“The enthusiasm of beautiful women should be enjoyed, and we should also talk about things, or do you think that beautiful women will leak secrets?” We’re not talking about secrets! ”

Tony casually reached out and roamed over the beautiful woman’s smooth body while speaking to Alan.

“All right!”

Alan thought the same, these beautiful women are just night girls, even if they hear something like “super serum”, what do they know?

So Alan half-lay on the ring-shaped oversized sofa, rested his head on a beautiful woman’s slippery thigh like Tony, and then said in the midst of the beautiful women’s chuckles and gossipy expressions

“‘Super Soldier Serum,’ according to my grandfather’s notes, was a chemical solution originally developed by the German scientist Abraham Erskin. The serum was formulated to enhance the human body and spirit, and during World War II, it was used by the U.S. military. In order to create the world’s most advanced soldiers, only Steve Rogers, the famous ‘Captain America’, succeeded, right? ”

Alan said nonchalantly, of course, Alan is very clear about the super soldier serum.

“Since you know just right, you don’t need me to waste my tongue explaining it to you!”

Tony was a bit surprised that Alan knew about the “Super Soldier Serum”, because the previous Hammer family should not have been exposed to this kind of thing enough.

But Tony didn’t ask too much, but slowly talked about it:

“Twelve years ago, the ‘Super Soldier’ program, which had been mothballed for decades, was restarted by the military! The military invited many top talents in biology at that time, and the final project was obtained by Osborne Biotechnology, which was very authoritative in the biological research field at that time! ”

“The military itself has a top group that has begun to frantically study the ‘Super Soldier Serum’ copied from the blood of ‘Captain America’!”

“According to my father’s intelligence, the military used gamma rays to stimulate serum research, and slowly achieved certain results! And Oscoop is through the genes of various organisms to neutralize and complete this serum! ”

“But ten years ago, the military’s experimental base for studying ‘super soldier serum’ exploded, for unknown reasons, and all the researchers were not spared!” Of course, this may be a smoke bomb released by the military, but since then the military has once again sealed the ‘super soldier serum’! ”

Tony spoke slowly, making the five beautiful women around the two look unclear, while Alan was lost in thought.

Obviously, the military’s own research team should be Bruce Banner, the future Hulk’s research team.

As for the explosion, it should be Bruce who turned himself into a Hulk and planned to destroy the results and escape, which is not much to say.

As for Osco’s research, if Allen is not mistaken, it should have a lot to do with the future Spider-Man.

Sure enough, as Tony went on, Alan confirmed his conjecture.

“Eight years ago, Oscoop bred a ‘super spider’ through the ‘super soldier serum’ and they found a breakthrough in a spider in South America!”

“But I don’t know if it was because of the distribution of benefits or espionage or something, when Richard Parker, the chief researcher of Osco’s company, destroyed all the information and ran away with his wife, but the passenger plane they were riding in was finally killed!”

“Norman Osborne almost went mad with this imminent success but ultimately failed, and he summoned the rest of Richard Parker’s research team to try to re-study through the ‘super spider’, but after so many years, Osborne has no major breakthroughs except for the research of ‘super spider silk’, ‘super electric eel’ and so on!”

Tony said this and suddenly smiled slightly:

“Did you know that Norman Osborne has invited me more than once to study his ‘super spiders’, and I went to get some samples and studied them for a week and then deduced that I wasn’t good at biology and hadn’t studied that stuff again!”

“Why? I know you’re an all-rounder, and while you’re more mechanical, why can’t that Richard Parker crack that ‘super spider’? ”

Alan knows Tony’s strengths very well, and if Tony were to study the “Super Soldier Serum” wholeheartedly, it would definitely bear fruit.

Unfortunately, Alan himself is not proficient in biotechnology, otherwise Alan would also want to get something to study, especially if Alan also knows that the breakthrough is in the body of a 10-year-old child.

“Of course, I am not interested, my father told me before not to study things that cannot be controlled, even if the ‘super soldier serum’ research is successful, but those who become super soldiers after injection have a great ability to do things, can you control them?” You know, the human heart is very difficult to measure! ”

Indeed, people’s hearts are unpredictable, the machinery is different, only need to be controlled, there will be no disobedience.

Tony shook his head and continued:

“And I found that the ‘super spider’ was basically cultivated using a human gene as a blueprint!” In other words, the serum of these ‘super spiders’ only works for that person, who should be the dead Richard Parker! ”

“Wanting to use the Super Soldier Serum to re-breed spiders is equivalent to starting from scratch, and it is impossible without a few years! ”

“With this time, what am I doing badly?”

Tony hummed twice.

“Well, then, according to your meaning, Norman Osborne wants to re-mention this matter today?”

Alan asked with a nod of approval.

“Yes, he wants to revisit this matter today, and he wants to invite you, but I know that this thing has not started, and he has achieved no small results over the years, allowing him to live until now, but if there is no decisive breakthrough, then he will not live for a few years!” 」

Tony said indifferently.

“Well, that’s something I’m also not interested in, and the biotech space isn’t what I’m good at!” But then again, haven’t you started to act yet? I’ve really got something to do after a while! ”

Alan asked about Obadai again, and it had been a few days, and Tony hadn’t even started looking for evidence of Obadé.

“It starts tomorrow, so let me indulge one last time today!” Beauties, take action! ”

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