Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 16 - Women's Rights? what's that who's he?

(A/N: Title and chapter is mainly a Joke, My sister was bugging me so please don't get offended... and if you do... I understand just try and keep the slander to a minimum)

*Gareth is watching you* The system notification sprung in his mind, And Looking around sure enough there she was

"Stop looking my family doesn't know I'm here," she said and sat down next to him

Now Nisus wasn't one to call people a dumbass... oh what am I kidding of course he is "Your a dumbass..." He says

She was wearing the most glamourous dress he had ever seen and accompanied with the fact that she was what Nisus would call, a hot girl, She was a walking sign that said 'Hey I'm here, look at me!!'

"What?" She said completely oblivious to this and asked for a drink

And so they drank together but separately as several men glared in his direction

"So how are you?" He asked when drunk enough, he didn't want to start the conversation but when drunk things stop making sense

"I'm fine... what did you mean at the tournament?" She said getting straight to the point

"I don't know what you're talking about," He said, and he was being honest, he had said a lot of things from curses to compliments and the works, how was he supposed to know what she meant?

"Don't play dumb! it's my right as women to know what you meant earlier!" She said angrily standing up and starting to cause a scene

"Women rights?... isn't this later on?" Nisus said slightly confused, maybe in marvel, they got their rights faster than normal

"Listen... Gareth, You are a good girl but, in the end, your just one of the many women I've talked to, If I had to count it would be in the infinite, so please don't bother me anymore... and get yourself something nice" He said with a smile and dropped a coin pouch on the counter

Gareth eyes widened hearing his words, but before she could reply how outrageous it was he was already gone


"Dear... how was the real world?" Medea asked while messaging his shoulders, She had taken the role of the housewife, even though Nisus knew her real role through the system

"I'm a knight now... I have my own house, it's pretty big and my mom is living with me as well... you guys can move in also" He said the last part in a whisper hoping they didn't hear him

"Really?... I would love to meet my mother in law" Medea's eyes flashed red briefly then went back to normal

"Listen medea..." Nisus took her hands off and stood up "You know realistically we aren't together right?" He said ready to jump back just in case of a sudden attack

Medea looked shocked at his words, and stepped forward "W-What do you mean?... of course we are!" She said forcefully

Sighing Nisus just shook his head "I'll give you some time... see ya" He then vanished from the mindscape as Medea yelled his name

"What's the matter Mede?" Circe said calling her by her nickname, she had been studying several of what Nisus had called culture

"H-He... said we aren't together?!" Medea fell on her knees with a confused look

(Did I do something wrong? was I too forceful? what did I do!?) Her eyes started to water as Circe watched her Breakdown

She had of course expected this, Realistically they weren't really anything more than 'friends', Sure they had done one intimate act, but this didn't really mean anything to someone like nisus

"Medea... you should have expected this, you can't expect him to love us in just a few weeks," She said weeks because that was about the amount of time they had interacted together

"What do you know!" Medea was angry, was it so wrong to want to finally have happiness? after Jason and the argonauts where he basically passed her around like some cheap whore, she just wanted someone to love, was this so wrong?

Circe had a strained expression as she sighed "You obviously need some time to cool off... I'm not going to give up on him, but this doesn't mean I think he belongs to us and has to reciprocate our feelings... we should just be grateful he took us in and treated us well" Finished with her speech she went back to her earlier activities to leave media to her thoughts

"She's right," Zie said grabbing some snacks from the pantry "Have you ever thought about what Nisus feels?... in a relationship it's 2 people sharing feelings for each other, but forcing your feelings on someone is never ok... even if he did kind of lead you guys on" Zoe then looks up and shakes her head "Well whatever that's just something to think about," She Said walking away

Medea sat in silence after hearing the two's words (Think about what Nisus feels... was I being selfish?)


"So How does it feel to not work at the brothel anymore?" Nisus asked his mother with a smile

"It feels good... But I'm still not sure how much I like you being a knight..." She said quietly after, she had never told Him the truth about his father and thought that he was still oblivious

"Well... I have one month to relax before going on a mission... and some people might move into the house soon... it all depends really" Nisus scratched his cheek like a harem protagonist and smiled

"Oh? what people are we talking about?" Edith had a teasing smile on her face, She had hoped her son would find a lover, and hearing him adding people to the house-made her curious

"Just some maids," He said nodding, indeed if they wanted to live here they would have to earn their keep, and he Could ogle them whenever he wanted in the comfort of his own house

Seeing his perverted smile Edith frowned, "quit getting my hopes up!" She yelled throwing a pan at his head in anger

"Ow... that didn't hurt at all" He put his head up and immediately regretted his words however seeing her expression

"What was that... my son?"


*Beating sounds*

*Girlish scream*

(A/N: Just some slight development in the relationship... what's women rights can someone tell me?)

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