In this way, we can support Allen’s growth in this Marvel world, so that Alan can step by step to the peak.

Yes, Allen’s goal is always personal strength.

In this world of countless lunatics who want to destroy the world, the strong and invincible personal strength is the guarantee of everything, and Alan has a powerful dependence, that is, the technology of the sharpshooter in his mind.

Roaming gunner, mechanic, gunner, ammunition expert.

These four are the four directions in which the sharpshooter can transform and develop, each of which can achieve two qualitative leaps, called the first awakening and the second awakening.

Roaming Gunner— Wings of the Gun God — Sky:

Known for his powerful physical skills and fancy guns, and for stepping into the realm of dark magic in pursuit of speed, magic is only an aid, but it also provides powerful power for roaming gunners.

He is a fast gunner known for his fast-moving attacks. Good at using mobile running positions to find enemy flaws, coupled with fancy shooting skills, making the roaming gunner a full-fledged pulling class.

The roaming gunner has mastered the unique shooting skills of shooting enemies in any position and at any time, “random shooting” and “mobile shooting”.

However, don’t think that roaming is a character based on long-range attacks, and its excellent physical skills are enough to compete with melee classes such as fighting and ghost swords.

Main research: physical skills, pistol use, magic, speed… Material.

Mechanic — Mechanical God of War — Mechanical Fuehrer:

Mechanics are the only profession that can control highly intelligent airframes in sharpshooters, and the study of machinery is very deep, and when you face such an opponent, you must not take it lightly.

You will face a huge intelligent mechanical force. Swarms of robots, air combat machinery, machine gun emplacements, bombers, and even space technology (Fist of Gaipoga)… However, the most terrifying thing is the detonation device in his hand.

Main research: energy, electromechanical, programming, intelligence… Material.

Gunner— Rage, — Destroyer:

A true expert in heavy firearms. Whether it’s anti-tank guns, flamethrowers, lasers, quantum bombs, or even satellite rays, they can be used freely. Ultra-long-range combat is the biggest feature of this character.

Killing the enemy thousands of miles away, the gunsmith is definitely the most feared opponent on the battlefield. When you fall, you can detect his presence. So you have to keep their figures on the embankment.

Main research: range, beam aggregation, precision, light energy… Material.

Ammunition expert — general — battlefield ruler:

Uncompromising grenades, the masters of bullets. Good at attacking with various types of attribute ammo and grenades. They are proficient shooters who are proficient in bullet power and have excellent skills in gun making.

They can use bullet belts to increase the number of bullets; It can also drive bullets with special attributes such as freezers and scorching bullets to penetrate the heart of enemies in an instant, causing a one-hit death!

They master cross-firing, petrol bomb skills that can attack enemies over a wide area. The constant study of ammunition is destined to make them the protagonists of calming this chaotic world.

Main research: firearms, bullets, thermocores, grenades, elements… Material.

Each of these four professions has been studied to the extreme to reach the second awakening, which is extremely frightening, and it can be described as a terrifying ghost.

Once the speed of the roaming gunman reaches the extreme, the body can even travel through the darkness and become a terrible death.

Do you think mechanics are primarily working on machinery? No, in fact, in the back, the machine can be assembled at will, as long as there is imagination, and the mechanic is terrible about their study of energy and space.

Ammunition experts are the most powerful developers of thermal weapons, everything is based on the word “power”, the ultimate technology is a “supernova nuclear explosion” that exceeds the power of any nuclear bomb! The power is absolutely incredible.

As for the guns, in the perspective of the technology sorted out by Allen, the guns should finally be weapons dedicated to integrated beam compression, and after the powerful beam weapons they have studied are condensed to the greatest extent, the resulting ray power will be nothing that can stop them.

Do you think it’s very powerful after listening to the description? This is only a single to achieve the ultimate strength, once the four are one, then these four powerful extreme forces will be able to complement each other, and there will be incredible absolute power.

For example, Marvel is good at using fast revolvers, but Marvel is not as good at handguns and bullets as ammunition experts and gunners.

The research technology of ammunition experts can make the bullet more powerful, longer range, faster, more penetrating, and even modify the firearm so that the pistol can be loaded with a lot more bullets while keeping the volume unchanged.

The gunner was also able to modify the gun to make the pistol more heated, less recoil, and more powerful.

You say, what would it be like for a roamer to rush into a crowd with a revolver modified by a gunner and an ammunition expert?

And a gunner carrying heavy weapons, but extremely fast, extremely strong in close quarters, how terrible is it to shuttle through the battlefield and harvest the lives of the enemy?

Together, these four professions complement each other, like the strongest path to the divine level, which has tempted Allen for more than a decade.

But at present, all this is still a fantasy, after today, Allen, who has more resources, will open his strongest road.

“Alan, your brother is right to say that you are a family, help each other, just like you did when you were children, don’t be carried away by profit!”

Old Hammer on the hospital bed suddenly coughed, and then, as if returning to the light, his eyes were bright and he looked at Alan and Justin, and said in a warm voice

“Alan, you’ve been very calm since you were a child, and I’m relieved to hand over to you the firearms and weapons department of my Hammer industry’s foundation!” And I know you don’t stop there, and I hope you remember that you’re a member of the Hammer family! ”

At this point, old Hammer suddenly collapsed on the bed, his eyelids seemed to be about to be unable to open, and he muttered in confusion

“We in the Hammer family, honest, low-key, a gun, we strive for excellence, Father, this is what you told me, I didn’t let you down!” I kept the traditions of my Hammer family… I…….. ”

Slowly, the old Hanmer closed his eyes, no breathing, and in the pile of instruments next to him, the one that showed that the heart was beating also made a piercing sound, turning into a smooth straight line.

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