Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 412 Chapter 411 Stealing the Master

Where is my gentle and lovely Jarvis? Is it still dripping after being eaten by you? How can I say it’s gone?

Li Feng half-crouched in front of Vision with a black string hanging on his head, rubbing his forehead and teaching him a lesson: "Don't you know that your household registration is in Stark's name? You want to change your name without consulting the head of the household? How brave are you?"

"Also, the name 'Vision' is unlucky, and it makes me feel scared no matter how I hear it." Li Feng looked at the red Vision for a few times, patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: "I'll call you Jarvis from now on, but I really can't. ‘Little Red’ is also fine, it sounds festive.”

Your sister’s name is Xiaohong! They're talking about where I'm young. If you have the ability, show me who's bigger.

The slander was the slander, but Huan Xing didn't dare to speak his mind. After all, he thought he couldn't beat Li Feng, who looked kind-hearted but was actually vicious. He could only rub his sore forehead aggrievedly, and Shanshan explained: "But I'm really not Jia Weiss, you see, my soul aura was given by Mr. Stark, and my intelligence was given by Jarvis, so at best I can be regarded as the son of Jarvis and Stark."

"As for where Jarvis is?" Vision said quietly after holding his head for a long time: "If I said that Jarvis died in childbirth when I was born, would you believe it?"

Damn it, can you still understand it this way? Li Feng felt that his mind could not turn around, so he looked at Stark blankly, and said with confusion: "Should I congratulate you on the birth of your son, or should I advise you to be grieving for the loss of your wife?"

"Rolling ball," Stark roared angrily and said, "What's the most important thing right now? Why don't you get some points?"

As he said that, Stark and Steve looked at Vision at the same time and asked in unison: "Can you deal with Ultron?"

Vision lowered his head and thought for a while, then slowly raised his hands, releasing fire with one hand and frost with the other, and said: "I think it's okay, after all, I am the artificial intelligence in the mage, and the mage in the artificial intelligence."

After a pause, Vision nodded to strengthen his self-confidence and added: "He is still a much stronger artificial intelligence mage than Ultron."

Li Feng and Stark looked at each other, and they both saw shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

When Stark repaired Jarvis, he deliberately uploaded the principles of the spells he learned. In addition, the magic gem on the guy's forehead connects to another dimension. He knows spells and has a source of mana. It's okay for Vision to call himself a mage.

But what's wrong with casting spells casually? Did you agree to ‘shake it’ before casting the spell?

Li Feng tilted his head, thinking about how long it took him to learn magic before he could cast spells at will, and floated to Stark's side and asked softly: "How long did it take you to practice spells to the point where you can cast them at your fingertips?"

"Uh~" Stark curled his lips, indicating that he didn't want to answer questions that hurt his pride. He turned to look at Steve and said, "When are you leaving?"

"The sooner the better," said Steve, taking the shield from behind and standing it up in front of him.

"Well," Li Feng raised his hand and said, "You guys go first, I'll go pick up the skeleton and make some preparations."

After saying that, Li Feng lightly snapped his fingers to open the portal leading to the lake. When he stepped through the portal, he glanced at Vision provocatively, as if to say: Did you see, snapping your fingers is the most handsome way to cast a spell?

The moment the portal closed, Vision breathed a sigh of relief and smiled bitterly in his heart: Facing the guy who carved the contract in his mind, I felt inexplicably that Alexander, if in the future

Although it was Stark who signed the contract and not Li Feng, Vision did not have the courage to continue to imagine the future in the middle of his fantasy. After all, Ultron was a lesson learned from the past. Who knows if Stark would destroy him after draining the use value.

Just take it one step at a time. Vision shook his head, expelling the unwanted thoughts from his head, and looked at Stark cautiously.

Seeing that Stark didn't care about his pursuit of 'freedom', Vision subconsciously imitated Li Feng's snap of his fingers and cast a spell to open a portal to the edge of Sokovia.

Back at the lake, Li Feng immediately communicated with the little guy from the Divine Tree Tribe.

After a long time, Li Feng, who got the information he wanted, looked excited and shouted: "Kreacher, move everything that can be moved in the RV to the little guy."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little guy from the Divine Tree Tribe kept shaking, and rooms of various sizes appeared on the tree trunks.

At this time, Kreacher teleported to Li Feng and guessed: "Boss, is Mr. Pim ready to modify the RV?"

"No, we just put the RV at his place first. After we get Janet back, the renovation of the RV will be put on the agenda. Now" as he spoke, Li Feng looked at the troops who were 'guarding the home' in the distance with an unlucky look on his face, and said: " I'm ready to move."

Kreacher followed Li Feng's gaze and looked at the town, wondering: "Did the military offend the boss?"

"It's not the military, it's S.H.I.E.L.D." Li Feng scratched his head and said with a touch of sadness: "I underestimate Fury's imagination, and I also underestimate S.H.I.E.L.D.'s penetration."

He was able to clearly investigate whose missile bombed Wanda's family a few years ago. This kind of investigative ability made Li Feng a little admired, but also a little scared.

