Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 296 Chapter 293 I am a dragon knight

After thinking hard, Li Feng decided to ask about Merlin's whereabouts first.

After all, whether he brings his little piece of fresh meat to Merlin's mouth or walks around Merlin in the future, it does no harm to Li Feng to know Merlin's whereabouts.


Regarding the legendary Merlin, Bowen said that he had no chance to meet him and did not know his whereabouts. The only thing he knew was that Merlin's name appeared in many legends.

Scar also looked confused. Although she was a long-lived dragon, she also had no chance to meet Merlin.

Seeing this, Li Feng thought for a long time and asked: "Scar, do your people know the whereabouts of Merlin?"

Scar glared at Bowen fiercely, turned to look into the distance, and said sadly: "My people were almost killed by this mentally retarded knight, and the rest are hiding in the corners. I don't even know where they are hiding." If you know, how do you know if they know Merlin's whereabouts?"

"So" Li Feng took out the green leather gourd from his shoulder bag, took a sip of beer, wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "No one knows the whereabouts of Merlin now, and no one knows the whereabouts of the remaining dragons?"

Scar nodded silently.

On the side, the corners of Bowen's mouth were slightly raised in disdain. Although he had been a dragon-slaying warrior for more than ten years, countless dragons had died in his hands, and the news about evil dragons he had received recently was indeed getting less and less.

But who would believe that he has killed all the evil dragons?

At least, I only know the whereabouts of one evil dragon

However, Bowen did not want to share the whereabouts of the evil dragon with Li Feng. After all, in his eyes, Li Feng and Scar, who easily turned him into a sheep, were both the same thing.

They are all evil creatures.

Seeing that Li Feng had no questions to ask him, Bowen asked cautiously: "Dear Mr. Wizard, can I leave?"

Li Feng, who all knew that this was the world of 'Dragon Heart', certainly knew that Bowen was about to find the dragon who gave half of his heart to Ainon.

Just in time, I also want to ask this giant dragon with only half a heart if he knows where Merlin is. Li Feng rolled his eyes and waved his hand casually to signal Bowen to decide when to leave.

Seeing this, Bowen could not stay where he was. He immediately packed up his cross sword and shield, turned around and ran down the hillside, shouting: "Coward (Bowen's horse), come back here."

Scar silently watched Bowen leave. When Bowen mounted his horse and left, he asked in a low tone: "What are you going to do with me?"

"Austin," Li Feng pointed at himself and said, "Just call me Austin." Then he pointed at the scar on Scar's face and said, "Do you need me to treat your scar? Don't worry, it's just a few. It’s a magic thing.”

Scar touched the scars on his face, and she heard that Li Feng didn't mean to kill her. Otherwise, why treat the scars? Doesn't it look like he has too much mana to be used?

Maybe the other party's purpose is really just to collect some blood?

As for the scar on his face, Dao Scar shook his head sadly and said, "Forget it, this scar will always remind me."

What was the warning? What was the warning effect? ​​Scar didn't say anything, and Li Feng didn't want to ask.

If there is a chance, Li Feng plans to bring Scar back to the Marvel world as a pet. By then, Scar will have nothing to do with the world of "Dragon Heart". Do you know that knowing Scar's past is actually useless.

If it's useless, why bother opening up your partner's scars and pouring salt on them?

"When will you collect blood?" Scar asked.

Li Feng patted Scar's head and said with a smile: "Don't worry. Only by testing fresh blood can we get more accurate answers. Wait until I prepare the tools to collect. Now, let's follow Bowen to find your tribe."

Scar narrowed his eyes slightly: "What are you doing to my people?"

"Of course I'm asking about Merlin's whereabouts," Li Feng answered while walking around Scar.

Li Feng's answer was as expected by Scar, but she was a little confused, why was Li Feng walking around her? This gave her the illusion that she was the beef on the chopping board and the other party was the buyer.

Of course Li Feng was not thinking about decomposing Scar;

I saw Li Feng suddenly jump on Scar's back, put his hands on his hips and looked up to the sky, laughing wildly: "I am a dragon knight, and I still ride like a female dragon~"

Scar looked at Li Feng with twitching lips. She didn't mind Li Feng climbing on her back. After all, he was a strong man and it would not be embarrassing for him to ride on her.

But can you please stop smiling so sinisterly? I’m getting goosebumps, and I feel like you’re insulting me no matter what.

Shaking his head, Scar shook some unhealthy thoughts out of his head. He kicked his limbs hard and flapped his wings, taking Li Feng to fly high into the sky.

"Austin, will it be too conspicuous if we follow Bowen in such a big way?"

Li Feng sat cross-legged on Scar's back, drinking beer and smiling: "You are afraid that Bowen will find a chance to kill you? Don't worry, he can't see us."

"Can't you see?" Scar suddenly remembered the scene when Li Feng suddenly appeared from beside him, and asked, "Are we invisible?"

Li Feng shrugged and said, "What else? Am I so stupid, knowing that Bowen is now afraid of me and still blatantly following him? I'm afraid that once this guy knows that we are behind him, the only thing he wants to do is hide in the crowd."

Well, Scar, who was actually quite convenient to have a mage next to him, asked curiously: "What are you doing with Merlin? To discuss magic?"

Li Feng scratched his head, turned his head and said, "I haven't thought about magic yet. Besides breathing fire, what other spells do you have?"

