Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 43 - (42)

(There's a time skip... Nothing really happened that I didn't explain here)

"Ladies and gentlemen... We've done it" Nisus said on stage with a wine glass in his hand, a large building with several windows and lights, along with a white cat banging on a red keyboard, was behind him, showing the glory of Meme corps.

"You see this shit?... Guarantee no one will be able to do what i'm doing for another 30 or 40 years... anyway, that's not the point... the point is... why?" Nisus throws the wine glass into the crowd shocking the crowd.

"You see... when I was young I was shown the true meaning of sharing... not like our Russian friends haha... but anyway, my mom taught me to always share... even women, but I never do that, hell what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine..."

"Doesn't he sound like a dictator?" Peggy said standing next to Howard, it's been years since the time of the banquet, and their organization was going well, Nisus had presented this meme corps idea and pretended it would be for the funding of the organization as if he cared about that shit.

Even When Howard was being accused of selling weapons to Foreign countries she'd stepped in, so she thought he'd agree with her, his answer was less than her expectations, however...

"Don't insult Genius" Howard said eating some popcorn, over the years Nisus had continued to one-up him in everything, so he accepted his place as second, only for now, once he had a new idea he would then beat him in one of their projects.

"You see, I have a dream... a dream of piece and memes, these will bring us together! white literally if you work for me... we only accept women" Nisus dropped a bombshell, at this time women weren't really respected, much less given such an important job.

"Hah! women? this will fail easily!" A man shouted wearing a suit, he was the man who ran all the laundry mats in the city, he'd been looking at this empty and for years, he just couldn't understand how they'd put it here in one week...

"Hm, well true... if you think like that they'll never be able to grow and be just as good as men... But my Girlfriend is the CEO... are you calling her stupid sir?" The air shifted and people felt a chill down their spine.

The truth was that the girls didn't want to work with men, and Nisus had no problem with that either, fewer eyes to look at them, he'd seen all three of them study and work hard every night for ten years, they'd all gone to college and graduated from good universities, nothing major, but still schools with good reputations.

Seeing this man pretty much dismiss all their hard work just because his daddy had owned the shops before him made really irked him in the wrong way.

He'd been trying to be more serious about things, and less of a weird person that doesn't flinch when seeing dead people, but it was just who he was, why should he change for people? so he simply stepped off the stage and walked to the man before slapping him across the face.


"Did you just-" Truthfully, any living being sees a slap as disrespect and would simply get mad in reaction, so if yoy want to slap someone... slap the shit out of them.





"Hahahahahaha!... anyway... sorry for that everyone, because of my impulse I just had to defend my girlfriend... I hope you understand" Nisus bowed as he wiped the blood away and got a bodyguard to get the man out of there.

Several women seemed to be in bright spirits after this, and Nisus's actions had changed their views about who he was as a person, he was someone who would fight for them!

only if he got head later...


Someone they could trust to keep them safe!

safe from other men...


someone who seemed to be good husband material.

He's not single ladies... well he's a free agent anyway.

Nisus had all the good qualities they were looking for, and that 30% boost worked, they now all saw him in a good light.

Someone else in the crowd smiled as he felt the subtle shift in the crowd's minds, "A mutant?...that's new... how many years have I watched him?... geez he's becoming annoying, I'll talk to you soon... Nisus Lorde..." the man said and vanished

(A/N: That's his legal name now lolz????)


Later that day he had hundreds of applications from women, and several angry calls on his M-Phone, that's right, he'd given every person in the early shield a shitty version that was connected to his.

This would work better, his phone was able to see through each camera with a simple click, along with seeing ing every message, transaction, and download as well.

He'd applied this to every phone, and once they went worldwide he'd control the world without anyone even knowing...

"Hah... wonder how the kid is doing?... he even made a school, what a good boy..." Nisus yawned and reverted to his normal 17-year-old looking form, it was annoying pretending to be an old man... even though he was...

"Should I visit them?" Nisus remembered the last encounter and shook his head, he wasn't going to go unless they invited him, something he wasn't really worried about right now...

"Who are you?" Nisus asked as he bit into an apple and open GOB taking out Murasame, he'd long sick killed his little spy in Hydra, he'd already set the trap for them, and once they tried to take over in 50 years he'd be laughing at all of them.

"Oh?... you saw that huh?... I thought you'd be more receptive to seeing your student after so long" A man said, then starting from the top of his head it became red and the whole body turns blue, showing a woman with short red hair looking at him.

"Hey... Raven" Nisus said not fazed at all, she expected this however and sat down in front of his desk smiling as she changed into her usual blonde form.

"Hey... teacher," She said with misty eyes, she hadn't seen him since she was 12, so sign him after all these years made her slightly emotional.

"Hey... why are you here anyway?... I hope it's not to ask for my money..." Nisus smoked as he poured wine in two glasses and gave her one leaning closer he studied her face, "You grew up beautiful huh?... I'd rather the other form though..."

Raven nodded before changing back into her real form, she felt a little uncomfortable being called pretty and then needing to change into a hideous form.

"Beautiful" Nisus whispered before backing up and drinking some wine, Raven was left shocked and forgot what she came here for as they drank and caught up on what's happened in the last 17 years.

2 hours later Raven was passed out and Nisus grabbed her in a process carry before taking her out of the office, intending on letting her sleep


*Ring* *Ring*

Nisus stopped and grabbed his ohien before opening it and continued to walk, "Local s.p.e.r.m bank you jack it we pack it how can I help you?" he said and Philips sighed and ignored the comment.

Nisus always did this bullshit, and everyone on the team was used to it already, "We had a package get taken... it was quite important"


"Yes... you think you can put the suit on... just this once?"

Nisus sighed remembering the suit that Philips was talking about, "How about... I bring my own..." He said and hung up before flashing. forward in a burst of speed running toward his new penthouse... technically he lived in a futuristic hotel that no one knew about... but he lived with his women making him basically have a 15 story mansion of luxury and 5-star spas.

He let people rent out the first floor, which was just the smaller less cool rooms and spas and pools for them, only 6,000 for a night, so only the richer ones cam,e.

"Hello sir," A woman said bowing as Nisus entered with a covered-up Raven, she usually wasn't like this, but since she'd been with Nisus, she let loose and wasn't worried about her safety.

"Hello, please tell Artoria that this isn't what it looks like..." Nisus said these girls would work here and also at the Memecorps building, he'd picked them up when taking down a foreign organization that had been trying to find information about Shield.

They had all been thankful... and young so he couldn't simply throw them away, so he let them work off their debt... even though they had none, none of them ever left and stayed here, it's how had been for 15 years now.

The woman nodded and eyed the suspicious covered-up Raven with a knowing smile, even though she didn't know at all...

After Nisus had put Raven in a bed safely he went into his mindscape and got a gray cape-type cloth and wrapped it around his shoulder before putting his hood up.

Looking In the mirror he smiled, he'd missed his old costume, it was easy to breathe and would also protect him, he had made it out of the dragon he'd slain all those years ago.

As he was about to leave he felt tugging on his sleeve and looked back to see Raven standing there staring at him l.u.s.tfully. Nisus sighed and took her hand away. "Sorry... i have things to do..." Was all he said as she stood there shocked while he walked to the window.

"Let's get that f.u.c.k.i.n.g tesseract..." Nisus said jumping out of his hotel window and putting the Kryptonian gene inside of him and flying off faster than anyone could see, perks of being the best of the race...

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