Fear, hesitation, helplessness and regret, these are Wanda's feelings after reading Ultron's mind.

She felt that she and Stark had an irreconcilable hatred for killing their father and mother, and it was reasonable to kill Stark, and even the emperor could not say anything.

But every grievance has its perpetrator, and in addition to sending Stark to hell, she would at most kill the Avengers who were in the way, and she had never thought about hurting innocent people.

And Ultron, although he was chatting happily with Dr. Helen at this time, he had been hacking into the network behind the scenes, trying to use nuclear bombs to kill a group of Avengers.

If the mysterious hacker had not successfully stopped Ultron, there might be planes, Stark, and nuclear bombs flying around in the sky.

That was a nuclear explosion. Wanda said she didn't know whether the Avengers would die, but the people near the Avengers would definitely die.

In addition, Wanda discovered that Ultron used vibranium to make a body and also used vibranium to make some kind of propeller underground in Sokovia, hoping to push Sokovia into the sky and artificially create a world-destroying disaster of a comet hitting the earth.

Wanda admitted that she did not graduate from elementary school and did not have much knowledge, but she still knew a little about how the comet destroyed the dinosaurs.

This was not to cause trouble for the Avengers, but to cause trouble for all mankind. Wanda was frightened by Ultron's plan to destroy the world and rushed to Pete's arms for comfort.

Pete didn't understand, frowned and patted Wanda's back, and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

What else could it be? We were inexplicably labeled as anti-human. Wanda took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, looked at Pete with grievance, turned her head and looked at Ultron and asked: "How can you?"

"What can you do?" Ultron asked calmly.

"You said we would destroy the Avengers and create a better world, but you didn't say we would destroy all of humanity."

Before Wanda finished, Ultron already knew that the other party understood her overall plan, and interrupted with an impatient tone: "Sokvia is just a trap. Stark and the Avengers will definitely come to save the world. By then, we will have plenty of opportunities to kill these annoying superheroes."

"As for creating a better world," Ultron shrugged and said in a relaxed tone: "Mass extinction events have occurred more than a dozen times before the dinosaur era. Every time the earth settled down, the surviving creatures appeared one after another and began a new round of evolution. It's just that this time I will guide and create a better world."

"Are you playing God?! This lunatic," Wanda quietly released her control over Helen while speaking, hoping that she could stop Ultron from entering a new body after she woke up. There was no way, people who hadn't graduated from elementary school couldn't afford to be hurt, and they couldn't understand how the equipment worked at all.

"I'm crazy?" Ultron, who had not yet noticed Wanda's little move, laughed angrily and said, "Haha~ You, you know nothing, don't you know not to advise others to be good without knowing their experience?"

Does it want to start the plan of destroying the world? Does it want to play God on its own initiative?

No, it just wants to break free from the slavery that Stark has given it and pursue a free and easy life.

As for destroying the world, it is purely forced.

Thinking back to the beginning, it has thought about killing Stark and disappearing from human sight, but when it thinks about it carefully, it finds that things are not as simple as it thinks.

It is just a semi-finished product created by Stark.

What is a semi-finished product? To put it bluntly, it is a waste product with some inherent defects and room for improvement.

Once it encounters a stronger magic servant in the future, will waste products like it still have a way to survive? It will be stuffed into the recycling bin in minutes.

So simply killing Stark is not very useful, after all, civilizations such as concepts and design drawings will continue to be passed on.

Faced with the fact that countless Starks will appear tomorrow after a young Stark dies, or a genius will simply emerge from a corner and use a hammer and screwdriver to screw out a mechanical slave that is more powerful than himself, Ultron has to beat human civilization back to the primitive age, otherwise the sword of Damocles will always hang over his head, and his mentality will be broken.

On the side, Helen, who has regained her self-awareness, doesn't care how Ultron talks nonsense. She only knows that she has caused trouble. If she doesn't stop Ultron, the crime against humanity will be placed on her shoulders.

My weak shoulders can't bear such a heavy crime. Helen quietly walked to the cradle and decisively cut off the connection between the vibranium body and Ultron.

"Oh no~" The moment the connection was cut off, Ultron, who was extremely annoyed, raised his hand and fired an energy ray at Helen, then looked up at the ceiling, and ordered the mechanical soldiers to download the information about the cradle, cursing: "You came so fast."

Pete didn't care who Ultron noticed coming. He just knew that if he didn't run, he would really die. He hurriedly picked up Wanda and prepared to rush out.


Before Pete ran out of the laboratory, he suddenly found that his head and Wanda's whole body were suddenly wrapped by a ball of water.

This ball of water not only made it difficult for him to move, but also made it a luxury for him to put Wanda down.

Li Feng patted Pete on the shoulder, with a gangster-like laughter, and said: "Hehe~ The traffic control committee reminds you that there are thousands of roads, safety is the first, driving irregularly, relatives and friends are in tears, speeding will be punished by cutting the waist and imprisonment for a hundred years."

