As for the four robots with mechanical pliers called ‘Hercules Rex’, the power of the pliers is so great that it is difficult to break free of anything once it is caught by its pliers.

In addition to these three kinds of mechanics, there is only one green robot in this group of mechanics, which is the ‘Legger the Repairer’, which can simply repair other broken robots.

Of course, since it is a simple repair, it is not enough to destroy too much.

At this point, it looks like the Hulk has been clamped down by the four ‘Hercules’ and cannot move.

But what is the state of the Hulk now? In a state of endless anger, strength can grow endlessly.

Only to see Hulk desperately struggling, and then his body became larger again, and he threw a ‘Hercules’ out with a sudden flick of his hand, and the pliers fell off and clamped Hulk’s arm deadly.

After one hand broke free, Hulk immediately turned around and punched a ‘Hercules’, emitting an explosive roar.

The Hulk then made a push-up-like motion, bent down to blast the two ‘Hercules’ clamping down on his legs, and ignored the explosion’s punch on the round head of a ‘steel robot’ that rushed over to hit Hulk again.

“Bang!” With a bang, the round head of the ‘steel robot’ was directly dented, and then like a wounded child, the only green ‘Repairer Leg’ was found in the mechanical army.

At this time, the cameras in the sky are facing the battle between the mechanical army and the Hulk, and the green ‘Legger the Restorer’ is particularly prominent.

In full view of everyone, I saw that ‘Legger the Repairer’ was like a child who reacted slowly, staring at this ‘steel robot’ whose head had been smashed and sunken for half a day.

Then ‘Legger the Repairer’ stretched out a mechanical arm from the box, and as soon as the arm turned underneath it was a hammer-like thing.

Legge the Repairer used a hammer to randomly knock on the deformed head of the ‘steel robot’, knocked the sunken head slightly better, and then pushed the ‘steel robot’, indicating that it was good enough to continue to fight.

“Well, it turns out that Alan Hammer can also make such a cute robot!”

This beautiful picture immediately made all the viewers can’t help but laugh, the serious atmosphere suddenly became a lot more relaxed, and the female reporter Kelly even made a joke.

“I felt that Alan was insulting my intelligence, there was only one green in it, and I thought it was a killing move!”

Tony’s head is full of black lines.

As for the owner of the mechanical army, our protagonist Alan was silent for a long time after seeing this scene, and only after half a day did the corners of his mouth twitch:

“How many ‘Legger Repairers’ did we produce?”

“Because the configuration of a mechanical army is set by sir, we will have a ‘Legg the Repairer’ in each mechanical army, and so far we have produced three mechanical armies!”

Qiu Qiu replied.

“From now on, I will no longer produce ‘Legger the Repairer’, I thought it was nothing to make a fuss at the beginning, this is completely amusing me!” 」

Alan was speechless.

In fact, in Alan’s inherited mechanic technology, ‘Legger the Restore’ and ‘Hercules Rex’ are both robots that act on the mechanic himself.

‘Hercules Rex’ is able to unleash a radiation to restore the mechanic’s spirit, stamina, magic, and more.

‘Legger the Repairer’ is able to heal the mechanic’s wounds and restore the mechanic’s vitality.

It’s just that Alan hasn’t yet developed these two radioactive elements, so these two robots only have their gods, not their shapes!

As for the two pliers of the ‘Hercules Rex’, it was added by Alan with super hydraulic technology, which is not the technology of the mechanic, but the technology of this world.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, the Hulk and the mechanical army are fighting fiercely, and the violent explosions are constantly sounding, but they cannot cause any substantial damage to the Hulk, but will make the Hulk more and more angry and powerful.

“Boom boom boom!”

The Hulk and the Mechanical Army fight from block to block, all staring blankly at the battle that is fiercer than a war movie.

The four blocks of the area had been basically destroyed, leaving only a pile of ruins.

For the first time, everyone saw the cruelty of the battlefield so intuitively, and under these ruins, there were occasionally some people who did not evacuate before they could even make a sound before they were drowned by the collapsed buildings.

Alan Hammer’s title of “King of War” was further confirmed, and Alan, a man with weapons comparable to a huge army, also made all parties jealous.

But what is even more desperate is the Hulk at this time.

Only to see Hulk waving his hands and feet, each stroke has a huge force, the generated momentum has caused great damage to the surroundings, like a world destroying demon god as quickly annihilation of the mechanical army.

“Sir, according to calculations, the mechanical army will be wiped out in five seconds, and we will be the next target of this monster, and the ‘storm’ will not be able to stop it, and the interceptor factory will not be able to hold on!”

As the ball’s voice fell, the interceptor factory on the ground below Alan finally shattered after a jolt, and the portal cracked.

“To deal with the Hulk, I still need some powerful heavy fire weapons, and my arm still needs some time to recover, otherwise I can’t use the heavy weapon very well, I need about 30 seconds, I can only hold it up first!”

Allen’s arm bones had long been corrected by the ball, and he was now using dark energy to recover, and he could not reach the best state, so he had to hold on for 30 seconds.

Once Alan’s arm is restored, Alan can use several highly lethal heavy weapons against the Hulk.

The reason why he didn’t take it out at first was because these heavy weapons Hulk could not resist and would probably kill Hulk, but Alan himself actually had no intention of killing Hulk.

But in the current situation, you have to kill if you don’t kill, otherwise this will make Hulk’s strength improve in this way, and Alan is afraid that sooner or later there will be a time when his own heavy weapons will not be able to deal with it.

Alan sat on the silver throne, frowning and thinking, the Hulk had successfully cleared the mechanical army over there, and then looked up at Alan on this side, and was about to kill him immediately.

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