“That’s a good thing!”

“Not necessarily, the concession shows their importance and jealousy, and this battle will bring some bad things.” For example, S.H.I.E.L.D., and my troublesome brother! ”

Alan looked up at the ceiling, shook his head helplessly, and then put his arm around the thoughtful Susan and slept beautifully.

The next day, Susan went to the company by car, only to find that the company’s headquarters building had already crowded with a large number of reporters, and the helpless Susan could only hold a press conference immediately.

“I know what you’re trying to ask, but yesterday the actual owner of our company, Mr. Alan Hammer, demonstrated a lot of unheard of technology, almost all of them weapons of mass destruction!”

“But that’s normal isn’t it?” Our umbrella company started with arms, and what Alan Hammer took out yesterday has already begun to have order contracts with military and other departments for a long time! ”

“But you don’t expect us to take it all out at once, do you?” To stay competitive, as tech giants, we only release new products when our company’s market share or turnover declines! ”

“For now, since Stark Industries withdrew from the military market, among the military enterprises in the world, our umbrella company has no opponent, and since there is no competition, then of course we don’t have to rush to get the best out, right?”

“As for the content of our orders with organizations such as the military, this is a trade secret, maybe you can go to the military and the government and ask!” As a seller, we don’t want to offend our big customers! ”

A press conference that was very evasive, but it also revealed some actual conditions, leaving reporters helpless.

But after that, the title of superhero ‘King of War’ began to accompany Alan.

As for Alan, he received Nick Fury in the manor, along with Natasha, regardless of the fact that the outside world had turned upside down.

“Fury, I’m waiting for you!” Hi Natasha, you’re pretty again! ”

Alan poured the two a glass of wine and casually sat on the couch and looked at them with a smile.

“Little Hammer, I have come today to inform you of tomorrow’s military hearing, and second, to ask you about yesterday’s great war and some of the things you took out yesterday!”

Nick Fury said with a serious look.

“Military hearings? I’ve heard this term from Tony and Ross separately in the past two days, can’t you figure it out? I remember Tony’s hearing was also tomorrow, right? ”

“Yes, you and Tony together! I don’t understand how things can be this way, you should be different from Tony, why would you deliberately expose yourself like this? ”

Fury asked, and though he was asking, Fury seemed to know Allen’s answer very well.

“It’s only been a few months since Susan’s kidnapping?” And the ambushes I received in previous years and the many invasions, do you want me to continue? ”

Alan said coldly.

“Sure enough! I’ll tell you the truth, I can hold back this time, but it’s also very difficult to explain over there, so you have to go to this hearing anyway, and then… ”

As a result, before Fury could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Alan dismissively:

“Will I then be ordered to hand over the technology in my hands?” They think beautifully, but they don’t have the strength to snatch it from me! ”

“Yes, they really don’t have this strength, they will choose to compromise, but it is also necessary to confess!”

Fury was not surprised by Alan’s attitude and said to himself:

“But this is just a formality, I have already discussed with the other side, you only need to accept a little punishment, donate some money or something, and this storm will pass!”

“What if I don’t even want to compromise on this?”

Alan narrowed his eyes.

“Alan, you’re not Tony, you have a big picture, it’s just a formality, and if you don’t even want to, then I can only treat you like Tony!”

Fury said.

“Ignore it? Let the government and the military mess with us? ”

Alan was stunned.

In Iron Man 2, if it weren’t for Tony’s friend Roddy who kept squeezing the military, he promised the military that he would be able to get the Iron Armor if he gave it some time.

If it weren’t for Roddy, it is estimated that the military would have resorted to coercive measures against Tony.

Of course, in the end, even if the military got the steel armor, the military regarded it as ‘illegal confiscation of personal property’.

If it were an ordinary person to encounter this situation, of course, there would be no place to reason, but the power of Stark Industry is not so simple.

Stark Industries has been established since World War II, and Howard Stark is one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and has considerable connections.

As long as Stark Industries clings to this, politicians such as some parliamentarians who stand behind Stark Industries will jump out and accuse.

In the United States, a place where freedom is a place, the president can finally give you a lesson.

So in Iron Man 2, the final result is that Stark Industries still retains the intellectual property rights of Iron Armor, and the energy source has always been in Tony’s hands.

This has led to the fact that the military has always only owned Roddy, the war machine, and there has been no second one.

After the formation of the Avengers, Tony and Captain America were even more birds of the military and government.

And although Allen and Allen’s umbrella company are currently strong enough, and even close to surpassing Stark Industries, they are far from connected in terms of connections.

Allen’s current network is only Tony and the director in front of him, who represents S.H.I.E.L.D.D.

If Alan doesn’t bird Nick Fury now, the only thing that awaits him is the outcome of the war.

But is Alan afraid? No, Alan wasn’t afraid, not at all.

Whether it was an air, land or naval battle, Allen was able to win it with ease.

“Yes, regardless of it, I’m sure you should know what the military will do!” I’m afraid there will be many people who fish in muddy waters! ”

Fury looked at Alan seriously and continued:

“Even if you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about your new CEO, right?” She’s been under far less pressure since she took office than Miss Potts next door, but if you don’t compromise, she’ll only be under more pressure than Miss Potts! ”

“So you’re here to threaten me today?” Nick Fury! How do I feel this isn’t the first time? ”

Alan suddenly smiled, took a sip of the wine and slowly said a sentence that made the atmosphere tense:

“Believe it or not I killed you!”

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