Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 14 - Start Of The Tournament

(So I wanted to clear things up bc isn't letting me edit it for some reason, But he was only in the Mindscape For 1 year lol)

Fools who don't respect the past are likely to repeat it...-Nico Robin, One Piece

Nisus sat in the corner if the throne room as the king and Queen we're in their respective thrones, Nisus, even though he had just showered and trained for a bit, had lifeless eyes and his hair was a mess

"It... can't be true," He said looking over at Artoria, or now Arthur" Then looking at the man responsible his eyes gain a violent glint

"Merlin..." He said coldly making everyone who was talking freeze "You did this..." Nisus vanished from his spot

He had trained as a human for a year, deadly training that most people didn't come out of, And because of this he was even stronger in his other races

Reappearing in front of Merlin he grabbed the magus with a 'Smile', "Merlin... what made you think it would be a good idea to turn Artoria into a man?" He asked politely

"Well... I got the idea from the magic you can do, It seemed convenient" Merlin answered eyeing the hand on his shoulder as it squeezed harder

Nisus's eyes widened hearing Merlin's words "Are you saying... it's my fault" He releases Merlins shoulder and goes back to his spot sitting in silence

The others in the room see this and shake their heads "Honestly... did you think a commoner could have royalty?" Guinevere asked, She already knew the secret that Arthur was a woman, She didn't mean anything by the words but to someone else, they could seem very harsh

"And who the f.u.c.k asked you s.l.u.t?" nisus said narrowing his eyes, This new queen was at fault also

"What!? your squire title has been revoked!" Guinevere yelled outraged

"Oh please... do you know any Squire who best the entire Monster Country?" He said making everyone wooden their eyes in shock

"H-he... beat the Monster country?" Guin said quietly

"Haha, that's right praise me more mortals!" Nisus jumps up hearing her surprise and starts doing various poses

The four who are in the room look at this in confusion(Wasn't he just grieving?) They all thought

"Well... I guess I don't really care about your gender, do whatever you want...King Arthur" Nisus said walking lit and stretching (One month until the tournament... can't wait to kick their asses...)


"What you looking at dumbass?" Nisus said to Lancelot while waiting for his turn in the prelims

"You don't want any armor?" Lancelot asked eyeing him up and down seeing he only had his sword And casual commoner clothes

"I don't need armor... besides you saw my speed, none of these mongrels can touch me" Nisus replied feeling a little arrogant so adding Mongrel in the name of the most arrogant guy he knew

(Mongrels?... he does know that he's the only common able to be in this tournament... if he goes too far the other nobles will bother Arthur, but that's his problem anyway...) Lancelot just shrugged and patted his back before leaving hearing Nisus's name being called

"Heh, I heard a commoner was in this tournament, to think it is true is disappointing, my father would be a better King than Arthur, and he would also show you filthy commoners your place," A blonde teen, around 18 years old says as they both step out for their fight

The Blonde sees Nisus didn't respond and sneers" I heard your mother is a whore at the brothel, maybe I should pay her a vis-" Befoe he can finish his words blood spews out from his chest arms, and face

"W-what?" He widens his eyes as he loses consciousness

Nisus looked down on the man while his hand trembled, it took all his will power for him not to just slice the bastard to pieces

(Flashback, Before Nisus, gained his memories)

Nisus had just turned 9, and his father bought him a small wooden sword for practice

His father was the first-ever commoner to be a knight, and he was severely looked down upon for this

"You have to go?... he'll be sad," Edith said looking at Nisus's father with her eyes trembling trying to hold back her tears

They had called him for a mission, It was a solo mission but was very sudden, and she was worried for his safety

"Don't worry, ill be back in a week or so... besides nisus isn't a weak kid, he'll be a fine young man, and I can't wait to support him in the future" Nisus's father gave a bright smile and turned toward the slightly open door, He had known Nisus was watching and smiled as He ran away from the door

"Ok... be careful" Edith gave him one last kiss before He left... and he never came back

1 week later they held a funeral for him, and all the knights came, even the king was there, and. his 'son' and daughter

"You promised!!" Edith said sobbing on the ground, Next to her was a trembling Nisus who refused to cry (Father said to be a man! and men don't cry!) He thought to himself before looking at the funeral participants

He noticed that several of them had smug looks, He didn't know what this meant however being a kid and all

Later that day he came back to talk to his fathers grave, it what he discovered made him filled with rage

"It was pretty easy," One man said peeing on the grave while smiling, They had dug it up and the coffin was able to be seen

"I can't believe the king actually believed you that it was simple wolves haha, this is what that commoner gets for trying to disgrace our names," A second man said spitting onto the grave and tossing a torch on top making the coffin start to burn

Nisus couldn't say anything hearing their words, but he knew one thing for sure, his father hadn't died honorably, he had been murdered!

Nisus waited for them to leave before looking at the burning grave "Don't worry father... I'll get revenge... and become a knight just like you!... so if this is ok... can I cry" Nisus said tearing up, then unable to find it any more tears fall down his cheeks and he falls onto his knees bawling in front of the ruined grave

Nisus got back to his house and went to bed, listening to his mother's cries, The next day a woman came and offered her a job... well that's what Edith had told Nisus, not knowing he had eavesdropped in their conversation...

"I don't think this kind of job is right for me..." Edith said hearing the offer and shaking her head

"Listen..." The woman leans forward all signs of the nice lady from earlier gone "You really don't have a choice, My brother gave you a gift at the grave, and he said he also wanted you at the brothel by tomorrow if you don't agree then things might not be so good for your son..." The women say smiling evilly

"W-What?" Edith said getting up hearing about the grave

"Besides... if my brother wanted he could just make you his slave... this is a generous offer for you to make money to support your family" The women went back to her 'Nice' Attitude

Edith trembled and nodded before telling Nisus that she found a new job and could support them again...

(Flashback End)

Nisus spit in his opponent and walked away sheathing his sword as the announcer called for his victory(This is for you mom...)

(A/N: No cliffhanger today... unfortunately, Anyway hope you guys liked it lol, Join the discord it's pretty lit????)


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