Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 23 - Psychopath momentPrelude to War


Lancelot's eyes shot wide open as he heard the sound of a door opening "What's the sentence?" He doubted that Arthur would execute him with a war on the horizon, but a punishment was going to be issued to him no matter what

" Sentence? killed knights lance...why would you get a normal sentence?" Nisus said walking out of the shadows looking at him

"Where's Arthur?" Lancelot said, But in the back of his mind, he felt...scared? The boy that he had trained...he felt scared of him!?

"Arthur?... it's Artoria, don't say Arthur it reminds me of terrible memories" Nisus sat down on the floor and smiled carelessly "How are you doing lance?"

Lancelot breathed a sigh of relief and sat down as well, it seems he was mistaken about how this was going "As good as I can when the love of my life gets executed..."

Lancelot remembered the last words Guenivere had said to him before she died, the words that had caused him to go mad and kill the nearby knights, including the new knight Gareth

"Pft!" Nisus burst out laughing shocking Lancelot and also making a vein pop out of his forehead "Why are you laughing!" He yelled slamming a hand against the bars making them bend slightly

Nisus wipes a tear that escaped when he was laughing and looked back at Lancelot "I'm sorry... it's just how the hell did you fall in love with that s.l.u.t! hahahahha!"

Nisus couldn't hold back his laughter and went into a laughing fit once again, the truth was he had banged Guenivere a long time ago before they had even gone on the 2-year mission, and from what Lancelot said they had been together

Knowing this Nisus had assumed that it wasn't a serious relationship, maybe friends with benefits at most, but seeing Lancelot profess his love, he couldn't hold back his laughter

"I f.u.c.k.i.e.d her..." He said after finishing his laughing fit "It was pretty easy... " hey Guenivere let's have s.e.x" that's pretty much how it went"

Lancelot widened his eyes after realizing what Nisus was insinuating"Y-You..." Lancelot fell back with his eyes still wide trying to process everything that was happening, he was brought back however, from Nisus's next words

"My mother died..." Lancelot sat back up and looked into the face of the smiling boy, He had said his mother was dead...but why was he smiling?

Lancelot began to feel the same fear as when Nisus had first walked into the cell room "S-Sorry to hear that..." 'Why the hell am I stuttering!?'

Nisus gave a small smile "You dad was killed by you useless knight's...and then the nobles forced my mother to become a whore or else they would kill me..." Nisus's smile turned into a grin 'Myself in this life was crazy...a real psychopath, once I gained my memories it became less so...but this is fun!'

Nisus stood up with his face half-covered by shadows and his eyes glowing "They never had a nice life...and now she never will because of, please... Die for me"


Nisus walked out of the prison room without looking back, in Lancelot's cell there was nothing but blood splattered everywhere, no sign of Lancelot's body in sight...


"Nisus..." Circe stood behind a smiling Nisus as he stood in front of his mothers grave, When he heard Circe he looked back shocking her that he was smiling


"... sorry about your mother" Circe blamed herself for not being there to protect her mother's lover, she wouldn't blame him if he threw her away and left Camelot

"Oh... it's ok, it was probably her time anyway...the best thing I can do is be here right now...go make lunch or something"

Circe nodded and left, looking back once more seeing him staring down at the grave, Once she was gone Nisus started talking

"Even though you aren't technically my 'real' were way better than the bitch back here, one tear that's all you get" Nisus turned as the single tear slid down his cheek, then he walked away without saying anything more


"We have a war on our hands, but can I just say your ass is looking mighty fine...mind if I go spelunking for a while?... those caves need lots of exploration, I mean they've never been explored it would be a shame to let perfectly good ones go unexplored..." Nisus said as Artoria, Merlin, and he was walking through the castle

Not the normal Camelot Castle, however, this was an alternate dimension filled with spirits and magic, Avalon

"You shouldn't be speaking of such improper things," Artoria said with a slight, ut noticeable blush on her face when she had gotten back from the mission with Nisus, she had asked Merlin to teach her the terms and ways of s.e.x

Merlin was overjoyed and had brought out the books and taught her everything, Ever since that day in the pit she had been a mess emotionally, physically she was fine and even looked completely fine, not even Nisus knew how much she had been thinking for what he would call 'A Simple Kiss'

"Improper?, we're all a.d.u.l.ts here, besides I'm sure Merlin wouldn't mind searching a few caves with me" Nisus chuckled at the end before dodging a blow from both Merlin and Artoria

When they had first came here They had met a fairy, or as she liked to be called, A Fae, Merlin wasn't exactly Subtle with how he was looking at her, causing him to be teased by Nisus without mercy

"Where did you and Gwendolyn meet anyway?...maybe I should warm her bed...make her even wetter, she is the lady of the lake after all"

Merlin stopped and looked at Nisus with what could only be called Murderous intent, Even if he knew Nisus was Joking he wouldn't let him off

So he destroyed him with every spell he knew completely annihilating the surrounding area as well

"You just going to stare at me or what?" Nisus said, Merlin, snapped out of his fantasy and smiled a bit before continuing walking until they reached the hidden chambers of the welsh dragon

"How dare you bring this guy here!" The welsh dragon said and glared at Nisus hatefully

Nisus was confused as f.u.c.k, Did he steal this guy's v.i.r.g.i.nity and run or what? "What!?"

Merlin and Artoria both nodded at the welsh dragon's words, they seemed reasonable

When Nisus saw this he just smiled and shrugged before jumping on top of the dragon "What's wrong with you boob dragon emperor?"

The Welsh dragon wasn't sure why he called him that, But he didn't think it meant anything good, So roaring his mightiest roar, he got the shot beat out of him by Nisus in one punch...

"Stay down little dragon" Nisus then smirked before letting Artoria hit him on the head

"Be serious for once!" She yelled and kneeled at the feet of the welsh dragon"Please give me guidance!"

'If she wanted guidance such I could've guided her to the bedroom... Maybe it's time to start being more serious?...' Nisus wasn't sure what was wrong with him

Half the time he felt like a phsycho, and the other half of his time was him joking aro7nd and just chilling, he knew that his too selves were contradicting each other...and he knew he would have to deal with it soon

He looked back and saw Merlin with a large heart in his hand standing over Artoria putting it inside her own chest



"I never thought it would be like this..." Nisus said standing there with Artoria seeing the large army in front of them

He put Circe and Medea in his mindscape, no matter what happened today, he would be leaving Camelot for good, Zoe was next to him sitting there eating snacks that she took from his mindscape

"It was bound to happen eventually..." She said and continued scarfing down snacks

" ready?" He said to the 6 men behind him, that was all that was left of Arthur's followers, Even if they won the war, Camelot would be completely destroyed without its people

"Is this...the only way?" Artoria asked looking at him, He just smiled and put a hand on her head

"Probably not...but it's the most fun"

With those words and the battle horn from the enemy Army the war started...

(A/N: I'm back...)

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