“He can’t die, and when he recovers, I’ll take him back!”

Gu Yi shook his head and said a word, and finally with a slight stomp of his foot, Allen’s mind and eyes sensed that he and Gu Yi had appeared in another dimension.

The surrounding neighborhood was still the same, not changing at all, still like a ruin, but the helicopter in the sky, and the few ordinary people who had not walked away and hid in the ruins that Alan felt, had also disappeared at this time.

“This is a mirror space, real but undetectable, and whatever happens here has nothing to do with reality!”

After Gu Yi finished speaking, he looked at Alan faintly.

“What are you bringing me to this space for?”

Alan looked at Gu Yi with some wariness.

Although Alan knew that Koichi was a good man, this guard was instinctive when a strong man who could truly threaten himself stood in front of him.

“You know what? I was struck by your technological power, and four years ago, I sensed that you were absorbing the power of the Dark Dimension, but I didn’t alarm Dormammu, the king there! ”

“Dormammu? What Dormammu? ”

Alan pretended to be confused, and in fact, there was a faint chill in his heart.

“Oh, how did I forget that there was a Dormammu in the Dark Dimension, but it was good to hear Gu Yi say that I absorbed the power and did not alarm him!” Or would I be miserable? ”

Alan thought with some trepidation.

“Since you also draw powerful energy from the dark dimension, you should know that the multiverse is real!”

Gu Yi said slowly:

“We mages explore the nature of the universe and derive energy from other multiverses, and we believe that spirit connects to the physical world, and the world is infinite, some vibrant, some full of evil and killing!”

“Among them, the dark world ruled by Dormammu is the most mysterious and powerful world, and Dormammu transcends time and space, with infinite power and ambition. He is the devourer of the universe, always trying to find ways to invade other multiverses and plunge the universe into darkness! ”

“He has been coveting the earth for a long time, but he is protected by the three great temples established by our mages, and as long as the temple is not a problem, Dormammu will not be able to come to the earth!”

Speaking of this, Gu Yi suddenly sighed and said:

“But the dark energy is really powerful and tempting, and it is difficult to guarantee that someone will be seduced and degraded by Dormammu when absorbing the dark energy, so I was shocked when I first felt that you sucked the dark energy, but then I found that your absorption method was completely different from ours, and it would not alarm Dormammu!”

“And I have peeked into your future, but I can’t see anything, I see the same as my future disciple, I only see endless changes, I hope you can keep your heart!” 」

Alan vaguely looked at the pendant on Gu Yi’s neck, and Alan knew that it was the Time Gem, one of the six Infinity Stones.

However, Alan is not interested in the time gem, what Alan really wants is the ‘reality gem’, thinking of this, Allen’s eyes suddenly lit up, looking up at Gu Yi:

“Gu Yi Mage, this time you stopped me, although it was for the sake of what you said about the catastrophe of the earth, but you still interfered in my affairs, which made me very dissatisfied!”

“What do you want?”

Gu Yi smiled slightly, she had lived for hundreds of years, and she could see Alan’s thoughts at once.

“Asgard, I may go to Asgard in a while, but I don’t know how to come back, so I want you to do me a favor and pick me up from Asgard when the time comes!”

Alan narrowed his eyes and said.

“You know Asgard, and you seem pretty sure you can go?”

Gu Yiyan looked at Alan unexpectedly, and then threw a ring to Alan without waiting for Alan to explain anything:

“This is our mage’s suspension ring, the mage must pass through the suspension ring if he wants to cast the spell, if you need me when the time comes, take the suspension ring in your hand, and then release a little dark energy I can feel it!”

“Then thank you Gu Yi, if nothing happens, can you let me out?”

“Of course, there are people out there who are in a hurry, so go back and don’t tell anyone about me!”

After Gu Yi finished speaking, he did not wait for Ellen to thank her again, reached out and pushed Alan, and Ellen did not resist, and then was directly pushed out of the mirror space by Gu Yi.

“Alan Hammer?” His potential is still great! ”

Gu Yi muttered a word in the mirror space, then waved a spark portal and left.

“Little Hammer?”

As soon as Alan came out, he saw soldiers all around him, and many researchers were collecting the blood dripping from the Hulk on the ground.

A general with gray hair and a tough looking face was also commanding next to him with an ugly face, and when he saw Alan, he rushed over.

However, the helicopters in the sky were gone, and it was obvious that the general had managed to get rid of them.

“General Ross, long time no see! You wouldn’t have come to me for the loss of these blocks, would you? This is the trouble your military has caused! ”

Alan said with a slight smile.

“Hmm, if it weren’t for your intervention, these four neighborhoods wouldn’t have been completely ruined at all, do you know how much it would cost?”

Rose asked loudly, then looked at the ball that had been floating next to Alan.

“It’s fair to say that in this battle with that green monster, I consumed at least two hundred million dollars in weapons, and I’m still waiting to find a reimbursement from S.H.I.E.L.D., and that’s just the cost price for you!”

Allen didn’t make a random quote at this point.

Not to mention other bullets, just the mechanical army, the interceptor factory, the interceptor aircraft, the ‘air combat machine and the storm’ and the ‘gravity grenade’ are worth so much.

“All this is easy to say, who was that bald woman just now?” Where did she get Hulk? ”

Rose asked anxiously.

“General Ross, I’ve listened to Tony about you, what, still thinking about getting the power of that monster?” I am engaged in research, and I can tell you responsibly that it is impossible to mass-produce that thing, it was an accident! ”

“And did you control that monster?”

Alan said dismissively.

“Hmm, if you don’t say it, I’ll definitely find it, don’t think that you have some good fruit yourself, and still want to reimburse?” What you show this time, the U.S. government will definitely intervene, I don’t know what your relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D., but a military hearing is inevitable! ”

Rose immediately blushed, then didn’t say anything more, turned around and went on to clean up.

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