Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 4 - Monster Country(1?)

(For the next few chapters they will be fighting and exploring the Monster country)

Nisus and Lancelot rode for twelve days, stopping every once in a while to train and eat and sleep

Finally, Lancelot hopped off his horse and looked up at Nisus "We have to leave the horses here, they won't go into Monster country" He said and tied His horse to a tree stump

Nisus did the same and started walking into Monster country with Lancelot

"Ok, I'm going to explain how a Monster country works," Lancelot says after they get a few feet inside the territory

"What the hell!? Shouldn't you have explained earlier?" Nisus says surprised

Ignoring him Lancelot begins to explain "There are several Monster countries, This is the closest one to Camelot however, there are 12 layers to a monster country, The first is the one we are in and also the safest, There are only acid frogs and Tigeress's in this part, that's how we will start your training, By the time we are done you'll be in the 12th layer" He explains

"What's in the 12th layer?"

"Who knows? No one made it there yet, The farthest they've gone is 6th layer, And that layer has Vampires, So it's safe to say that the 12th is way worse"

Nodding his head with a smile on his face Nisus can't help but start to get excited (This is exactly what I want! A way for life to not be so boring) He thought to himself and followed Lancelot who had crouched and started prowling in the tall grass

"See that" He whispered and pointed toward a tiger looking monster, except the tiger was more than 10 feet tall and at least 13 feet long

Nodding his head Lancelot informed him that this is a Tigeress, "Kill it, and we'll see your skills"

Nisus starts to slowly get close, he decided to get stronger using the human Race, Since this was his base race if he got stronger in it then all the other races would be stronger along with it


A twig snapped and the Tigeress turned toward the sound immediately pouncing towards Nisus "Shit!" He yelled and jumped back, but as he didn't have any advancements in his normal race he wasn't fast enough and got raked with its claws

With the tiger on top of him aiming for the kill, Nisus Accelerated his cell regeneration and shines his sword through the tiger's stomach area quickly killing it

The tiger disintegrated into dust and all that was left was a core of golden light

"That's another reason we're here, those cores can be sold to the guild and also used to enchant your weapons and armor," Lancelot said with a smile putting it in his pouch and helping Nisus up "Good job, now kill 20 more monsters and we'll be done for the day," Lancelot said with a smile

Nisus just stares at him like he's crazy (Forget this) He thought to himself

(Race Change: Heroic Servant)

Remembering Scathath's structure and how her race was different then just a human he turns into a heroic servant, Then he summons millions of portals all over The Monster Country and destroys every living thing around

"Is that enough?" He says deciding to stay in the heroic servant race Since it had some nice perks

"What was that?" Lancelot asked shocked at all the portals

"They call it a pro gamer move," Nisus said seriously putting his head down "But you can call it Nisus's p.u.s.s.y slayer attack!" He yelled with enthusiasm and his thumb up

Lancelot just stares at him, he had no words to say to this youth "Well... It seems we're done with the first layer... except for the boss" He added at the end

"Boss?" Nisus asked as the earth started to rumble, Looking behind him he sees a 20 foot Tiger with claws sharp enough to even cut metal

"Oh I see," Nisus says and breathes in to hide his excitement(I should visit more of these Monster countries... they seem to never get boring)

Since he had already shown the weapons he decided to bring out one of the most Op weapons that exist, Murasame

Unsheathing the blade Nisus smiled remembering some things from his past life, And so he brought the sword to his arm and cut it "I reject my humanity!" Nisus yelled as the trump card of Murasame started coming into effect


Nisus rushes forward until coming behind the large tiger "Skadoosh" He whispered as thousands of cuts appeared on the carcass of the tiger

"How was that" Nisus says getting rid of the marks with cellular kinesis

"Kid... why are you a squire?... and what kind of sword is that?" Lancelot asked looking at Murasame, Since this is Medieval England it makes sense he's never seen a Katana before

"It's a sword... But I accidentally bent it so it's curved now" Nisus shrugs and gives a bullshit answer

Shaking his head, Lancelot sighs and they decide to rest in the first layer of the country before going into the second layer


Deep in Monster country, Deeper than anyone had ever gone before, in the 12th layer, there was a woman with a crystal ball looking at a certain white-haired yellow-eyed boy

"He's...interesting," She said while her servants bathed her "But he reminds me of 'Him'... So he probably deserves to die" The women said remembering her past experiences with men

Then seeing him kill the boss if the first later her expression grew dark "If he makes it past the 6th layer we will take action... But if he makes it all the way to the end, Same rules as before... ok Circe" She said looking over at the young half-Nymph

"Oh, whatever Medea... there's no way my father nor Lady Hecate would ever let a man touch my body... you're just trying to get rid of me!" Circe yelled back and pouted (I'll turn that man into a pig, just like how all men are...)


Lying down nisus suddenly shivers (A pig... weird why did I think of that?) He restructures his genes and transforms into a pink pig (Whoops...) He turns back and goes to sleep excited for the second layer of the Monster country...

(A/N: Ok so they're are several monster countries, and they all have 12 layers, each layer has a boss that you need to beat if you want to go to the next layer, The only layers that don't have a boss is the 5th, 6th, and 7th layers, Each monster country is governed by a powerful 'Historical' Being, I hope this answers most questions, you guys have about this place)

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