Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 10 - 11th FloorBen and the Dao of Plow Copycat

Bitches will be Bitches

-Hawk Cobra Kai

(A/N: I'm going to put quotes like this at the beginning from now on, there isn't any reason just seems fun lol????)

(Ps. Thank you SamsaraWithWords, For letting me have ben in this chapter????)

Nisus Went into the 11th floor with new vigilance, There was something about slapping around a girl that gives you confidence(A/N: Don't try this at home... or anywhere else, you might get arrested lolz)

"Soo... what are we?" Circe asks with a smile walking right behind him

(Bitch da f*ck!?... please don't tell me she's one of those clingy types) Nisus thought to himself after hearing her question

They've never done anything intimate and she's asking what they are!?, Nisus had never seen such bullshit before...

"Acquaintances..." He said meekly and walked slightly faster

"What does that mean?" She asked confused as the word had not yet been invented at this time

"It means I'm trying to hit it and quit it," He says turning to her, But seeing her confused expression he continues "You know... like c.u.m and go... shoot and scoot,"

Circe just kept her head tilted as she didn't know what a lot of these words meant

Nisus sighs and flicks her forehead turning back around to quickly kill the monster that tried to sneak up on them

"Listen... you're a great girl and all... but I don't like clingy people... I mean you're the type of girl to refuse to join a harem" Nisus says with a sigh as they continue walking

"So... we won't be together?" She asked with a slightly sad tone

*Circe is disappointed -12 attraction*

The system rings in his head and he remembers the quest he got (If she hates me then I won't be able to seduce her!) He widens his eyes at the thought and quickly pulled her into his embrace

"I'm sorry... I've wronged you, please let me make it up to you," He says softly into her ear and heads toward her lips

But before he can kiss her he widens his eyes (Crap... I didn't read enough of that web novel to know how to end this...) Nisus pauses and goes into his mindscape

"Man... I need to remember all those romance scenes..." He mutters, and that's when he remembered

Ben!, The best Protagonist that had!, Ben was the user of the Pua system, and he knew how to just go with the flow

Been was the type of guy who to get out of situations like this without seeming like a p.u.s.s.y, hell he was even smart enough to know that he was in a !

"Huh!? where am I?" Ben said after Nisus summoned him

"Teach me your ways master!" Nisus said giving him the most respect he will give anyone, after all this isn't your normal protagonist, this guy was The Protagonist, the best of the best!

Ben, being the smart guy he is immediately guessed that he had somehow been summoned like a fate character, and he started teaching his ways to Nisus with a smile on his face

So after reconnecting with the Dao of plow, Nisus says goodbye and then puts on a confident smile and leave this mindscape,

Pulling away from her lips Nisus turns away completely ignoring her and starts walking forward, this was one of the things Ben had taught him in that short 5 minutes

In the beginning, Ben was too eager and inexperienced, so women didn't really go to him, But once he learned more from the god Of Pua, Beluga, He became a F*cking machine, he got all them hoes!!

This was because of one of the original laws of the universe, Women want what they can't have!

"I'm just messing with you, let's go..." He says still walking forward and smiling hearing the notification

*Circe is mad at not getting what she wants +30 attraction*

(So this is what happens when you pass a shit test...)

(A/N: Go read Pick up Artist system, that's my favorite novel on this app so far????)

After heading deeper into the dungeon with Circe, Nisus dodges flame breath from a dragon

This dragon was much bigger and stronger than the loli dragon nisus had in his head, and even worse it was male!

Nisus was tired of this useless gender getting in the way of his fantasies, So he committed one of the original sins...

He genderbending the dragon!, "How's it feel... to not be a male anymore you piece of shit!?" Nisus asked with a crazy look in his eyes

("You're crazy") A girl's voice says in his head breaking him out of his stupor where he changes the dragon's gender

(umm who is this?) He asks confused and stopping in his tracks

(" it's me!! the dragon you trapped here! where is this place anyway?") The loli's voice sounds out again making nisus even more surprised

Then instead of dwelling and making a big deal of it, he just smiles (This was #2849356 on my list of things to do, have a loli talk to me in my head... I assumed that it would only happen in a fantasy, but seems That The Dao of Plow is mightier than I expected...) Nisus thinks and the Loli dragon hears every word loud and clear

("I don't understand any of the words you just said!") She screams in anger

(Don't worry about it... no one understands my pain...) A shadow comes across Nisus's eyes as he has a sasku- I mean Emo moment


(Anyway, what should I call you?) He asks after dodging another strike from the oversized, Still Male, Dragon

("I am the great Dragon of the dungeon, Zoe!!") She yells in an adorable voice that Makes Nisus almost get slashed to shreds by the dragon

(ok Zoe... stop talking to me for a sec I have some beef I need to settle with this dragon) Nisus says and pays attention to the fight

He didn't even notice that he had already completely destroyed the normal monsters, so it seemed that this ugly dragon was the boss of this floor

"I've been wanting to try this for a while now..." Nisus mutters and closes his eyes ready for the pain

Circe, noticing that he had stopped dodging and was staying idle, Immediately runs over to see what's wrong, the huge dragon already out of her mind

As soon as she reached his side she can notice things different about him "Nisus?" She said staring at a huge man with a mustache

"I can't be someone else? Be Myself they said... Who decided that?!" A powerful voice booms throughout the entirety of the dungeon startling all the monsters

Nisus stood there, he had changed his genetics and cells to match that of one of his favorite characters, Escanor!

He had come up with this move the second he had chosen this wish, and finally tried it out

(Copycat: Escanor)

The room starts getting hotter and the literal ground begins to melt, "I'm the pinnacle of all races, Holy sword Escanor!" Nisus yells and brings down his hand vertically making a flaming sword appear

since he had completely copied Escanor, he had access to all his magic, The only thing he didn't have was the Divine ax Rhita, But with his system that could be arranged

"Stand back," He said to the sweaty circe "Watch my greatness as your admiration for me rises and transcends the sun itself!"

Nisus became a prideful piece of shit!, this wasn't a drawback of any kind, Nisus just liked acting, as he would say this is 'Fun', Just like that time he had done teacher-student play when he turned 16, it was a good present and he happily accepted it

Circe had stepped back already and couldn't help but be confused(Where did Nisus go?) She thought to herself before seeing the large man slice the dragon in half using the flaming sword

"Muda!!!" Nisus yelled when slicing it in half, and then deciding he had enough playing around he transformed back, Albeit with a little pain

"This is the final floor... are you sure you want to go in there?" Circe asked as Nisus was collecting the cores from the monster

"Yes!... everyone knows that the best stuff is always at the end, Like when you cul you feel way better than when you were all backed up" Nisus replied and walked forward

(I don't know what those words mean...) Circe thought to herself before following him close behind

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