Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 12 - The Apple Of EdenBack To Camelot!

I don't make the rules, Since you didn't pay for the chocolate var you need to suck my ****, Now do it!-Anonymus..., 2646765

Jasper looked at the chest and smiled (G/N: Jasper!? it's Nisus, you stupid slave!)

(A/N: Shit up with your wack ass haircut!)


Anyway, Nisus looked at the contents of the chest in confusion"What is that?" He asked Circe seeing a glowing golden apple type thing

"We don't know, But Hera said whoever finished the dungeon would get this and eat it for their reward... except you get two beautiful women as rewards also!" she said the last part hoping a little

Nisus grabbed the object and bit into it, devouring it quickly, The hell!? did you think he was about to just leave it there? hell no! He ain't some little bitch that's scared of power

Nisus's body glowed and...Nothing happened, He knew what it was after eating it, This was the apple of Eden! It was supposed to make you immortal and connect you to The Garden Of Eden, But Nisus didn't want that shit so he filtered it out

It's not like he needed it, if he wanted he can make anyone's cells immortal, to the point of regenerating as fast as Ban

With a sigh at getting such a useless Object, Nisus put Circe into his Mindscape as well

"Where are we!?" She screamed seeing the still lit of it Madea and a loli dragon

"This is my own personal dimension... and where you will stay from now on... unless you want to come out?" He asked making sure to not just trap them here

"It's fine... ut how will we see you if you aren't here?" She said pouting a bit, Her love level is already that of a married person, so She felt reluctant to separate

"I'll visit any chance I get... I can pretty much visit for year's at a time if I want" He added Jokingly and she gets a twinkle in her eyes and walks up closely on her tippy toes, looking expectantly

"No... well bye" He says quickly and leaves the mindscape

---Time Skip No Jutsu????----

Nisus arrives at the gates with a smile, He had taken it slowly so it took more than a month for him to get back, So in total, he had been gone from Camelot for 6 months

"Doesn't this mean I'm 14 now?" He thought out loud before walking through the gates

"Halt!" A women's voice said It was the guard, the same guard this gender he had changed all that time ago

Instead of halting like the guard said Nisus just waved his hand and turned the women male again, "Sorry about that haha" He said and vanished from sight

"I'm a man again!" That day Nisus started a cult of followers...

Standing in front of his house Nisus breathes in and walks through the door to say hi to his mother "Mom?" He said and looked for her

(Hmm she must be at work...) Signing at not being able to see his mom, Nisus decided to lay down and get some sleep


"So you're back? you are around 1 1/2 years before schedule" Lancelot said with a smile then punched at Nisus

Nisus sewing this smiled and dodged kicking Lancelot in the stomach "I'm not a normal mongrel anymore..." He said as Lancelot fell clutching his stomach

"Hey, nisus!" A few older squires yelled gaining bus attention "Your mom is a great whore man haha!" They yelled laughing and the other people around looked over

"Yah your mom was great also," Nisus said with a smile

"Huh? My mom doesn't work at a brothel?" The squire said confused

"Yeah... she doesn't" Nisus then turns away as the rest of the people realize what he is saying and burst out laughing at the squire

"So... I've already turned in the monster cores, Can I be a knight yet?" Nisus asked hopefully, The faster he became a knight the faster ye could get closer to Artoria

"You have 1 month before you get a chance... there is a competition every year for squires and it's called the knight games" Lancelot then explains how the squires become Knights and the requirements to enter

"So I can enter... And I have to win to become a knight?" Nisus asked making sure he heard right

Nodding Lancelot then places a hand on his shoulder, glowing with confidence " I believe in you! And if you become a knight your mother won't have to do...that" Lancelot said with pity in his eyes and let him go home after training for a bit

"My Babies home!" Edith, Nisus's mother came and ran hugging him and crying

Nisus wrapped his arms around her his eyes shaking slightly as he fought to hold back tears(I'm such an asshole...)

Edith made Nisus's favorite dinner and they sat down talking about his adventures

"So I have a daughter in law?" Edith said flashing a mischievous grin and leaning forward "Where is she?!"

Smiling Nisus shook his head (This is nice...), He remembered his mom from his other life, A total bitch, She never let him do anything and always monitored everything he did, Even though he knew she didn't actually care about him, she just needed someone to inherit the family business

He remembered when they tried for 6 years to have another child so they could have them inherit the business instead, when that didn't work they settled for Nisus and kept him on a tight leash

But now he had someone to protect, someone he could actually care about, "Mom..." he says breaking her out of her stupor

"Yes, dear?" She sat back down moving in her seat a little after seeing his serious face

"Do you want to be In the brothel?" He asked looking at her searching her face for lies

Edith's eyes widened at his question and her hand started to shake "Yes, it's the best job for me reall-"


Nisus hit his fist on the table, albeit controlled since if he used full strength then the table would be destroyed "Don't lie..."

Edith's eyes stung as she tried to hold back her tears "Nisus..." She was going to lie again but seeing his serious face she stopped "...No, I don't" She finally answered tears in the corners of her eyes

"Ok," Nisus says and gets up finished with his meal "I'll get you out," He said with a smile and went to his room, then going into his mindscape

"Nisus!" Circe jumped on him as soon as he came and rubbed her cheek against his "I missed you so much!" She then started sniffing his body like a cat

Patting her head Nisus looks around at His Mindscape "This isn't a very suitable environment for you guys..."

He waves his hand and a portal opens up "Since this space is technically limited by my imagination..." He leads the three girls to the portal and steps in

"Beautiful..." They all absentmindedly mutter seeing the mansion with several fountains and gardens around it "is this for us?" Circe said looking at him lovingly

*Circe is surprised, +5 love*

Ignoring the notification Nisus nods "Go pick out your rooms, I made it big enough to fit over a hundred women... their 20 different bathrooms and something called a tv that you guys will enjoy, I'll teach you guys how to manage it later... for now, I need to train" Nisus says and walks back through the portal for the training area

"Hey... Scathath" Nisus said summoning his teacher

"What's next?" She asks not mentioning their last encounter, Which ended with Nisus and her... well you get it

"Everything... teach me everything you can, I have all the time in the world," He says and lunches his fists determined (I won't use any power for the competition, I'll be a normal human just like them, And I'll win with my skills!)

Scathath gave a small smile "Ok... start!" She yelled and lunged at him as he went back to a normal human race

(A/N: if anyone else had eaten the apple of Eden they would basically be a god... just saying if Nisus didn't have the power he has it would have boosted him quite a lot)

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