still fight. As for the barbarian dragon, the flame ability alone can also be a mainstay.

As far as the rest is concerned, the two fierce giant dragons and Sao birds, which are not even 10 meters in size, are okay to bully and bully people on the earth. Fight frost giants?

This is not as simple as sending a sub-question. This is a sending proposition!

But the most important thing is that this is a good opportunity to experience harvesting. It seems that I have to use my own calling point, and I still have a sky-dominated task that has not been completed. If I guess correctly, the task reward should be male. Fire dragon, when the male fire comes out, directly evolve it to the upper position! Just take the Frost Giant to try the flames of the male fire. The strength is not strong ~ No, it seems that evolution needs evolution time, and when it hits, there is no time to protect it. Watson wrinkled his brows involuntarily.

"Watson? Any questions?"

The awakened Watson turned to look at Rocky and Thor and shook their heads: "It's no problem, if there is at least five or more if you go to war, I'm not sure how strong the Frost Giant is. But if I get into a crisis, except me I will let you go to heaven outside of Thor. "

Fandal smiled after hearing this: "This must be no problem, the Frost Giant can't fly, hahaha ~"

When a group of people walked slowly across the glacier, through the pile of ice stones, and the two meows finally drank the iced wine that satisfied them ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ They finally walked into a palace-style complex Inside.

At this moment, a sound like a severe cold came suddenly.

"Have you come to death for thousands of miles? Asgard."

Everyone followed the sound and saw a huge building not far away, a huge figure sitting on his throne, dark blue skin and a pair of blood-red eyes, it was the king of frost giant-Lao Fei!

Thor looked up at the tall blue giant on the building not far away and responded: "I am Thor Odinson."

"We know who you are."

"That's easy to do, how did your people invade Asgard!"

Laufi, sitting on the throne, turned his head slowly when he heard this, and looked at Thor and said: "Odin's family, but there are many traitors."

Thor heard that Laufi dared to insult Odin's life, and anger immediately rushed up.

"You never want to lie and defile my father's holy name!"

Laufi stood up angrily and looked at Thor. The shame Odin once brought to the Frost Giant would never be forgotten! !

"Your father is both a murderer and a thief! Then why did you come here? Peace ?! I can tell, Thor Odinson. You are looking forward to and eager to fight, you It was a little kid who tried to prove that he was a man. "

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