In Tony’s basement research lab

Alan asks Johnson to wait outside, and when he arrives alone, he sees Tony lying weakly on the ground with the Ark reactor on his chest missing.

Seeing Alan coming, Tony had a look of surprise in his eyes. Then he raised his finger hard and pointed to a glass-enclosed reactor on the table.

Alan didn’t hesitate to see it, immediately picked up the reactor, smashed the glass on the ground, and then took out the reactor and loaded it on Tony.

At this time, Roddy also rushed in, and was immediately shocked to see Tony like this, and then saw Alan who was pounding on Tony’s chest.

Roddy immediately aimed at Alan, thinking it was Alan’s hand, and it was a flying kick.


Alan flashed slightly, and then the whole person took a step forward, extended his left hand and gently pushed Roddy, and Roddy was instantly overthrown and knocked down a table before stopping.

“Stop, Roddy, he’s Alan, Alan Hammer, don’t you know?” He saved me! We are good friends! ”

At this time, Tony, who was struggling to slow down, saw that Roddy was going to rush to Alan again with a dignified face, and immediately shouted to stop.

Tony is not afraid of Alan being beaten, but is afraid that Roddy will provoke Alan and be killed by Alan, and Alan’s crazy look Tony has seen.

“Thankfully, Tony, you’re all right. When you said this, I remembered that it was really you, Mr. Hammer, and your liaison on the military side was Tim, right? He said that you are a very calm person, but I am very envious! Not like Tony! ”

Roddy was surprised to see that Tony was all right. And reacted and apologized to Alan.

“It’s all right, Tony, I had already guessed that Obadai would break the jar, so I came to see it, and Miss Potts said you wouldn’t answer the phone!”

After Alan waved his hand at Roddy to signal that he was okay, he asked Tony.

“Obadé? What the hell is going on? ”

Roddy asked in surprise.

“It was Obadé, it was his hand on me that snatched the reactor from my chest. Now that Pepper is in danger, I have to protect Pepper! ”

Tony immediately said anxiously, and walked over to the pile of mechanical arms and began to wear steel armor.

“Cool, I swear it’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”

Roddy, who saw Tony in armor, murmured incredulously, and even Alan was a little blinded by the metal machinery that could make men explode.

At this moment Alan was really envious. Men, sports cars, swords, guns, mechs. These are all things that can seduce men’s blood.

But Alan himself is also a gun, and the attraction of guns to men is still very good.

“Then I’ll go back, Obadé you solve it yourself, by the way, this ‘laser grenade’ you take, if this can’t get Obadé, then I think we simply cancel the cooperation!” 」

Alan said as he felt a grenade from his waist and threw it at Tony, and Tony immediately opened a moving board around his waist and put the laser grenade in it and said to Alan

“Who do you think I am, just wait for my good news!”

After saying that, Tony left.

“Then Colonel Roddy, I’m gone too!”


After that, Alan took the car back to the house, waiting for Susan to return for the last day of warmth, because tomorrow will start, Alan will officially enter the busy period.

When Susan returned home, Alan couldn’t help but pull Susan into a fight, and then he stayed warm for a while and then hugged each other to sleep.

The battle between Tony and Obadai began to fall into the downwind, and finally Tony ran out of energy, and there was no way to throw Allen’s laser grenade out to easily solve Obadé.

In fact, if there is no way, Tony still wants to rely on his own strength to defeat Obadi.

The next morning, Alan and Susan hugged each other in bed, watching Tony’s press conference inside the White Rear projection explaining yesterday’s robot fight on the highway outside Stark’s Industrial Weapons Research Department.

S.H.I.E.L.D. had all cleaned up Tony’s aftermath, and they had found dozens of witnesses to prove that Tony was playing on a yacht in one sea and didn’t know anything.

As for the big battle that took place in the Stark Industrial Weapons Department, it is said that Tony’s bodyguards are wearing Tony’s newly developed high-tech armor, in short, it is easy to fool the past.

But Tony obviously didn’t think so, so after the press conference began, Alan saw Tony say unnaturally to a very beautiful female reporter

“I know it sounds mysterious, and you can certainly challenge the official statement. But don’t make wild accusations, insinuate about what I am, what a superhero. ”

Speaking of which, Tony has obviously been a little absent-minded, he’s not a superhero who hides his identity, and he likes to pack B.

The female reporter saw Tony like this, knew that there was a flaw, and immediately replied:

“I didn’t say you were a superhero.”

She knew that the more she said this, the more drama there was, how she was also the woman who had slept with Tony.

“Nothing? I know it sounds too mysterious, and I’m not the stuff for heroes. I have such and such character flaws and have done a lot of stupid things… ”

Watching Tony say more and more wrong, Roddy, who was represented by the military next to him, rushed over and whispered in Tony’s ear

“Please, just read it according to the script.”

But apparently Roddy also knew that this estimate was of little use, and the pretty female reporter also showed a playful smile.

“The reality is…

Tony looked at the manuscript and said a word, and there was silence. After a while, he suddenly looked up firmly at the group of reporters and said:

“I am Iron Man”

As soon as Tony finished speaking, the whole audience erupted, and the group of reporters frantically rushed up to ask questions, but were firmly stopped outside by a group of security guards. And the woman remembered that she sat there calmly. Her purpose has been achieved.

Tony, who watched the crazy reporter, tidy up his clothes and then shouted at the reporters:

“Everybody listens to me.”

The reporters who heard what Tony was going to say were all silent at once, waiting to hear what Tony was going to say

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