Now SHIELD knows how Ultron became a magical servant and how Vision was born. Given Fury's character, he will definitely be secretly studying the combination of biology and artificial intelligence.

Li Feng didn't know how long it would take for SHIELD's research to produce results, but he was certain that one day a little guy covered in squirrel skin or other animal skin would come to hang out by the lake.

It's not that Li Feng can't see through the other party's disguise, but does he look like someone who can patrol the territory?

Now, what if S.H.I.E.L.D. sends a group of ants, earthworms and other little things to monitor us? They drilled into the ground and listened instead of monitoring. Li Feng was afraid that he would be busy digging through the soil every day to look for him.

If things continue like this, living by the lake is not a big deal, but the difficulty of conducting secret experiments by the lake has skyrocketed. He also wants to secretly study the air elves. Once this thing is discovered by Fury, he may not be so lazy. Come to the lake to eat and drink.

The most important thing is that Li Feng needs to prepare for the plot of "Thor 3" instead of trading space gems, such as finding a place for the Asgardians to live in advance with pleasant scenery and not being disturbed by earthlings.

In Li Feng's view, Sokovia, which is about to fly into the sky, is quite good. It is also a small city after all. All he needs to do is place the transformed Sokovia in the earth's orbit. I believe the Asgardians will treat him well. Be grateful.

As for the lack of air in the earth's orbit, it is not a problem for the little guy from the Divine Tree Tribe. As long as there is water and sunlight, there will be as much oxygen as possible.

And is there no sunlight in space? The bright sun is free. As for water, haha, Asgardians will tell you that there is actually no shortage of water in space.

Soon, Kreacher moved the four-door cabinets and other furniture for the farm and medicine garden into the room prepared by the little guy from the Sacred Tree Tribe, and then drove the RV to Li Feng, who was drinking heavily.

Li Feng put Carter Shirey into his shoulder bag, waved his hand and opened the door to Dr. Pym's experiment. With a somewhat flattering tone, he rubbed his hands and greeted, "Dr. Pym."

When the portal opened, Pim knew that it was Li Feng who had arrived. When he heard Li Feng calling himself 'Doctor', he rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Call me old man when you don't need it, and 'Doctor' when you need it. Why are you so thick-skinned?”

"Shameless?" Li Feng touched his face, turned out his trouser pockets, and joked: "Huh? Where is my shamelessness?"

After saying that, Li Feng innocently blinked at Pim and said aggrievedly: "It seems to have fallen off."

"Haha," Pim was too lazy to be pretentious with Li Feng, and said with a cold face, "If Janet hadn't still needed your help, I would have really wanted to kick her to death. Tell me what you need me to do."

"Hey," Li Feng scratched his head and asked, "How many Pym particles are needed to shrink a city?"

Why are you kidding me? Pim stared at Li Feng with wide eyes. After a long time, he made sure that Li Feng was not joking. He frowned and asked, "Don't you also know how to shrink?"

"There are limits to magic." After thinking for a moment, Li Feng speculated: "With my ability, I can shrink Sokovia by half at most."

Spreading his hands, Li Feng said helplessly: "The city that can be shrunk by half is still too big. Besides, there is a time limit for using auxiliary items. When the time is up, the city will return to its original state. Only by using Pym particles can it be reduced to a size that can be carried with you."

Sokovia? Pym walked to the computer, investigated the size of Sokovia, and then asked how big the reduced Sokovia was. He said as if he had a headache: "The Pym particles currently stored are not enough, and it will take time to recreate it. "

"How long will it take?" Li Feng asked.

Pim thought for a while and said: "It would be relatively simple if we only shrink the city instead of the creatures, but it would also take a few days."

Halfway through "Plants are living things", Li Feng slapped his forehead and said in his heart: I'm worried about dried plant eggs. Wouldn't it be better to just let the Asgardians plan the greening?

"Then please make more Pym particles, maybe I will be of great use that day," Li Feng said, waving to the RV and gesturing for Kreacher to get out, and said: "Old man, don't work too hard at your age, and be careful when your wife picks up When I came back, I found that my kidneys were severely damaged.”

Pointing at Kreacher, he introduced to the stunned Pym: "This is my servant Kreacher, a type of elf. During this period, he will take care of you and help you create Pym particles."

"Don't worry, boss, Kreacher will take good care of Mr. Pym." Kreacher trotted up to Pym and said respectfully: "Hello, Mr. Pym,"

Take care of me, don't think I don't know, you are clearly here to steal a teacher. Pim looked at Li Feng with a stern face, hoping that the other party would give him an explanation.


Li Feng shrugged and said: "Whether you believe it or not, I really don't want to steal the company. If you are worried, you can avoid Kreacher making Pym particles."

After saying that, regardless of what Pym thought, Li Feng mentally ordered Kreacher to learn how to make Pym particles even if he was invisible, and waved his hand to open the portal to Sokovia.

As soon as his front foot crossed the portal, Li Feng felt the ground shaking.

It was about to take off. The time was just right. Li Feng's eyes lit up and he instantly released the Soul Captor, the Golden Army and Carter Shrey, and ordered: "Except for the living, chop down all the remaining ones that can move."

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