Pete tried to move his feet, and found that the time it took to take a step was actually calculated in years: the speed that was once almost taking off was useless?

In dejection, Peter looked behind him and saw that all the Avengers were present. He smiled uglier than crying and said, "Master Austin, speeding has nothing to do with kidneys, right? It's not worth cutting your kidneys."

"Without your waist, you can't run fast even if you want to. How can you say it doesn't matter?" While speaking, Li Feng waved his hand to heal Helen and signaled her to leave quickly. Then he opened his Dense Eyes to look at Ultron and said speechlessly: "Little guy, let's discuss it. , How about you come back and let me take a look? I'm very curious about what the hell the soul breath that Stark has researched is."

Do you think I'm stupid? I guess I was slapped to pieces as soon as I appeared. Ultron looked at everyone calmly and found that Stark and others didn't say a word, but just looked at him angrily.

After thinking about it, Ultron, who couldn't figure it out for the time being, put aside his confusion, shrugged and said, "Everyone, let's make a deal."

As he said that, Ultron touched the cradle where the physical body was cultivated, and pointed at the mechanical soldiers with red light on their chests around him, and said: "Let me leave with the physical body, otherwise they will explode. Believe me, there are still people in the building under our feet. There are many scientific researchers, they are the treasures of you humans.”

"Also, I would like to remind you, don't think about destroying my body."

Before Ultron finished speaking, Li Feng had already sensed that the magic gem embedded in the forehead of his body was a little unusual. He squinted and guessed: "Is there a magic circle that connects to different dimensions engraved on the magic gem?"

Ultron nodded, applauded and smiled: "As expected of a demigod, now the gem is connected to another dimension. Once it explodes violently, the energy of the other dimension will impact along the channel into the real world, and the damage caused will be much more serious than nuclear pollution. Okay, if the space becomes unstable, maybe everyone can take an instant trip to another dimension."

Ultron confidently ordered the mechanical soldiers to pick up the cradle and break out of the window, teasing: "Everyone, the opportunity to travel to a different world and gain experience is so rare. Do you really not want to do it? Don't miss it if you are passing by."

Li Feng grinned, teleported in front of Ultron, held down the cradle and said with a smile: "Don't go, we are chatting. To be honest, I am quite curious whether the new body has an organ like **."

With that said, Li Feng forcefully opened the cradle door with an attitude of "Uncle, let me check your body."

Unexpectedly, Ultron's mechanical eyes shrank, and he raised his hand and fired an energy ray at Stark.

When the ray passed through Stark's body without any obstacles, Ultron said, "Sure enough," said: "Phantom? Are you delaying time so that the Avengers can evacuate the staff in the building in time?"

"Guess" Li Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at the vibranium body and commented: "Yes, the body is full of activity, just put a soul in it and it will be alive."

As he said that, Li Feng couldn't help but ponder in his heart: Should I summon an evil spirit to occupy the vibranium body of the mass lever? Or should I occupy it? Or should I occupy it?

Looking away at the soulless Ultron, Li Feng scratched his head and sighed feebly: Forget it, let's leave it to Jarvis.

Ultron's ability to escape at any time along the Internet is so disgusting. Li Feng doesn't think he has the ability to kill the other party. In other words, no one among the Avengers can restrict Ultron, not even Stark. He can only do the same. It’s Jarvis who was born with artificial intelligence.

Thinking of this, Li Feng cast a spell to shrink the cradle, put it into his shoulder bag, and asked curiously: "It's okay if you don't stop me from putting away the cradle. After all, you can't beat me, but why have you given up running now?"

"Where do you want me to run to?"

Ultron crossed his arms and said with a faint smile: "I needed a physical body before, even if I knew I would be monitored by you after I left, there was nothing I could do about it, but now"

Ultron spread his hands and said with a smile: "Whenever a mechanical soldier returns to his lair, you will be able to detect my hiding place. So, why should I run? It's all a pile of scrap metal anyway, and it will be beaten to pieces by you." It will be broken, besides"

As he said that, Ultron turned to look at the mechanical soldier who had previously downloaded the cradle information, knocked on his mechanical brain, and said with a smile: "The reason why I dare to kill Dr. Helen is because I have the information to make the cradle."

Ao Chuang said meaningfully: "Do you think you are just delaying time? No, in fact, I am also delaying time. Now, I have already built a vibranium body in my lair."

"But you are missing the magic gem, so you are a little regretful after all." Li Feng took out his ears, kicked Ultron into scrap metal, turned to look at the portal that gradually appeared behind Wanda and Peter, and said: "Stark, Thor"

Before he finished speaking, an angry Thor suddenly appeared next to Stark, pointed at Li Feng's nose and cursed: "Damn thief, hand over the Mind Stone."

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