"My strength is too weak. I can only change my skin color to disguise myself like a chameleon." Scar thought for a while and added: "Some powerful dragons can cast transformation spells and turn into horses or dogs to hide themselves. Others can Strengthen the dragon's breath and spit out flames containing magic power. If you encounter a surviving dragon, either the other party will be so powerful that you will become a piece of their food, or the other party will be able to survive until now if they are good at hiding. "

"Are you one of the dragons who survive because they are good at changing color?" Li Feng covered his face and said, "You are really lucky."

If you speak well, I won't encounter you who are killing people. Scar thought melancholy.

On the other side, Bowen, who felt like he had narrowly escaped death, touched his hungry belly and then his empty money bag.

Kill a dragon and get a bag of gold

This is the price he set himself. Now that the dragon has not been killed, the gold will naturally leave him.

No choice, in order to fill his stomach, Bowen prepared to kill the next dragon.

When heading to the dragon's hideout, Bowen met Gobber, who had enough to eat and nothing to do, and was traveling around.

The hungry Bowen saw that Gobber looked like a good old man, and immediately asked him for some dry food. By the way, he learned that this chatty Gobber had titles such as scholar, historian, and bard.

And Gobber also knew that Bowen was a dragon-slaying warrior, which made him very excited. He was trying to create a great poetic work but had no clue.

Isn’t the dragon-slaying warrior in front of us the best source of creation?

In this way, Gobber followed Bowen with a dead face, preparing to witness the killing of the dragon with his own eyes.

Two days later, Bowen came to a waterfall based on intelligence.

While Bowen was carefully observing the nearby terrain, looking for the giant dragon and the best place to kill it, Gobber climbed up a 'boulder' with a manuscript paper and a quill in his hand, and used the quill to write on the boulder. Poke it sharply a few times to prevent the pen tip from being too sharp and puncturing the manuscript paper, and to allow the ink in the quill to flow to the pen tip.

At this time, the 'big rock' under Gebber suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at Gebber above his head, and then closed his eyes again as if nothing happened.

Apparently Gobber was sitting on the dragon's head.

Gobber, who knew nothing about this, was compiling something on the manuscript paper while chattering: "Of course it is brave to take risks and slay dragons, but if the dragon falls in the woods, no one will hear and see the dragon-slaying warriors. Heroic, so what’s the point of slaying the dragon or not?”

As a veteran of dragon slaying, Bowen noticed the dragon when it opened its eyes and looked at Gobber. While raising the spear in his hand, he stared at the boulder under Gobber, and signaled Gobber to stop speaking.

At this time, Geber just felt that he was bursting with inspiration. Then he would listen to what Bowen said and just write on the manuscript paper.

Although Bowen has killed countless dragons, he is still a knight with a bottom line. At least he does not kill easily.

With no other choice, Bowen could only reach out and make a sound from the corner of his mouth to signal Gobber to leave the "boulder" quickly.

Gobber was a little confused and didn't know what Bowen wanted to do. He still sat on the dragon's head as if trying to die, and said while writing: "The power of the pen is better than the power of the pen."

After writing a few strokes, Gebo found that the pen tip was out of ink, and subconsciously poked the 'boulder' under him with the pen tip.

The power of the pen tip cannot really hurt the dragon. After all, dragons are thick-skinned creatures.

But just because it doesn't hurt doesn't mean it doesn't itch.

It's like a silkworm crawling on the arm, and the piercing itch is enough to make people raise goosebumps.

The same is true for the giant dragon under Gobber. If it hurts, he can endure it and it will pass. But how can he endure the itch?

Unable to bear the itching, he couldn't help but shudder and shook Gobber's head off.

Seeing that he was exposed, the dragon hurriedly hid in the cave behind the waterfall, threw out a corpse that had rotted into white bones, and angrily threatened: "The last dragon slayer wanted to fight me, this is his only remaining skeleton. If I If it’s you, I’ll run away as soon as possible.”

I am a dragon-slaying warrior who has been killing for more than ten years and is still alive. How could I be scared away by just a few harsh words from you? Bowen ignored the threat of the dragon, threw the spear in his hand at the dragon, then drew his cross sword and shield and walked into the cave.

Seeing that his warning was in vain, the dragon angrily spit out a mouthful of flames and sprayed it at Bowen.

Unfortunately, the environment the dragon lived in was too humid, making his flames inferior.

Seeing that Bowen was not injured at all, the dragon felt so embarrassed that his face almost fell to the ground.

What was I thinking at the beginning, why did Mao choose a battlefield that could weaken his abilities? And the cave is so small that even turning around is difficult

In a moment of dissatisfaction, the giant dragon decided to switch to a battlefield that was more conducive to exerting its strength, and fled out of the cave with its wings waving.

Seeing this, Bowen immediately ran out of the cave and mounted his horse to pursue him.

After a while, Bowen caught up with the dragon, threw out the stumbling rope connected to the saddle, and tightly wrapped the dragon's hind limbs, making it impossible for the dragon to escape.

In the air, Li Feng, who was watching the whole process of Bowen capturing the dragon, covered his face and asked: "Scar, your dragon can't fly as fast as a horse? It's ridiculous that weak scum like you haven't been wiped out by humans so far. It’s a miracle.”

Li Feng patted the scar under his body and sighed: "You should be lucky that there are no Guangdong or Fujian people in the place where you live."

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