Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 58 - (57)

"Unfortunately... you aren't worthy to fight me..." Gilgamesh said and turned, snapping his fingers as Caster appeared next to him. "Instead... enjoy fighting... her" Gilgamesh said with a wide smile as he evaporated into gold particles.(Hah thought there was gonna be a huge ass fight????)

"Her?... Just how many of you people came here Scathath?" Nisus asked looking around cautiously as the space now seemed very quiet.

"I do not know... all I know is that when I appeared Merlin was staring at me..." Scathath answered using her senses to see if she could pick up any sounds of an incoming attack.

"I believe that the only reason they came, to begin with, is due to your interaction, so they probably gained a small connection here until the gate was fully open, sucking them in... whoever they interacted with could very well have been exposed to this attachment."

Nodding at Merlin's words Nisus sighed as he put the swords away. " Forget it for now... Avalon is a mess right now... if we can we should get the spirits on our side... or at least make sure they support us... especially if I'm to be king... god why can't Artoria just take over?"

Nisus turned to see Merlin's glare and sighed as he started walking along the border, all while feeling someone watching him...

"So... explain further merlin," Nisus said as they walked along the border of Avalon while on edge, they were all experienced enough to know something was up, and that someone was watching them.

"Well... you must have somehow been able to interact with people from another world and slowly but surely broke the dimensional protections that kept them all separate..." Merlin summed it up faster than Nisus had thought, but it had been useful and most likely accurate information.

"Shit... well they can't go back... I'll kill the ones who came... unless they follow me... after all... a King has to do some things in order to ensure his kingdom prospers... Oh, and Merlin... on your left" Nisus said as he ducked and merlin dodged to the right as a small white-haired girl flew over them with a shocked expression thinking she would be able to at least kill the magician.

Nisus straightened back up just as the girl flew over him and caught her by the leg before slamming her face-first into the ground. Seeing the girl though, Nisus widened his eyes in shock and let go.

"I swear it was an accident... shit why are Lolis so damn common," Nisus said looking at the white-haired loli who was laying on the ground with her skirt showing her panties to Nisus.

"She's of age don't worry," Merlin said to encourage Nisus, who dropped his hands and looked as much as he wanted now that this info had been told. "What's your name, little girl..." Nisus asked, bending down with his fist on his chin as his head was slightly tilted. He was eyeing the girl with interest, mainly because she seemed strong.

The girl widened her eyes as she jumped and spun in the air aiming her knives at Nisus's throat. "Cute... I think I'll keep you if you want" Nisus said dodging as he grabbed her into a tight hug so she wasn't able to attack as her knives clattered to the side.

"L-Let me go!" Jack, the girl's name, said as she struggled in Nisus's arms. Nisus grinned as his two companions watched on wondering what his intentions were.

"Aww you're so cute, you remind me of my daughter... hmm, fine, I've decided" Nisus threw Jack into the air before smirking as she landed in a [princess carry, "By my royal decree I pronounce you as my daughter!" Nisus said out loud as his two companions nodded, not all surprised that he used a serious order to make a cute girl into his daughter.

"W-What!?" Jack yelled, falling out of his arms and aiming two more knives at the excited heir to the throne. Nisus just couldn't resist seeing this cute girl, every part of his being just wanted to protect her.

"Be my daughter... you're stuck here anyway... unless you want to work with Gil... then I'll need to kill you... no loose ends and such" Nisus's demeanor turned cold as he looked at the small girl with Clarent in his hands.

Jack stopped breathing as she saw the near future of her death, it wasn't a premonition, but more of a feeling that if she tried to fight him it wouldn't end well.

"N-No... I don't even like Gilgamesh... he was just the only familiar person..." Jack said, dropping her knives and looking up at the smiling Nisus. "Yay!" Nisus said picking her up and putting her on top of his shoulders.

"Honestly... is this supposed to be how a king acts?" Merlin asked, still tensed because of Vivian being trapped by Gilgamesh, and most likely being forced to make the spirits fight against them.

"No idea, I'm making this shit up as I go along... Now let's go, Merlin!" Nisus said bending down before looking up into the sky and launching forward across Avalon. He knew there was still one more person to look out for, but he felt he could take them.

"If you find someone that you can't fight... what will you do?" Merlin asked as he floated next to Nisus with Scathath close behind as they started dropping near the lake of the spirits.

"Merlin... I've killed my own children before... there isn't anyone like that in this world..." Nisus said, turning away as the girls flashed through his mind. 'The hell?... why'd I think of them in this situation...' Nisus thought as they dropped into the lake...


"The land of the spirits is so interesting... and Welshy boy is hiding down here as well?... god I knew he was a p.u.s.s.y but I thought he might go down fighting... geez, he loses one heart and turns into a big softie... so dramatic," Nisus said as he ate gummy worms and fed Jack some as well.

Jack the Ripper, one of the servants from her past world. She was brought here because she had interacted with Gilgamesh often due to the alliance their masters were in.

"What do you think Jack? Dragons are such pussies right?" Nisus asked the small girl who looked at him confusedly. "P.u.s.s.y?" She asked Nisus, causing him to pause and look at her.

"P.u.s.s.y... like... I don't know... scaredy-cat?... well there's also the gi-" Nisus stopped as he looked at Jack with a deadpan expression. "Wait... you're messing around right... don't act too innocent, I already know about all the people you've killed, you're quite famous here in Europe" Nisus said putting a thumbs up as they reached the large cave they were going to.

The welsh dragon had gone into hiding to reserve his final power. Nisus had found this out only a few minutes ago, but he wasn't really surprised since Artoria now had most of his power residing inside of her.

"Yo! Knockoff Boob dragon come out!" Nisus yelled, throwing a rock into the cave. In the next second, he smiled seeing the red dragon come out and glaring at him...


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