Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 2 - Training The Kings Invitation

As soon as Nisus got home he tried out his Mindscape, Upon entering Nisus smiles in excitement

Looking around he sees every type of weapon and millions of punching bags, weights, and other workout materials, He also can feel that he can call any character he wants

(Should I?) Nisus just shakes his head and laughs, of course he will, He then summons Gilgamesh(Archer)

"What are you laughing for Mongrel!" Gilgamesh yells out and dozens of portals appear behind him

"You'll be a fun fight," Nisus says and millions of portals appear behind him much to Gilgameshes shock

"How do you have that!?" He says and summons more portals

Inside of Nisus's millions of Portals, he summons Golden lance and several A-Rank Spear type Noble Phantasms "let's go, king of heroes"

Gilgamesh smiles "It seems that you are worthy," He says and brings out a hilt that has red and black engravings on the blade part not looking like a sword at all "Ea it seems someone worthy of you has appeared come!" He yells and dark red light swirls around the hilt

Nodding his head in approval Nisus unsummons all of his portals except one " Come... Extase" He says and a giant pair of scissors pops out (if this can cut through anything... then it should be able to cut through Ea... let's test it)

Nisus jumps toward Gilgamesh and finally realizes something... he doesn't know how to fight a real opponent, He only ever fought bullies, and half the time he got heavy injuries, and besides... he isn't that strong

Upon realizing this Nisus widens his eyes as he gets kicked back by Gilgamesh "Wait... are you Just another Mongrel!?" Gilgamesh yells angrily and puts away Ea "You aren't worthy..."

For some reason, Even though he knew it was true he didn't like hearing someone say that he wasn't worthy

So looking into the races that were programmed into his mind he smiles, His body starts to get larger until he towers over the shocked Gilgamesh

(Race Change: Titan)

With his racial change to a Titan, his strength increased over 1,000x, Thankfully his weapons got bigger with him so he could use Extase

"Sheers of creation... you should get that sword back out... mongrel," Nisus says with a smug smile looking down on Gilgamesh

"How dare you" Gilgamesh once again brings out Ea intent on destroying this entire space

Right before Gilgamesh can destroy everything, However, Nisus brings down Extase catching the sword of Rupture "These scissors are actually extremely Op if you use them right" Nisus says and cuts with the scissors crushing through Ea with almost no resistance

"W-What!?" Gilgamesh yells in surprise after seeing Ea being destroyed

(My theory is correct) Nisus smiles more and switches to a different race

(Race Change: God)

He returns to a smaller size but still slightly taller than Gilgamesh and punches him back continuously slamming his face into the ground with his fists

When done Gilgameshes body evaporated into particles like he never existed "So that's how that works..."

Nisus then Summons another person so he can learn to fight with weapons "Hello miss Scathath" He says to the woman who's wearing a s.e.xy bikini(*Cough* Sauce in the comments...)

Scathath being someone with her wisdom of Dun scaith understands what's going on immediately "Why have you summoned me?" She asks Nisus who is checking out her body

Snapping out of his pervertedness, Nisus smiles "I would like you to train me in every weapon you know" He says and weapon racks appear in the space with every weapon one can think of, including modern weapons

Instead of Asking why or anything that will waste time Scathath instead looks over at the racks and walks over "Where do you want to start?" She asks

"Umm how about the sword," Nisus says and she grabs 2 swords

"We will start with the basics... I will make you able to use any weapon by the time we are done" She says and tosses him one sword

Deciding to go back to a normal human Nisus does so and starts his long and grueling Training


Nisus goes out of his Mindscape after 2 years of training with a sword, He told Scathath that he would summon her to train in the next weapon later

Looking down he sees that his body has gained some muscle, Though his physical age didn't change, he had spent 2 hard year's perfecting his sword skill

Turning over in his cot, Nisus closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep

Outside his 'Window' Was the mag is of flowers who was trying and failing to get into his dreams "How peculiar" He mutters and goes back to his king


Waking up Nisus goes back into his mindscape for some quick talk with Scathath

Summoning her he smiles "Ok which weapon do you need now?" She says and starts to wall over to the rack

"Wait... let's not train today... Let's just talk, maybe tell me about yourself?" He says (Why isn't this skill working!? I'm able to summon the most beautiful women I want and change the Mindscape at will So If this skill doesn't work I'll be pissed

The skill was working, But Nisus failed to realize that Scathath is someone who can hide her expression with ease

Scathath nodding comes over to sit down in front of him, Nisus also sits down peaking a little at her bikini bottom "So... where you from?"

"Ireland," She says without hesitation

"Are you ok?" Nisus asks not wanting to make her uncomfortable

"Yes, I'm very content... I just wish I could die" She replies and gets ready for his next question

(Oh yeah... I forgot she was like this) He thinks to himself before sighing "Why do you want to die anyway? Don't you want to spend time with me~?" He asks slightly teasing

"I don't necessarily want to die... I would just like the ability to be able to die... Fighting without any danger of being killed is no fun" She replies and doesn't answer his second question

Nisus smiles at this and puts his hand on her head "I can change that if you want... But are you sure? You'll be bound to me forever" He completely lies about the second part but the first part is easy for him

(A/N: In case you are wondering these are the real people, Nisus can pull them from a certain point in time, and they will remember him if he went to FGO, Scathath would remember him, The people he summons just won't actually die in his Mindscape, only a projection of dying, I hope this cleared things up????)

Scathath looks at him slightly surprised then seemingly thinking about it she stands up and picks up a sword "Let's spar..."

This confused Nisus since He had told her that he could fix her problem, But deciding. ot to push it he grabs a sword and they spar for a couple of hours


Coming out of His Mindscape Nisus gets up and Bathes, Then coming out of the Washroom he sits down and thanks his mother for breakfast


There came a knock on the door and Nisus's mother gets up and answered, "Miss, Nisus is requested to see King Arthur at noon, please have him in a presentable appearance" A guard says handing her the invitation and leaving the premises

"Nisus! Look what you did!" She says aggravated thinking her only son will be executed by the king

"Don't worry mom... it'll be fine?" Nisus says with a smile but on the inside, he is a bit scared (Which King Arthur... will it be a bastard version who wants to kill me? or a hot version Like Artoria!?) He thinks to himself and finishes his breakfast


Nisus makes his way to the castle and gets permitted to enter the throne room escorted by guards

Once stepping inside and Kneeling he looks up at the 'King' And doesn't say a word

"You all may leave," Artoria said to the guards causing them to step out, then turning to Nisus she looks at him with a blank expression "Who are you?" She asks questioningly

Before Nisus can answer however he sees something that makes his blood run cold "Is that... a cliffhanger?"

(A/N: Hope the explanations that I gave make sense lol, And also in case you want to know how many women that Nisus will end up with... the answer is yes)

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