The government, the military, the CIA, the FBI, and so on all will all be resistance.

“If it’s not difficult, will I still come to you?” Say what you want, say it, everything has to be discussed! ”

Alan didn’t bother to argue with Fury and said directly.

“At present, you will not agree to what I want, but I promised you this matter, which is equivalent to you owing me a favor!” But you have to know that this love will be difficult to pay back! ”

Fury thought for a moment before speaking slowly.

“That’s it!”

Alan hung up the phone when he finished, and then showed a playful smile.

“Hard to pay back? When Loki comes, if I don’t shoot, you’ll use up this favor, right? ”

The next day, Tony’s call came again.

“How about Tony, things are sorted out?” Found evidence for Obadé? ”

Alan asked directly.

“No, I have two more days to go, I came to you this time because of those 15 material uses, I don’t have the extra energy to develop now, but there is a company that is very good at materials research and is very interested in these materials, what do you think?”

Tony Road.

“Of course, it is good that someone helps us get it, and the stronger the other party, the harder the things will come out, but even you are full of praise for materials research, except for me, it should be only Osborne Industries and the other Pym Technology Company, right?”

Alan asked somewhat unexpectedly.

“The founder of Pym and my dad have some contradictions, this time I mentioned it to Osborne, who was very interested and ready to talk to the two of us personally!”

“Then you make an appointment, the strength of Osco’s company is still very reassuring, and then we will wait to count the money!” But did I lose this time? These materials are all synthesized by me! ”

Alan said something unpleasant.

“Come on little Alan, of course you have the most important share in the development of these materials, and you should be liberated from these things and go in the direction that has already been set in your heart!”

Tony said.

“You’re really a bit wordy, let me know when it’s time to let me know that I’ll have time in a few days!”

So three days later, Alan, Tony, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes sat down separately in a somewhat dimly lit and luxurious living room.

“I’m sorry, but I’m a little sensitive to light as I’m older, and darker helps me concentrate!” Tony should know this, after all, I’ve dealt with him a lot! ”

The middle-aged man said slowly while constantly pouring out a large number of Alan.

This man is Roman Osborne, the founder of Osborne Biotech.

“Okay Osborne, I know your situation very well, this time we are just here to talk to you about cooperation, you don’t have any other ideas, you must know that I and Allen have begun to cooperate deeply, I will look at you!” 」

Tony said with a dull look in his eyes.

Tony and Osborne’s words made Alan listen to a little cloudy, but Alan did not show it, but looked at Osborne quietly.

Alan noticed that Osborne’s hand trembled slightly even when it was placed on his leg, and that the hint of pale green skin under the collar made Alan seem to understand something.

“Oh, seeing two of the most influential geniuses of this century begin to work together reminds me of your father’s time, but unfortunately, my child Harry is only 10 years old and still can’t participate!” 」

Osborne’s eyes flickered and he smiled.

“Then let’s get to the point, in fact, this kind of thing is very simple, these 15 kinds of materials, we will be interested in you and have the ability to develop a few to you, and then we will work together to wait for the money to be collected, the only thing that needs to be considered is the distribution of benefits!”

Tony said bluntly.

“The material is mine, and of course I take the lead!”

Alan is also simple and clear.

“I want 15 kinds, I am committed to the study of the combination of biology and mechanics, and the research on machinery is not inferior to yours, and I am fully capable of developing these 15 materials very well!”

As soon as Osborne came, the lion opened his mouth.

“Ha, that’s a fart, I introduced you to Alan, but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in these materials, I’m just because there’s something I can’t put all my focus on this!”

Tony immediately sneered, then continued:

“You want it all?” So what else am I going to do? Is it really good that you just want to exclude me in front of me? If I don’t open my mouth, do you believe that Alan won’t give you one? ”

“I doubt that! Little Hammer, what do you say? ”

Osborne looked at Alan with interest.


Alan nodded, which also made Tony breathe a sigh of relief.

If he had lifted a stone and hit his own foot this time, it is estimated that Tony would have been angry with himself, although Tony did not believe that Alan would do this, but what if Alan agreed?

Allen doesn’t really care who will develop these 15 materials, but who made Alan and Tony have more important collaborations now?

If something undermines cooperation for this, it will be too much of a loss for Allen, after all, Tony Stark is the top supertalent of mankind.

“Well, since the initiative is in your hands, why don’t you choose first?”

Osborne didn’t seem to care about Allen’s answer either, and said calmly.

“These 2 materials have been studied and planned by our company, after all, I have been on my side for a few years, and I can’t let them mold!”

Alan pointed to the two materials above and said casually.

Alan has been too busy in the past few years, directly handing over these 15 materials to the following researchers to see if there are any results, and the results of these researchers are indeed nothing, only two things have results.

Allen had planned to wait until his sharpshooter’s technology had all entered the bottleneck to slowly develop the value of these materials, but now it seems that it is not needed.

“These 4 kinds of my company also have a plan, the remaining 8 will belong to you, Osborne!”

Tony also said that he had been personally involved in the research these days, so he quickly finalized four materials.

If Tony hadn’t really had time because of the metal palladium thing right now, he wouldn’t have let Osborne get involved, because these dozen materials have great potential, and several of them are very useful to Tony.

“Okay, 8 is 8!” I take care of all the research and running funds and resources myself, and when I start to make a profit, I will account for 50%! ”

Osborne is also not verbose, just to open in half.

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