Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 35 - Artoria Vs. Nisus(22)(34)

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"Round 3" Nisus said as he appeared behind Artoria, he would need to engage and jump back faster than she could react, otherwise he wouldn't stand a chance, even with the sword.

As expected Artoria grabbed his leg as he jumped away and slammed him into the ground, making his brain rattle as he spits out blood on her eyes, blinding her.


Nisus put his all into a lick to her side, only for it to be blocked, when hitting her arms, he heard a crunch and jumped back, knowing he had broken something...

"Crap..." Nisus said dodging to the right before getting his throat grabbed, seeing this situation, he couldn't help but believe he'd been slightly in provoking her.


Nisus was slammed into the ground along with another crunch, his eyes focused, with his adrenaline pumping hard, this gave him the time he needed to heal naturally, he was still a demigod, and his healing was faster than normal ones anyway, due to his enhanced genetics.

"Damn that hurts..." He said squinting his eyes seeing the blonde woman standing over him, something. was different however, she seems to be getting, she even looked at him with slight scorn, Like "Is this all you've got?" kind of look...

This was something he couldn't allow..., so gritting his teeth he flipped backward landing on his feet before opening hundreds of portals and sending A-Rank Sword-type Noble phantasms toward her at Mach 3.

"I was going to do this without my power, but you are getting too for my liking... good luck..." Nisus said, his look making Artoria shiver slightly as he appeared in front of her.

(Demigod(X-Gene)+ Vampire Prognitor+ Dragon King)

Nisus added 2 new bloodlines to his base one, he hadn't done this for years, so the rush of power made him stagger slightly making him miss the punch he'd thrown at Artoria.

Artoria felt the dragon bloodline that had entered his body, she was starting to get even more fired up, and all thoughts of holding back went out the window as she went into a full dragon form, causing her power to reach 10,000x her normal Base power.

"Wow such a cheat," Nisus said flashing in front of her and kicking with all his strength, he was much weaker, but he could still aim for the places that would cause the most pain.

This was his strategy, due to him having weaker stats, this was the only way for him to win unless of course, he went all out, but he wasn't sure how to bold back yet in this new enhanced form, being a dragon wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do if you wanted to hold back, he was even constantly holding back the urge to pin her down and take her right here and there, something he knew would hurt her pride.

"My Little dragon, Please block this" Nisus said as his eyes glowed yellow and soon huge beams of sun energy rained down on Artorias scales, burning a few of them off...

Artoria roared as fire gathered in her throat, she was still in control, but if this went on she didn't know if she could hold back, she wasn't worried for Nisus however and this was put out of her mind as she let her own breath attack out towards Nisus, who was standing there with a bored expression.

"Wow, who knew this shot was so durable..." Nisus said as white scales covered the arms he was using to block the flames from Artoria, He decided at this moment to keep the dragon race, He got rid of the progenitor, making his new default race, a Demigod, Dragon king hybrid, all disguised by the X-Gene.

"Let's go Artoria" Nisus was losing himself in the fight, as he free wings in his back, giving him more agility to dodge the claws and occasional breath attack from Artoria.

Artoria didn't answer as she flew into the sky looking down on him, Nisus stood there smiling as he pulled out a pair of glasses and put them on for his ultimate technique.

"Optic Flash..." He said pushing his Glasses up and releasing sun energy from his eyes, the glasses shined and sent the concentrated energy into the underbelly of Artoria, this time making the Dragoness transform back to her original form, completely unconscious, she had taken too many lethal attacks...

"Seems I won... that was fun," Nisus said catching the blonde beauty out of the air and flashing towards the mansion in his mindscape, he hadn't felt his heartbeat so fast in his life, Is this what Love felt like?... no he was just excited due to the fight...


"I... lost" Artoria murmured with a smile as she sat up from her bed, she looked around at the empty space and shrugged her shoulders, she didn't expect I beat Nisus anyway, she really just wanted to prove she could hold her own, or at least make it seem that she wasn't useless.

Throughout history, Nisus had fought without her and pushed her to the sidelines to Keep her safe, something she didn't appreciate, especially when he would come back with a sad expression that he didn't realize he had after killing people.

Sure he'd gotten used to it, but it didn't mean he liked it, he thought he was numb to this, but his eyes conveyed complicated emotions that Artoria was able to identify.

"You up?" Nisus said appearing holding a platter of snacks out to her, these were her favorites that weren't created yet in the real world.

Artoria softly smiled before standing up and walking close, before planting her lips onto Nisus's, surprising the 1,000-year-old child...

"Huh?... but... ok" Nisus was in shock and just default accepted the display of affection from Artoria, something he would need to get used to from now on... not that he knew it yet...

"You won..." Artoria said blushing while looking away, except instead of trying to bide it by calling him an idiot she just glanced at him trying to read his emotions.

Finally, Nisus understood what was happening, he now knew why they had fought, and he also remembered the dragon culture that he had long since forgotten since coming to this world...

"Oh... right" Nisus threw the platter to the side and pulled Artoria into a deep kiss, seems they wouldn't be getting much sleep...

In the other room, there was a red-faced loli who was breathing heavily while gripping the armrests on her chair, 'This dumbass has no idea how potent he smells! he probably thought being a dragon would be cool... I hope he realizes soon...or I won't be able to hold back...' Zoe thought to herself, changing her form to a busty white-haired woman around the age of 20, and letting her hands reach lower before slowly rubbing her cave...(A/N: Get it? she's a dragon, and dragons live in caves????...)

(A/N: Oh yeah hope you enjoyed the shorter and whatever...)

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