Soon, the opening ceremony of the Stark Fair began, the music was loud and a group of sexy girls danced on stage.

The girls had a light on their chest that was the same shape as the reactor on Tony’s chest. Obviously Tony is in full swing right now.

The atmosphere began to heat up, and as the music reached its climax, Iron Man who fell from the sky detonated the atmosphere of the audience.

After Tony fell, he raised his hands to signal everyone to be warmer.

This caused the audience to cheer continuously, and even Susan showed a very interested smile.

Allen had to admit that Tony’s appearance was handsome, and the sense of metal mechanical technology made every man blood boil.

The floor beneath Tony’s feet began to open, and several robotic arms reached out and began to take off the steel armor on Tony’s body.

As soon as the mask opened, I saw Tony smile charmingly at the audience. When he saw it, he also blinked at Alan flirtatiously.

Watch Alan roll his eyes! However, he admitted that the opening ceremony was very good, and the handsome steel suit was also full of gimmicks.

After taking off his suit, Tony stretched out his fingers downwards, from right to left, like a triumphant emperor. Then the right hand turned around twice and gracefully performed a salute downwards.

The cheers from the audience have never stopped, the cool lights, the sexy dancers, and the personable Tony Stark.

Until the music slowly disappears, the sexy girls also come off the backstage, and the scene slowly quiets down. Tony also began the opening speech.

“Whew, it’s nice to come back.”

At this time, a more prominent voice came from below:

“Blow up something.”

Tony didn’t care:

“I’ve done that.”

It caused a burst of laughter below.

Then Tony brewed a little and said:

“I didn’t say that the world has finally maintained a long-term peace for many years because of me.”

After waiting for the audience to scream and applaud, he continued:

“I didn’t say that no one in the world can be reborn like a phoenix like me.”

At this point, Tony had completely swelled up.

“I didn’t say that the government of the United States can be good because I have always maintained a peak state, and no one dares to single me out.” The only one who can open up with me is our ‘King of War’ Little Hanmer! You see, he’s sitting down there, isn’t he? ”

At the end, I added: “My victory is six.” ”

Alan below heard the corners of his eyes twitch. Alan doesn’t know how Tony got this data, but Alan said arrogantly, Alan only needs a ‘laser grenade’, and Tony can say goodbye!

Tony’s steel armor uses the toughest titanium alloy in the world besides shock, the same material used in space rockets, and it’s lightweight.

However, titanium alloy can not stop Allen’s ‘laser grenade’, not to mention Allen also has a ‘quantum compression cannon’, ‘laser cannon’ and so on…

Tony’s words made everyone look at Alan, who smiled slightly, blinked vaguely at Tony, and then continued to watch Tony’s performance.

Then there was a loud cheer below, and everyone kept calling Tony’s name.

Tony smiled and waved his hand underneath:

“Actually, I don’t matter, and neither do you. None of us matter, what matters is the inheritance. ”

“We should leave something for the next generation in the future. So start next year. For the first time since 1974, the best minds from different countries or companies in the world will provide their resources, share their shared visions and create a better future. ”

“We don’t matter, anyway, I would say yes, welcome to Stark Industries.”

Tony smiled slightly, paused for a moment, and then continued:

“Below, there are mysterious guests who will go from the past to the present to explain everything for everyone. Please welcome my father, Howard Stark,” said Tony as he walked down to the backstage after giving a salute to the bottom.

Howard then plays Howard in his office explaining his dreams and his vision of the future of technology to everyone in his office.

While Alan was watching, Natasha received a call and came to Alan’s side and said:

“Mr. Allen, the boss wants to ask you to come over and come with me!”

Alan nodded, stood up and said a word to Susan, then followed Natasha backstage to meet Tony, who was measuring the amount of palladium metal poisoning in his blood.

“Alan, come here. Natalie, you go back and accompany Susan, she is the heart of our ‘King of War’! ”

As soon as he saw Alan, Tony said something funny, especially by adding an accent to the words ‘King of War’ to tease Alan.

Natasha nodded and left, but before leaving, she looked at the two suspiciously, she wanted to hear what the two said here, but unfortunately not.

Both of them are very smart and have a lot of high-tech equipment, and Alan has an assistant ball that makes all the forces very excited!

Natasha was helpless.

This time she came to investigate the reasons why Tony was a little abnormal these days, and to see if she could get the information and data of the steel suit.

However, even though Tony admired her very much, he still did not allow her to enter the laboratory on the first floor, and only Pepper could enter and exit freely.

And under Jarvis’s watch, Natasha can’t do anything else, but Natasha finds out that Tony is in palladium poisoning.

For Natasha’s feedback, Fury is also very concerned about this matter, now Tony can not fall, with the suit of Tony is an important part of his plan.

And Tony’s Stark industry is especially important for the United States, and now Stark Industries has entered the energy industry strongly, the momentum is very strong, and the prospects are also very good, and Fury must find a way to save Tony’s life.

When Natasha was gone, Tony said with an ugly face:

“Alan, I may really need your help!”

Alan heard the words and immediately knew that Tony’s time was running out, and immediately raised an eyebrow:

“Is it the problem with palladium metal?”

“Yes, the situation is not optimistic, I didn’t have a 20% toxin level until last week, and it’s only been a week. That’s 25 percent. I may only have two or three weeks to live! ”

“I thought there was a glimmer of life, I didn’t give up, I tried to find something to save!” But to no avail, I tried a combination of all the elements and there was no substitute for palladium metal at all! ”

Tony said in a low voice.

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