Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 194: Dare to look down on us?

[Release System Task: The First Battle in a Different World.

You are a hunter and a dragon. In this battle, you will let the dragon race enter the eyes of cosmic forces for the first time. Fight! Let them know that the prestige of the Dragon Clan cannot be violated! !

Mission Objective: To win the battle

Task progress: not completed

Mission reward: Special Summoned Fragment ×, Zulong Quintessence ×】

[Release Free Mission: The Future Lord of Dragons

As the future master of the dragon family, how can there be no dragon corps to stab you?

Mission Objective: Use more than 5 dragons to fight for you until the end.

Task progress: not completed

Mission reward: Monster equipment upgrade link fragment ×, Zulong essence ×】

【Release the Free Dragon Race Quest: The Dragon Race Is Here

Let the roar of the dragon deafen your enemies, and let the flame of the dragon burn your enemies to death!

Mission Objective: Kill the Frost Giant through the Dragon Clan

Task progress: not completed

Mission reward: based on the number of kills】

Hearing the sound of one task after another from the system, Watson's smile was almost out of control! !

The frost giants around followed Thor's hands, and they immediately rushed up like a tide. Schiff and the three warriors made a defensive posture, watching the frost giants rushing towards themselves and the frost giant ready to give them a head attack!

"Ahhhhhh !!"

"Slain them !!"

"Hahaha! I have ordered this group of Asgard skulls !!"

"Then I want the head of this dragon race! But isn't this a human race? I still quite remember that when I went to the atrium, I could eat enough ha ha ha ~"

The frost giant on the side heard the companion ’s words and felt uncomfortable. Looking up, it turned out that Lao Fei had turned his head to look at him, and quickly slapped on the companion ’s head to interrupt him, and then Quietly said: "Shut up, you idiot, it's a miracle that you can come back alive at first, don't forget that is our shame."

The moment Watson heard this voice, he decided that his first goal was him.

Call ~!

A ray of flame suddenly rushed out of Watson, all the tongues of fire were intertwined, and the fire dragon set began to appear on him little by little.

"It's fire!"

"That's really flames, he can use flames!"

The frost giants who had been constantly charging saw the fire from Watson, and suddenly a sudden brake squeezed the giants behind.

In this scene, even the three warriors attacked slightly on their side. When they turned to Watson, they looked at the blazing fire and realized what was going on.

"Haha, they are afraid of fire!"

Vandal stabbed in the heart of the giant in front of him, and his right hand pumped out a deep blue blood. Listening to Vostag ’s laughter, he turned to look at Watson, and then said with a smile: "I knew if I brought a torch to use it better than a sword?"

"It's possible haha ​​~"

Luo Fei, who was sitting on the throne, frowned as he saw the fire in Watson's body, and then turned his head to look aside as if to give a command.

I saw a giant wearing a gold-rimmed iron helmet, taller than an ordinary frost giant, and ran out of the ice cave on the side. The giant looked at Watson, who was standing in the flames, standing at the mouth of the cave and putting his hands on the ice rocks on both sides. Grabbing hard forward, countless glacial ice spikes shot towards Watson like bullets!

But just one second before the ice thorn reached Watson's body, a fire dragon sleeve had already been worn on his body, and a jingle sound was made to block it as much as possible.

Seeing that his attack was in the moment, the large frost giant made a roar and took the lead to rush towards Watson. The trumpet frost giant behind him began to charge in Dudu!

Facing the wild charge of the Frost Giant, the two meows in front of Watson summoned their equipment and watched a large blue big-footed girl rushing over, and also issued a roar belonging to the Elu and Detel clan: "Meow meow!!!"

Frost Giant showed no weakness: "Roar!"

Two meows have raised their weapons: "Meow !!!"


"Meow meow?"

When the braised egg and Banye shouted Zhenghuan, they found that this big blue girl ran directly past him? !

"·Meow meow meow?"

"Meow meow!"

"Meow meow meow!"

"Hoo ... Meow!" X2!

The two cats nodded heavily to each other, and ran directly behind a small frost giant at the end of the charge team. They slammed their sledgehammers and sticks on his big feet!

Bang ~ Bang! !

This time, they were not as thick as the Hulk. The explosion produced by the blasting meow hammer directly blasted it to the ground, and then the marinated egg quickly came forward, picked up the big wooden stick and learned the moves before Watson to aim at this frost giant. The hottest part of the whole body poked in!

"Roar! ... roar ..."

Then Ban Ye jumped up from the side, lifted the Meow Meow hammer directly on the outside half of the wooden stick, bang! puff····

"Roar · Ao · · · · · · · Woo ~"


When the camera turned to Watson ~ ~ Watching the soldiers who charged at themselves crazy, the flames exploded!

"Then warm up with you before the official start ~"

Abdomen, chest lift, hip lift, kill-a punch!

"Drink !!"

Call ~ Boom! !

The huge fist carried a blazing flame on the chest of the Frost Giant. The high temperature flame instantly burned the Frost Giant ’s chest into a circle of scorched black marks. The ensuing great power slammed it away. The huge body Coupled with Watson's power, he let the giant who rushed out of the hole like a bowling ball smash into it again.

At this time, there was only one trumpet giant lying dead on the ground groaning.

"Meow ~!"

Hua Sheng turned his head when he heard the voices of the two cats, and now he saw the extremely tragic death giant Frost Giant ...

"Why don't you two learn something better? With this trick, it's a killing skill that even God can stab, but it's not very good after all, hey forget it ..."

Watching the two cats running away, Watson suddenly remembered a strange thing.

"It seemed that he was getting a little bit smaller when he hit the frost giant just now? I didn't really know what the weakness of the frost giant was before. I only knew that they were strong and still used ice, but now it seems that the flames It should be their weakness, and there are some special functions, such as roasting them? Is Frost Giant cutting out all of the smoothies ... "

[Host kills Frost Giant Yodenheim × 2, experience value +00, Frost Giant Yodenheim Warrior level ×, experience value +0, current experience]

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