Nick Fury looked solemn, stared at the screen without blinking, and did not continue.

“Are you afraid this is some kind of strike weapon?” Indeed, if that’s the case, then Allen has already touched our bottom line, which is tantamount to evidence that he has the ability to strike anywhere on Earth anytime, anywhere! ”

Coulson was also solemn, knowing that if that was the case, then Allen would face trial at the United Nations.

The nations of the world certainly do not allow any private organization to possess such a precise point strike capability.

“This Alan Hammer is not an impulsive person, he dares to do this must have something to rely on, fortunately we have already blocked the reception signals of other organizations as soon as we opened, this battle screen will be classified as top secret, let’s continue to watch!” 」

Nick Fury took a deep breath and set his eyes again on the image coming back from the satellite.

In the picture, after entering the atmosphere, the device begins to disintegrate layer by layer, and then a missile-shaped object roars toward the location of Afghanistan and falls at supersonic speed.

There is no doubt about this picture, if it is not a strike weapon, why is it made into the shape of a missile? Nick Fury and several others held their breath, waiting to see the results.

on the ground

“Volume, quantum bomb? Alan, you installed a strike weapon on the satellite? Are you too young or too confused? Do you know the consequences of doing this? You will be the target of attack all over the world, and you will aim your gun at everyone! What do you want to do? ”

When Tony heard Allen’s command to the Red Queen, his face immediately changed and he said loudly.

And hearing Allen say “quantum bomb”, Tony knew immediately that things were not so simple.

“You haven’t touched it yet, Tony! When you have extraordinary strength too, you will know that the other side of the world, they will choose to compromise! ”

In the face of Tony’s questioning, Alan smiled slightly, not caring at all.

As the two talked, a sonic boom suddenly came from the sky!

Allen, Tony, and Ethan all immediately looked up and saw the quantum bomb roaring in and plunging headlong into the approaching terrorist forces.


First there was an eerie humming sound, Tony felt the ground begin to tremble, then the sand under his feet began to flow forward strangely, and the place where the quantum bomb fell was eerily sunken.


Then, a pure white light made Tony shake his eyes too far to open, and the whole sky was illuminated incomparably brightly.


After that, there was a loud noise that resounded throughout the heavens and the earth, and the sand that was originally flowing strangely forward began to stop suddenly, and then it flowed back madly, a mushroom cloud rose in front, and countless sand formed a huge wave tens of meters high and spread around.

“Lean, go back to the cave, hurry back to the cave, you TM is using nuclear weapons?” You can’t get the material! Day, really you let you develop a quantum weapon! ”

Tony roared as he watched the sand waves sweeping in and dragged Ethan toward the cave.

Quantum weapons, in fact, are a kind of killing and invisible weapons, if it is installed on the vehicle, any target will be swept away by it and killed; If it is installed on a ship, any target will be swept away by it; If it is mounted on an airplane, any target will be swept away by it.

This is something that can produce annihilation power, but it can also be made into a bomb, that is, an antimatter weapon, when encountering positive matter, releasing annihilation power at the same time, releasing photons and mesons, and releasing huge amounts of energy at the same time, that is, it will explode.

The annihilation of one milligram of antimatter and one milligram of positive matter produces an explosive force equivalent to 430 tons of TNT, so many scientists believe that if successfully studied, antimatter weapons will be another destructive weapon after nuclear weapons.

However, in order to develop antimatter cannons, in addition to the basic research of quantum physics and high-energy physics research devices, there must also be antimatter test devices.

No one has succeeded now, not even Tony, mainly because many materials are not available on Earth and need to be synthesized.

Allen relied on the technology in his mind, after three years of repeated research on synthetic materials, he finally studied quantum weapons, which is why Allen also successfully developed a “gravity grenade”.

Gravity grenade, gravity wave cannon is actually a quantum weapon (antimatter weapon), in short, Allen is a successful research on quantum weapons, this achievement, immediately made Allen’s strength greatly increased.

“Run something, the cave will also be submerged, come here, I have a ‘quantum compression cannon’ standing behind me!”

Alan gave Tony a blank look, watching from the box without hesitation to take out a three-meter-long mechanical shoulder cannon on the shoulder, Tony was stunned, chose to believe Alan, the important thing is that Tony wants to see Alan’s quantum weapon up close.

“Well, quantum compression acceleration pipes, antimatter reservoirs, this is the gravitational reverse turbine?? I’m not sure! ”

Tony came to Allen, looked at the quantum compression cannon that Allen was carrying, and was instantly attracted to it, constantly observing and muttering, as if forgetting that the waves in front of them that could drown them had arrived.

However, listening to Tony’s muttering for only two seconds also made Alan secretly sigh at Tony’s strength, and Tony was all right.

But it’s one thing to be right, it’s another thing to be able to do it, and in quantum weapons, even if Tony wants to study, it takes a lot of time and experimentation, and it can’t be done overnight.

On top of that, when it comes to materials research, Tony can’t catch up with Tony right now.

At this moment, the rolling sand wave had come to the three people, and the overwhelming momentum finally woke Tony up, and he looked at Alan with a frightened face

“You’d better have a way, or I’m not sure I’ll be able to go to heaven for the first half of my life!”

“Haha, look! Quantum compression cannon! ”

Alan smiled, then narrowed his eyes, pointed the muzzle of the gun he was carrying, and pulled the trigger violently.


A strange sharp and piercing sound sounded, and in front of the muzzle of the gun that Alan was carrying, under the condensation of a strange gravity, the quantum pipe began to output quantum force, spinning and condensing into a one-meter-diameter ball as fiery red as the core of the planet.

The dazzling light in the middle condensed into a point, and the outermost part was an eerie dark black, and at the same time as the sphere formed, the surrounding atmosphere began to distort.


With a soft sound, the ball shot forward with a thrust, the speed trajectory of this round ball was not particularly fast, and it should be able to dodge if it was the reaction force of the captain of the United States.

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