Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 18 - Dragon Subjugation

Nisus was Chillin, He wasn't really taking this mission seriously, after all, What the hell could hurt him?

Well this was a mistake as A dragon came out of nowhere in their 6th month of the journey

They had mostly gone to neighboring villages and kingdoms to gather supplies and eventually set out farther past what he thought

He had technically never been this far out, at least not in this life, So how the hell is he supposed to know that dragons live in this part of the country!?

It was a slow morning he was talking shit to the other soldiers and they couldn't do anything about it, Until out of nowhere a golden scaled dragon roared in front of them and shot flames

Now he had fought dragons before, The evidence was the loli inside of his head, But this wasn't any dragon, it was a dragon king!

Zoe was shivering and trying to break out of the Mindscape to help the dragon king when it roared

This was how Nisus knew things were more serious than he originally thought"How many kings are there?"

"They say that any dragon can become a king, but it's rare...we must have terrible luck," Lancelot said as they jumped off their horses drawing their swords

Nisus had defaulted to using Incursio as a sword, And when he needed another edge he could simply summon the armor

This wasn't the worst part of the day however, He had read the last chapter's comments and saw people thought he slept with his mother!

What the hell is even that! dirty-minded ass readers... she's his mom

Shaking his head he ran forward with the rest of the soldiers to attack the dragon

Nisus jumps forward next to Lancelot and swings his sword into the dragons hide

Much to his surprise, the sword did no damage and blanket off the scales before the dragon knocked him back with its tail

"Nisus! did you not listen!" Lance said jumping out of the way

"What The hell? you think I ever listen to you?" Nisus shook his head and ran forward again intent on slicing this dragon to pieces

"You dumbass!" Lancelot hit him out of the way as the dragon blew flames down at them "The scales of a king are indestructible!"

Nisus smiled and sneakily took out a different weapon... a weapon that can cut through anything

"Whoever said that utter bullshit...has never met me!" Nisus vanished from his spot and brought the sheers of creation down into the dragon's hide easily cutting through it "Praise me!" He said as the dragon fell(A/N: Ok so even though this isn't the world of Akame ga Kill, I'm keeping all the properties for eh Teigu, so yes the sheers will still cut through everything...)

"You idiot" Lancelot couldn't help but smile seeing that he had cut through the dragon, and the fact he didn't know the worst part about the kings...

"Roaarrrrr!" The dragon bucked a surprised Nisus off it's back and roared while glowing gold, The thing about the kings is that they have several lives, depending on how many dragons it has under its command

20 different dragons came flying out and dropped down behind the king, One of them died as the king used its life to heal itself

"Well, shit..." Nisus said seeing all these dragons and hearing Zoe roaring in the mindscape, 'these dragons are no joke' he thought as he changed Zoe to a full Neko

("Thank you") Sue said to him breathing heavily, Nodding his head Nisus smiled at the dragons

'I could just turn them into whatever I want and toy with them... but that's no fun'

"Men!!! go!!" He yelled and started running towards the dragons, The soldiers saw this and a fire was lit in their hearts so they followed their deaths

This is realistic and they don't have plot armor so the first couple of soldiers who followed him died immediately

Luckily the others were slightly affected by Nisus's plot armor and were able to survive, they started helping Nisus cut down the dragons

"He's an idiot...but he is surprisingly a natural leader," Lancelot said smiling as he rushed forward as well to fight the dragons


Swords clattered against scales and blood was seen all over the battlefield, and the one most covered in it was Nisus

he had always been like this, even if it was a weak person he always enjoyed fighting, that's probably why he joined the shootout at his school, he won that fight...

"Brothers!!" He yelled and slammed his fist into a dragon's face making it stagger back as they all cheered "Let's kill these bastards!"

With another cheer, Nisus changed all their biology to demigods, He wouldn't keep it this way, but they would be fine with it for an hour or so

Everyone felt their boost in power and assumed it was Nisus's spirit reflecting onto them, with one final cheer they massacred the remaining dragons as Nisus went to the king

"We have some unfinished business little bitch" Nisus's yellow eyes flashed as he started up at the dragon

"A puny mortal like you dares to go against me?" The Dragon King said amusedly, He wasn't sure what was happening but he saw the troops burst in power and knew it had something to do with this guy, if he could kill him they would quite easily win

So smirking he opened his large jaws and called the hottest flames he's ever summoned "Time to di-"

Nisus appeared behind him walking away "What the f.u.c.k? are you some kind of anime villain...I expected better" He said as thousands of cuts appeared on the dragon, The dragon couldn't even say anything as it died seeing Nisus walking away without looking back as if it was trash I'll show this guy!' He got ready to take the life force of his subject...except there was nothing to take!

before he breathed his last he saw the carcasses of his subjects laying in the ground dead...

That day a legend broke out through the troops and spread back through the country, The legend of Camelots Unbeatable Hero

(A/N: The mission isn't over yet lol, but a time skip will happen from this chapter and the next just so you know????)

(G/N: Go ahead and vote for the story! I need more people to see Author-San be embarrassed!)

(A/N: Stupid f.u.c.k.i.n.g god...)

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