Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 48 - (47)

"Are they... shooting missiles at us?" Nisus asked sitting on his throne as The X-Men were on the sides of him. He didn't believe this bullshit, they see a large awesome looking ship flying in the sky and shoot missiles at it?... The f.u.c.k!?

Not only is it dumb, but ineffective, that's what he thought as he threw the X-Men down onto the beach to fight the shitty Hellfire club.

"I knew it..." A voice said behind him making Nisus sigh. Sure enough, when he turned around, Selene was standing there in all her old creepy glory, seemingly ready to get what she wanted all those years ago.

"You know you could just ask for consent like a normal person," Nisus said jumping up and throwing Vimana back into GOB and floating in front of Selene, who wasn't surprised to see this display of power. Nisus and Selene just stared at each other waiting for the other person to move.

"Stop thinking with your d.i.c.k!" Charles's voice came from the side looking at him angrily, he wasn't sure who this random woman was, but seeing Nisus not attacking even though he'd been able to attack all of them pissed him off.

"You focus on that little human girl you decided to bring into this fight!" Nisus yelled back before spinning in the air dodging Selenes superhuman strength punch.

"Wow you shouldn't be in such a hurry, I'm not a quick finisher," Nisus said his eyes glowing as solar energy toward the oldest Mutant.

"You can do that too?... just what else can you do?" Selene asked curiously and also glancing down at the younger Mutants fighting each other. She actually had been in isolation for most of her time, meeting Nisus all those years ago wasn't planned, once finding he was also a mutant she wanted to turn him into her servant, that didn't work out very well...

After finding the younger mutants doing more things with their powers and also being discovered she finally came out of her isolation period in time to join the Hellfire Club... and instantly becoming one of the monarchs...

"Everything from d.o.g.g.y to ministry!" Nisus replied to her question grabbing her hand and going down towards the ocean in a burst of speed.

"This shit will be cold..." Nisus said as they broke through the surface of the water and instantly dived down even deeper to slow down her reaction speed.

Nisus wouldn't have a problem-fighting in this kind of condition but for someone like Selene, who relies on gaining an upper hand or enslaving people with her lifeforce steal would have a hard time... except she also has psychokinesis, something Nisus really forgot about.

Sure enough, five seconds later he was pulled toward her and wrapped around her arms as they descended farther down any normal person would be handle, luckily these people were a bunch of freaks.

While being dragged down Nisus smirked and pinched her n.i.p.p.l.e surprising her and causing him to slip through her arms and burst forward back out of the water. Looking down before she could come out as well his eyes glowed violent yellow and he shot solar energy down into the water through his eyes, causing some to evaporate as it hit her in the leg, not the best aim...

"Damn it... my eyes aren't gender equal..." Nisus said diving down and punching her in the face before grabbing her by the neck and throwing her into an aircraft carrier that was crashed on the beach.

"My hands are though," He said punching her in the face and causing the carrier to break and let them crash in the metal.


Selene used some lifeforce to make herself temporarily faster and stronger and grabbed him by the throat, slamming him to the ground surprising him at the quick turn of events. He then flipped over just in time to be torn apart in two pieces...

"God... How does Deadpool get through that shit?" Nisus asked fully healed standing next to her, He had already integrated a faster healing factor into his bloodline, not as fast as Deadpool but very close.

He'd need to meet that f.u.c.ker to really get it in his system, something he'd been waiting for for quite a while, ever since realizing that he could technically still be killed if his healing factor wasn't fast enough.

"That's right bitch, I told you I don't finish fast," Nisus said to the shocked Selene as he went into his Mindscape and quickly made a secret part of it where no one could go and summoned Selene.

Selen tried to get up except she was now bouned in a cross-type pose with her knees on the ground, and Nisus had made sure no powers work here, not even his, the only thing that worked was him going out of it. No one else could come in or go out.

"Here... I'll break you... I still haven't forgiven you for the shit you did to Artoria all those years ago... so I'll turn you into my pet... let's see" Nisus changed the time interval and also made it so she would always stay young without needing to take lifeforce, then he walked out, one second in the real world was now 10 years in this dimension, this wouldn't break her, but it would lower her defenses against his later plans that he had for her.

Nisus stepped out of the Mindscape just in time to grab the red demon Azazel and stopping him from teleporting away from the fight, he was nearly dead, but luckily he was still barely alive in Nisus's arms, "Thanks..." Nisus said and tossed him away after adding his teleport gene to his own, it was a pretty cool power, and Nisus wanted it.

There were several things he could take, but this and one more power were the only ones he wanted to look at to be able to copy, not just for himself but also for a certain daughter of his, he didn't want her to be in danger in this world, so he'd give her the X-Gene, especially since he wouldn't be here to protect them for a decade or two as he explored other worlds.

Nisus walked into a room to see Eric start to drive a coin in Sebastian shaw's head, "Wait..." He said and looked over at Sebastian, who for some stupid reason actually thought Nisus was trying to save him.

