Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 37 - Charles Xavier and Raven(36)

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Come Chat And Shit


"C'mon Raven," Charles said as they climbed the fence and went into the forest, Raven had snuck into his house a month ago, trying to pretend to be his mother and taking food to survived and decided to take care of her, and ever since they'd been brother and sister,and so, ever since then they'd been a brother-sister duo that couldn't get separated


Nisus appeared with a donut in his hand as the two kids were thrown to the side, seperating them..., "oops... this is where i was supposed to meet them wasn't it?" Nisus had already met with the general and made up bullshit about how he had survived.

With the project going on between the 4, meaning Howard, Nisus, Colonel Phillips, and Peggy, of making the early shield, he was bored, and so what did he do to get rid of that boredom? became a tutor for a rich kid that lived with his mother of course, it was actually a request from the colonel so he thought he might as well...

"Hey kid, do you know someone name... Charles Xavier..." Nisus stopped seeing the name on the paper, and he finally realized who he was tutoring, one of the most famous mutants known in his past life!

He wasn't sure how he had missed this, but at least he understood why there was a blue girl sitting there staring at him frightfully, "Don't worry, i don't bite... not until your over 21..." He said not wanting to get caught up by the FBI, He barely escaped when flirting with Zoe, and that was only because she was older than him...

"That's me" Charles said stepping in between to block Raven from Nisus's sights, Nisus smirked at this and handed Charles a letter.

"Seems your mother is a friend of my... friend i guess... maybe a grandpa?" Nisus didn't know how to describe his relationship with Philips... so Grandfather was the best he could think of.

"What!? i don't need a tutor, you can go '' Charles read the letter and handed it back before turning and grabbing Ravens wrist.


"Kid... do i look like a teacher?" Nisus asked, taking off his shirt and throwing his donut into his mouth before kicking a tree nearby, making apples fall, "I'm not your normal teacher... i need to teach you how to protect yourself... guess i can teach the little girl as well, since she's here, so come one, it's either this or i'll have to force you"

Charles chuckled slightly as he continued to walk with Raven "You wouldn't dare hit me..." Charles said before feeling a hand on his head as he was thrown face first into a tree, "Hard way it is then," Nisus said jumping forward and kicking Charles up before slamming him back into the ground and healing him.

Charles coughed up blood before realizing he was healed and looked up at his new 'Tutor' "O-Ok... sorry, S-Sir" Charles said as Raven looked on at this in shock...


"Hello mother," Charles said coming in, along with Raven and Nisus, who smiled at the middle-aged woman.

"Hello mam" He said, grabbing ahold of her hand and kissing the back as Charles and Raven looked on in shock at what was going on.

A few minutes before this, they'd both been getting kicked around, and somehow their injuries were immediately healed, so they couldn't even complain to anyone about this arrangement, But now the 'Demon' had started flirting with a married woman...

"I am so glad to be Charles' tutor, don't worry he's a fine young man... The training isn't hard either, i'm just teaching him a few things, look he learned how to punch today" Nisus was completely lying to her face, the training he did wouldn't even count as training if they were anywhere else, all he did was beat them up and heal them, then repeat until he felt like it was enough.

Unfortunately, Charles had indeed learned how to punch now, mainly because he was hit multiple times with one over the 3 hours they'd been 'Training' so instead of making a fuss and worrying his already downtrodden mother, he sucked it up and did a punching motion into Nisus's palm.

"See? he's a natural, one hell of a boy that kid, when i was his age i wasn't even sure how to walk..." This was some more bullshit, at his age he had tamed a dragon and kept her in his mindscpae, and he also had s.e.x with women way older than him, but this didn't matter too much, I mean, who doesn't lie a little on their resume?

"Well i'm glad that he's learning... um my husband will be home soon if you want to talk with him... Charles also has an older brother who might want to learn as well..." Sharon said before excusing herself and going to the kitchen.

Nisus had seen Charles flinch at the word of his Step-father and step-brother coming home, and Raven, who looked like a blonde child, had also flinched, this wasn't a good sign, so he decided to stay for a while... Who dares to pick on his beloved students? Especially after his students had so graciously introduced him to this bombshell of a woman.

"Hello sir..." Nisus said drinking tea as Dr. Marko, or Kurt Marko, Charles fathers colleague comes into the room with a boy around Charles age, except more built.

Charles' father had died in an accident and Sharon had ended up marrying his colleague for a better future for her son, admirable except for the fact that Cain, who was Kurt's son, bullied Charles on the daily, and she was forced to ignore it by kurt.

This was the reason she had asked her old friend, Colonel Philips to teach her son how to defend himself, and so Philips had sent Nisus... A rookie mistake but oh well, at least Nisus got a milf out of this ordeal.

"Yes, hello... What are you here for? I already said I'm not paying taxes for those chicken strips until I get that goddamn fund!" Kurt started to get heated before feeling something hit his nose and falling on his ass with blood flowing out of it.

"F.u.c.k your chicken strips!" Nisus said looking down on the surprised scientist, this man reminded him of someone he never liked...


"Get your head out of the clouds dumbass kid!, your a skinny white boy, you have nothing going for you except that your daddy's rich! that's right i'm rich, so pay me some goddamn respect!" A white man yelled to a young white haired kid who had said he wanted to be a scientist.

This man was Nisus's father, his father didn't care about this Albino child of his... him and his wife were currently trying for another son anyway, so why should he?

"S-Sorry..." Nisus said wiping his mouth that had been hit and looking up at his father with his yellow eyes, Nisus's father just scoffed and kicked him away before going to check on his wife, who would hopefully be getting a positive result on her pregnancy test, An Albino had no place running their business...


Nisus looked down at the man and all he could see was his sorry ass excuse for a father, oh how he wanted to kill this man, but that wouldn't solve anything, so he decided on a new plan... Plan C... UCK...

"I'll be going now, same time tomorrow kid... let your brother join too" Nisus finished with a wave and left out the front door winking at Sharon who hadn't seen what happened in the living room yet...


(A/N: F.u.c.k your Chicken strips!, i always hated Dr. Marko onlky married Sharon for the money...)

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