Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 55 - (54)

Ok I realized my stupidity... So I made this fic 100% to deal with any stress making my actual serious things(God's Tales, Gacha System, Etc.) So there was no point in having it on Patre0n... I have no idea what I was thinking tbh... Why did I even do that lmao... So I will be updating this here in only... expect around 2 chapters a day until completion...

On another note I have started Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis, please don't get it confused with that... Other son of artemis fic... I'm not saying it's bad... but I have had this idea since october lmao... at the latest, so... I don't want to hear any bullshit about me stealing it...'

That's all...


"Ok... obviously mister drugged up mutant over there won't be any true help, we need his abilities and he doesn't have them... so what's the plan?... I do feel like seeing Raven again..." by the time Nisus finished, Charles was already seated and thinking over his words, all while glaring at him, but with less animosity...

"First... we need to get Eric..." Charles said causing the others to look at him. Nisus didn't say anything as Charles started to explain.

"He's in the pentagon... For terrorism... we need to find a way to get him out..." Charles finished before Logan stood up and tapped the table.

"I know a guy..." Logan said as weird music played in the background. "The f.u.c.k?... anybody else here that shit?... Just me?... Whatever at least the readers can hear... Oh, they can't?... f.u.c.k" Nisus said putting his head down on the table...


"Maximoff?.. Sounds familiar" Nisus said putting his hand on his chin before a woman opened the door and widened her eyes in shock. Before anyone could say anything she stepped forward slapping Nisus across the face, causing a loud smacking sound to come off his skin.

"Hm?... Maximoff... oh shit!" Nisus widened his eyes as another slap came and hit his face. He stood there and took it though, only because he remembered how he knew this woman... well this last name.

"Listen, mam, I'm a federal booby inspector and I'm sure your's needs to be inspected, my colleagues will search the rest of the house... Go men Go!" Nisus said, taking Ms. Maximoffs hand and bringing her to the side of the lawn, not caring about her struggling. He had seen the flash of silver and dodged the small toothpick aimed at him.

Peter had flashed downstairs and didn't know that he had missed, obviously not thinking that was possible. "Listen, random lady, I am sorry for whatever I did, I'm... trying to be better... with a little help... Maybe there is hope for me yet," Nisus said bringing her hand and kissing the back of it.

This bullshit actually worked, thankfully Nisus had the innate skill Bullshitter hidden in his soul giving him the perfect excuses, and in times of need, random bullshit that he could spew...

After inviting him into tea he found out that he'd stood her up after agreeing to meet her for some... ahem... time This wasn't too much of a surprise... well the fact he stood her up was, but the reason they knew each other wasn't.

Nisus was sat sipping tea like any normal British guy. 'Tastes like shit... this is shit tea...' Nisus looked next to him seeing the milf in front of him. 'Curse your entire bloodline for making this tea...' He thought to himself before sipping more.

Letting his hand crawl behind the couch he was eventually gripping one of her ass cheeks while acting nonchalant and sipping the tea. Ms. Maximoff didn't say anything and just looked over before leaning in and kissing him, she would finally be able to cash in that s.e.x ticket now.

'Good, I'll wash out the tea with you' Nisus thought as he let his tongue in her mouth before his body went rigid. 'She drank the f.u.c.k.i.n.g tea as well...' Nisus thought before kissing her deeply and trying to get rid of the taste.

Just as it was leaving Nisus went through the worst moment of his life, a moment so terrible that it would traumatize him even more than getting rejected by Peggy.

"That's my mom!" Peter Maximoff yelled seeing Nisus kissing his mother and rushed forward, hitting him away. Nisus blinked realizing he wasn't kissing her anymore and looked up seeing the silver speedster in front of him. "Did you just... C.o.c.kblock me?..." Nisus asked before getting up and sighing as they left, wishing her well and also promising to visit sometime... Probably...

"That's so gross!" Peter yelled as 2 kids made their way outside and looked at them leaving. They were only around 1 year old and we're currently being led home by a neighbor who was watching them for a while.

"Wanda! Pietro! I'll be back later k?" Peter said smiling as they hopped into a small car that barely fit them all.

"Who's father are they?" Nisus asked, seeing as Peter's genetics were different from There's. Peter flinched and looked down.

"A year or so ago... some guy showed up... he was like us... a mutant... he controlled metal... my mom said my dad was able to control metal as well... but that guy didn't seem to think I was his kid... he never even acknowledged us before leaving suddenly... something about... finding why he was sent here?... it was all pretty much bullshit to leave my pregnant mother..."

Nisus nodded before shrugging, he wasn't going to judge anyone, after all, he had tons of kids he'd left... of course, they were random and he only knew them for a few seconds before killing them.

Like the half-devil kid, who had shown up 3 years ago trying to take Artoria as his woman using the devil mind control. Not only had Nisus kicked his ass, but he also found out that he was the father of that disgrace... and apparently there were more... a cult of them in fact dedicated to getting revenge... talk about Daddy issues...

Nisus ignored them though, the only one he truly cared about was Asia, his little girl... If anyone touched her they'd die... a horrible and painful death... one they would never be able to stop feeling... even when they died of course... it was one of the rare moments that people not only died when killed but also got killed once again... it might even replay 3 different times...

"This will be easy..." Nisus said standing in the middle of a tour group with Hank, aka beast as they got ready to break Eric out of the pentagon.

"You know I was actually one of the people who helped build this shit... god, that Kraven guy was around too... f.u.c.k that guy" Nisus narrowed his eyes in annoyance. He hated seeing people older than him. Why couldn't he have been born earlier?

He spent 2 years with that caveman piece of shit... It was annoying getting treated like a child. Nisus sighed as he looked around the pentagon. He'd always wanted to break out or in here, even after helping build it for some extra cash, he never got the chance to see the inside.

"This is nice... I could get used to this..." Nisus said before faltering, feeling someone enter the building... someone who shouldn't be there. Looking around he tried to spot the person but he wasn't able to... how weird...

"To the left are a few pictures of the president and also a nice cut out for you guy's to take pictures..." A tour guide said pointing to a few cutouts. Nisus didn't even look though as he looked at the woman with a smile.

The woman was blonde and looked slightly out of place, she was too beautiful. 'Quit it dumbass!' Nisus thought to himself looking away. He refused to be some horny dog who tried to fukc every woman... even though he already was... but that was beside the point. He was so focused on stopping his aura from coming out he didn't notice the quick look of fear the woman had on her face when she looked over at him.

He hadn't taken an actual lover since Artoria. It was his goal to try not to, sure harem would be nice, but he felt it was too hard with three girls, two of which were cursed by some Goddess to be with him for eternity, and Artoria... who was a whole other story.

Nisus sighed once again as Hank positioned his router and gave a nod. Nisus acknowledged him by flipping him off and turning around walking toward the exit of the pentagon.

"Go, we have been breached!" A few guards yelled, running down one of the halls, just in time for Nisus to see them and know which way to go. Following the guards, he made his way down into the Pentagon.... time for the plan to start...

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