"OK... carry on Magneto," Nisus said turning around and flicking his hood to make sure Sebastian could see who it was that had just sentenced him to death, a classic tactic of face slapping that was a bit more extreme to make your opponent feel complete despair and emptiness as they died. Pretty fun he'd say.

Nisus then stood around while things played out, seeing Eric come out all villain like he watched more interested as he came to fight Charles.

Before Eric and Charles could fight it out, Charles's CIA girlfriend started shooting only for Magneto to redirect them into Charles's hip.

Nisus watched this as the two groups stood on the opposite of each other, Eric and mystique with a few stray hellfire mutants that decided to follow him as -well.

"Raven!" Nisus yelled pulling down his hood and looking between the two groups. "Is this your choice?" Seeing Raven nod he smiled softly before turning away from both groups, "Don't ask me to join... and don't try and come to me after things go to shit... I'm no one's second choice..." Nisus says as he disappears in a flash of light after everyone heard his words.


"Good morning," Nisus said to his daughter as she shuffled in her bed and looked up sleepily. Nisus smiled at her before picking the little girl up and holding her in his arms and walking out towards Medea's room.

"We're going to the real world... you'll be going to school of course... until then you have to promise to never show anyone your powers... if you do I have a solution... so don't take it too seriously, do whatever the hell you want" Nisus finished grabbing Medea and leaving the Mindscape and appearing in his large Hotel/Home.

"Is this Asia!" Circe asked jumping out of bed and grabbing the girl and swinging her around. Medea smiled as Artoria just watched from afar with a pouty face. Nisus had said one kid at a time, so no kids for the other two... for now... and he was still iffy about Artoria... but he could just change his genes to not be her brother now that he thought about it.

"Hi... Are you guys my other mommies?" Asia asked cutely as the other 2 girls smiled at her, even Artoria couldn't stay cold in front of Asia.

"See... you love her" Nisus whispered into the blonde's ear before dodging a half-ass slap from Artoria as the three women took turns holding Asia and talking to her.

Nisus smiled as he messed with Asia's genetics and gave her the X-Gene to be able to teleport and also another one that he had gotten a long time ago. The man he'd gotten from it had died somehow, but with this, her body would adapt to anything and keep her safe.

Nisus smiled as he walked out of the room and flashed to New Jersey to the new shield base they were working on.

"Sup f.u.c.ker!" Nisus said flipping off his friend Howard Stark as he walked into the half-completed building.

"Where have you been?" Howard asked as he flipped through a magazine. Nisus just reached under the makeshift desk and found the hidden bottle of Vodka that Howard usually kept with him.

"Oh you know, just stopping the Cuban Missile Crisis and shit... He'll I did pretty damn good I'd say." Nisus said pouring in a shot glass that appeared on the table and downed it quickly barely feeling the burning feeling.

"What's your problem?" Howard asked seeing him go back to drinking, he didn't even acknowledge what he said about the missiles since he already knew about Nisus able to do crazy shit. Philips, Peggy, and Howard had been informed by Nisus himself when he was drunk at some point, none of them cared anyway, so it wasn't harmful.

Nisus stopped drinking and looked over at him after his 16th shot. He sighed and put the shot glass down. "I don't get it... I usually wouldn't care about things like this... but... Maybe I've changed" Nisus sat down without even answering Howard's question and closed his eyes.

He was worried about his daughter being here out in the real world, there were many dangerous things out here, things even Nisus was afraid of... but he didn't want her to stay in solitary her entire life, 13 years was already stretching it. If she had inherited his no f.u.c.ks given attitude then he'd be even more worried.

"What do you think of... being a parent?" Nisus asked looking over at Howard who widened his eyes at the question before opening back up the magazine to think. "I don't know... but don't f.u.c.k up... who'd you get pregnant?... With how many girls you've had... maybe you should stop" Howard gave the best advice he could give and went back to his reading.

Nisus nodded before getting up and leaving the building after checking up on the rest of the things and coming back to the dimension where Selene was sitting tired from the millions of years that had passed but still sane from being alive long enough to take it.

"Hey... are you ready to be my little pet?" Nisus asked as he tugged at his tie and slipped it off letting it drop to the floor as Selene widened her eyes...

(A/N: So some random guy that I won't name because I honestly don't care, left a 1 star review on this story lolll... basaically his complaints were that Nisus was an asshole for killing his son and also for having s.e.x with random women... Just wanted to address this quickly that I put this shit in Synopsis and also it's how he is... so I'm not sure what this dumbass was expecting... "Oh I HaVe ThReE GiRlS aLrEaDy, LeTs FoRgEt AbOuT My AdDiCtIoN SoMeHoW" another thing I will address is that he wont' be doing In cest with his daughters... or anyone he calls his daughter in the future... that's all, see you later f.u.c.kers and enjoy the triple release lol.)

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