Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 32 - A drunk Nisus is a good Nisus(Featuring A song by Nisus!, "I wanna be where the bi

(A/N: Releasing this chapter earlier since I posted a whole ass announcement chapter, kind of feel bad????????‍♂️... I don't even remember the bullshit I wrote in this chapter...)

"Finally that shits over... did it really take that long to make sure I wasn't a traitor? it was just a little blood..." Nisus said grabbing his sword back and looking at the general.

It's been a few days since he had 'Subdued' and sitting in a cell didn't do much for his manners, "Kid it's just procedure, you know your still new to this, except for those obviously fake records you gave, there is no proof who you are..." The general said trying to get a reaction.

"Oh really?, that's crazy almost as if I faked them or some shit..." Nisus says sarcastically making the general sigh as he walked away, obviously very 'Pissed.'

'Did I fake being mad good enough?' Nisus thought as he turned the corner and disappeared, then reappearing in a military outfit outside of the base he looked at the bar he was in only a week ago celebrating with his friends, it was destroyed and dark.

Nisus stood at the open space as he saw Peggy Carter and Steve Rodgers at the only standing table left.

"You aren't alone..." Peggy was saying grabbing onto Steves's hand, Nisus winced slightly and looked away, he may act like a pervert and tough guy, but he was a high romanticist... he also missed his girls back home...

"Yeah... you aren't alone or whatever... I'm not alone too... right?" He said putting on a smile as he stood behind Steve, Peggy just gave one glance and got up not saying anything...


"Schmidt thinks he's a god and he's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with America," The general said pointing at a map.

"Then let's blow his ass up as well!" Nisus says getting up and pointing angrily at the map, for the first time in his 1,517 years of life, he had been nearly blackout drunk.

Every time he drank before, he would simply filter it out, but he decided to experience it for the first time, and he had to say, this shit was crazy as f.u.c.k!

"Kid... are you drunk right now?!" The general finally lost his patience!, he had held it in for the time that Nisus had been with them, but this was getting too stressful.

"Yessir!, hey do you have a daughter?, it would be could to check for any diseases she has, Anal Cancer can only be cured with my Excalibur!" Nisus says putting one foot on the table and giggling, obviously hinting at his p.e.n.i.s.


Everyone was silent as Nisus started dancing, "You guys ever see that one nigga Mufasa? that guy can dance!" He says as he starts doing the go Mufasa from The Bop.

"Nisus!, now is not the time for games! we have a war going on!" The general said his face turning red as his anger reached an all-time high.

"Hey... why so serious?" Nisus said then laughed crazily, mimicking the joker, "Ok ok, I'm done..." Nisus says backing off as the general let out a breath of relief and started to go back to his speech.

"I wanna be where the bitches are..." Nisus says taking off his coat and standing up on the table looking down on the surprised audience, at this time ot wasn't normal to curse every sentence... imagine that...

"I wanna see, wanna see them sucking..."


"dancing around on those... whadda ya call them?... Oh, Poles!"


"Up where they dance!"


"Up where they c.u.m!"


"Up where they strip all day in the sunnnnnn...light..."


Nisus suddenly opened his eyes as his whole demeanor changed and he smirked, showing a violent expression.

"Can't keep my d.i.c.k to myself!"

"can't keep my d.i.c.k to myself!"

"I mean I could but why would I want to???... ah for real... why? this is my legitimate question..." Nisus's mood changed faster than a s.l.u.t changing positions as he sat back down on his chair, finally filtering out the alcohol in his system.

"Anyway, ignore that haha, it's still like 50 years till you'll learn that's shit... wait... can't I claim copyrights!" Nisus's eyes shined, he'd by the time Walt Disney came up with this shit!

"Anyway, back to the meeting" As if it had never happened everyone was back and focused on the generals' presence.

"So what, earth goes boom if we don't kill this guy right?, why are we even still here let's go find this red d.o.g.g.y... wait no that's Akainu's name... whatever let's do this!" Nisus says and gets up leaving the room.

Because of his enthusiasm, the rest were sword up at the moment and also stood up before paying and realizing they hadn't even been told what to do yet...

"Sigh... Captain, please take care of this" Tue general looked like he had aged 20 years in just the span of the meeting, though he smiled once everyone was gone, 'That kid... he's really grown on me huh?'

(A/N: Kid?... whatever you say, man...)

(G/N: Don't ruin the moment you f.u.c.ktard!)

(A/N: Whatever... call your mom, she still owes me 3 more sessions...) (Queen bee reference????)


"So we either end it all today or America is destroyed huh?... this is so exciting!, hey guys if I did make sure they claim that copyrights from Disney!" Nisus said instantly lightening up the mood in their cramped space.

"It seems it's time..." Nisus said grabbing a zipline with both yafusa and Murasame strapped to his side, ready for use once he lands.

"It was a pleasure captain!" A soldier said as nisus just sighed and swing down into the lab where the red skull was currently beating up a confined Captain America.

this was the plan, Steve would get captured and then stall for time as they swung down, getting into the core of the base in just a few seconds, this way they would take them all down from the inside.

Nisus was feeling kind of bad, This would be steves last day, and he wouldn't admit it, but Steve had actually grown to be one of his real friends.

Just like a few others aiming history had somehow done, he just couldn't help befriending strong people, Musashi, oda, Charlemagne, and also Ferdinand and Isabella had done.

These were all strong people who, no matter how history had depicted them, had earned the respect and friendship of nisus, not even his old 'Friend' Lancelot had been able to do this...

"It's a great day to die..." Nisus said softly as the guns started shooting...

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