“Isn’t it?”

Tony was also stunned, and listening to Alan’s tone did not sound like a joke.

“It’s a hair, grass, I’m a little scared to say!” This is my newly synthesized material ‘Eternal’ manufacturing assistant ‘ball ball’, not the ultimate smoothness at all, just ten times more microscopic than nanomaterials, Mach 10 is already its limit! ”

Alan said without anger, the good mood just now was completely lost because of this too terrible shock.

“Huh? So how did you do it? ”

Tony reacted immediately, knowing that he had misunderstood, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief while taking a great interest in Alan’s new material, Eternity.

“It is because of the relationship between the other two materials I have newly developed in the past six months, ‘superior catalyst’ and ‘superior hardener’ plus ‘vibranium’!” But I won’t tell you about these materials, but these are the things I need to keep absolutely confidential! ”

Alan said as he glided.

“As it is, this thing is very funny, hey, is it possible…

“No, there is no possibility at all, you are also the top genius, do it yourself!”

Before Tony could finish speaking, Alan unceremoniously interrupted Tony.

What a joke, if he shares these technologies with Tony, in a few years, Alan estimates that he will have nothing to do with himself, and Tony is afraid that he will have to hang everything in the future.

Of course, it is good for each to maintain his own advantages, and for now, Alan has been a lot ahead of Tony.

“Stingy, but it seems that you have made a major breakthrough in the past six months, find a time to talk?”

Tony skimmed his lips, but did not continue the topic, he is a genius with self-confidence, others are someone else’s, he will not die to ask for it.

“Not at the moment, I still have a few results to produce, although it is far worse than the ball, but it can still greatly enhance my strength, and recently I have just pushed Susan to the top, and I still need to go to the company from time to time to help her support the field.” 」

Alan shook his head.

“Sigh, you’re a good idea, I’m going to push Pepper up too!” But in the past two months, she has been losing her temper, and I dare not see her! ”

Tony had some lost ways.

“What? Am I losing my temper? That’s because you almost don’t care about the company’s affairs now, everything is my dealing, making me anxious, Stark Industries is in a mess, you are the CEO of Stark Industries, there are many things that need you to come forward! I only have eight thousand and ten things I have to discuss with you! ”

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Tony startling Tony, and Tony looked back and saw Pepper with an angry expression on his face, saying that she felt that Tony had gone too far lately.

“Pepper, how did you get here?” But please, our company’s stock rises and falls every day, and everything is developing in a good direction! ”

“But from the perspective of economic management, if the company is not taken care of, it will lay hidden dangers for us!” And we just got the list of wind turbines, I need … ”

“Don’t mention the wind to me, you’ll hit me with a stroke!” These are my ideas, I don’t want to care about college speeches or bullshit modern art, these are too boring! ”

Tony said impatiently, and then suddenly had a clever move, looking at Pepper sheepishly:

“I decided, right now, I’m going to give you a boring suggestion!” You do it! ”

“Do I do it? What do I do? ”

Pepper couldn’t keep up with Tony’s thinking at all, and asked with a confused face.

Carl and Daisy watched the two of them chatter, amused, and Karl had already guessed what Tony was going to say.

“Wow, that’s a great idea, that’s what I just talked to Allen about, you do it, I mean, you run the company, you come and you become the CEO of Stark Industries!”

Tony suddenly said excitedly that he felt that he could finally be relieved, that he had been so tired lately, that it was better to choose the day than to hit the sun, and since Pepper had heard it just now, it was today.

“How much alcohol did you drink?”

Pepper was stunned, and then looked closely at Tony’s face, and she felt that Tony was afraid that he was talking in a dream.

“I’m drinking leafy green juice, I’ll go back to the board of directors next time, and I’m going to appoint you as president of Stark Industries, which is great, my shares with Allen add up to crush everything, and no one can negate the decision we made!”

Tony suddenly felt that it would be wise to eat Obady’s stake to Allen, which made him think of letting Pepper become CEO without any resistance.

At most, shareholders will object, but there is no use.

“Me, me, my God, this is so sudden, I don’t know what to think!”

Pepper was stunned and couldn’t react for half a day.

“Don’t think about it, congratulations to Pepper, but maybe Susan is going to help you support the field again, please, Susan is tired like that, I’m very sad!”

Allen said.

“Alan, I’m sorry about Susan, but this time you’re really going to help, and Pepper is tired!”

Tony suddenly turned square.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Allen, I know Susan is bothered by what is going on on my side!”

Pepper quickly apologized.

“No, this is what Susan herself wants, she has a good relationship with you, my relationship with Tony is also very good, our two families are one, rest assured!”

Alan laughed.

“Yes, our two families are one, and it is a good thing to say, now I will do it and get the formalities right!”

Tony said excitedly, then hung up the call.

“Alas, this is frightened by him, if only he could get that kind of power, it would be a fool’s dream!” Even if the four paths of the sharpshooter are taken to the extreme, it will not be achieved! ”

Alan shook his head, and then played for most of the day before returning home.

After that, Allen was busy for two months to make everything, because it was not better than the ball, and the manufacture of other things, although the requirements for materials and technology were not so high, were very complicated, and they were not done at once.

Especially the “Air Combat Machinery and Storm” and the “Interceptor Factory”.

Fortunately, with the help of the ball, Alan saved a lot of time, otherwise Alan felt that it would take at least another six months.

Alan has fully realized the benefits of having a ball, and now Alan is almost inseparable from the ball, and the host of the white queen has also been taken to the basement of the umbrella headquarters company by Alan, allowing the white queen to wholeheartedly assist Susan in handling the company’s affairs.

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