“It’s a pity that the laser weapon was not carried on the body, but fortunately, there is an anti-tank gun, and an armored car was actually dispatched, thinking that I can’t take you anymore?”

Alan kept putting the weapons inside into his robe and on his back, while calmly observing the situation outside.

At this time, there were already gunshots outside, there were few people in the suburbs, and at this moment, those ordinary people had already run clean.

“Good owner! Need my help? ”

Johnson is also very calm, he is a retired special soldier, and he knows that this kind of scene must not panic.

“What a help, when you die, I still have to support your family, you give me honest stay in the car, their target is me, you will be fine!”

Alan glared at Johnson, and then slammed the entire car door directly into the air, smashing into the person in front of him who was carrying a heavy machine gun to shoot, directly smashing the person out, and the seven holes of bleeding fell to the ground without a sound.

“Baby, it’s time to send you out again!”

Alan pulled out two dark red guns, an automatic pistol that was now overloaded with 300 rounds of ammunition, and a revolver with 100 rounds.

Alan muttered a word in his heart and rushed out like a cheetah.

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. sky ship, Fury, Hill, and Coulson got together, and Fury had asked people to call up a satellite map of Alan’s location, and the picture appeared in front of the three people.

“Send more people, these mercenaries come from various mercenary organizations, especially those in Southeast Asia, are they crazy, are we enough to send a small team of people?”

Coulson was uncertain.

“I’m afraid I don’t need to send it, this Alan Hammer I can never see through him, with the body of the captain of the United States, and the divine control of the opponent gun, these mercenaries may not be his opponents, just let us explore his bottom again!” It’s enough to have a small team to pick up! They are all equipped with the latest technology of the umbrella, which can be called fully armed! ”

Fury shook his head.

“There are not many people on the other side, 13 people, but the firepower is very fierce, and they are equipped with umbrella guns and light weapons, after all, heavy weapons are only available to us, which is the condition for Alan to build a hive, but Alan was actually attacked by his own invention, which is really ironic!”

Hill calmly analyzed, and then in the picture, Alan kicked open the back door of the car, smashing a person to death.

The three of them then saw Alan, dressed in a robe, carrying several heavy weapons and rushing out of the car with two dark red pistols.

Outside New York

As soon as Alan rushed out, the surrounding fire cover immediately changed, countless bullets poured madly towards Alan, and an armored jeep rushed from the outside, and a guy wearing sunglasses on it held a grenade gun and fired at Alan.


“Boom boom!”

For a moment, the surrounding gunfire continued, and Alan’s location was instantly plunged into a sea of fire.


Just when the armored vehicle was about to rush into the sea of fire, suddenly a shell hit the armored vehicle in an instant, and a powerful thrust actually directly pushed the entire armored vehicle to the rear brake and slid out more than ten meters away.

“Depend, what kind of shell is this, actually able to push the armored car away!”

The man in the sunglasses with the grenade gun was startled and immediately shouted in Yue Nan dialect.

“Forget about this, this thing has penetrated the armor, but why didn’t it blow up the car on the spot?” Isn’t it a cannonball? ”

The driver of the car had a hard time stopping the car, and then asked in doubt.

“Wrong, this is an anti-tank shell, but because of the power of the explosion, if the explosion is close at close range, wouldn’t it hurt yourself by mistake?” So this shell will stay inside the car for two seconds! ”

At this time, the sea of fire dissipated, and in the hot wind, Allen’s robe fluttered, and the largest gun on his back that was two meters long and 30 centimeters in diameter had been lifted in his hand, and he was looking at the armored car lightly.

“What? Not good, jump in the car! ”

“Two seconds? Grass, too late… ”


The two mercenaries obviously understood English as well, and when they heard this, their faces changed drastically, and they prepared to jump out of the car.

However, with a loud noise, a huge explosion made the people around them instantly ring, only to see the heavy armored vehicle explode in an instant, turning into countless fragments and flying around.

The two mercenaries in the car were also flooded by the explosion in an instant, and the bones were gone.

“War-thirsty pursuer!”

Alan had a murderous look in his eyes, glanced around to determine the location of several people, re-put the anti-tank gun behind him, and then threw out two palm-sized, boxy iron box-like robots.

As soon as the two robots landed, a red ray immediately appeared above and swept around, and then “Didi” shouted twice, and a row of tracks appeared below the direction of the few people that Alan had just seen, and rushed over, very fast.

“What’s that?”

“I don’t know!”

“It should be to detect us or something, leave it alone, just kill Alan Hammer and let him taste the power of his own company’s explosive bombs!”

Several people said, have changed into a special magazine, ready to shoot at Allen again, they are using pistols, submachine guns, after loading the explosive bullet, that is, a powerful weapon of fire suppression, the specific machine gun is also easy to use, which is the new use developed by the world’s armed forces today.

The submachine gun is very light, the specific machine gun is easy to control, and the heavy machine gun is generally found to be used in a position unless it is very strong, which is very inconvenient.

As a result, these people had just changed their clips, and two robots that looked a little cute rushed to the front of these four people, and then suddenly and without warning, they pounced on several people, and then


Like a grenade, it exploded in front of the four people, and these four people were killed on the spot.


The four were dead, but there were seven more in the distance, three of them holding pistols, which looked like the Umbrella Company’s 52-round automatic pistol, and were equipped with penetrating bullets, firing incessantly at Allen directly from more than a hundred meters away.

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