“Mr. Stark, may I ask if you have a special weapon?”

Especially when he saw that Tony didn’t want to solve the problem at all, but looked at him left and right, he immediately lost his breath.

Susan is slightly better, yesterday Alan told Susan what she was going to do, Susan knew that Alan would put a lot of pressure on her by doing so, but she also unconditionally supported Alan.


Tony said without thinking.

“Nothing? So what is Iron Armor? Isn’t this a superweapon? ”

The congressman on the stage pressed tightly to ask if the congressman was the one who advocated for Tony and Allen to hand over their weapons, and Allen knew that this person was also a member of Hydra and had appeared in Captain America 2.

“Wow, it depends on how you position the weapon!” Speaking of weapons, I think little Hammer is the expert isn’t he? Little Hammer, you talk! ”

Tony turned his head and gave Alan a reassuring look, causing the corners of Alan’s mouth to twitch and then say:

“The weapons on the steel armor are some conventional weapons of the military, such as armor-piercing bullets, plastic bullets, small high-heat missiles, these are long-standing weapons, not invented by Tony Stark!”

“Yes, if you don’t carry weapons to the steel armor, then it only comes with functions such as Internet access, positioning, and flight, so it can be said that my invention is a special ‘vehicle’, and it can also be said that it is a ‘high-tech prosthesis’!”

Tony laughed and immediately took Allen’s words to characterize his steel armor, causing some observers, reporters and people at the hearing to laugh.

“Although everyone knows that this is sophistry, but we’ll talk about this later, so Mr. Alan Hammer, don’t tell me that the ones you took out the night before when you fought the green monster weren’t weapons?”

The councillor was as uncomfortable as eating a fly in the song and harmony between Alan and Tony, but then immediately turned the gun on Alan.

The battle of that day was seen all over the world, what was the thing that Alan had come up with that was not a weapon? No one believes it.

“I’m going to interject here, I believe that what little Hammer took out that day was some kind of thing, forehead, infrastructure equipment!”

Tony’s sudden interjection made everyone in the audience confused, those powerful things can TM be infrastructure equipment?

Seeing that everyone, including Alan, was confused, Tony quickly explained:

“For example, the robots that can explode themselves, I believe they are some kind of blasting machine that digs tunnels, and that laser gun, if it is used to build sewers, that situation, sigh…”

“Of course, there are also those small drones, obviously designed to explore terrain that is difficult for some people to reach and casually deal with machines like hard rocks!”

Don’t you say, there is some truth in what Tony said, Allen’s things are absolutely convenient to take to dig tunnels or something.

Allen believes that some of the big construction companies in front of the TV may be looking for Susan.

However, Tony did not see Pepper’s murderous eyes in the back, this time Pepper had been under a lot of pressure to take office, this time Tony had to come out to explain it himself, but Tony did not care.

How could this make Pepper not angry? Pepper felt that Tony was still the same as before, and had not changed at all.

The councillor was also said to be confused, and some uncomfortably tightened his tie and hurriedly said:

“Listen, although I’m not a weapons expert, we’ve got a weapons expert and are now summoning weapons contractor Justin Hammer, who is also Alan Hammer’s brother!”

Immediately afterward, Justin Hammer, who was in a suit and a friendly smile, approached the venue and sat down at a table next to Alan and Tony.

“I saw Justin Hammer walk in, but I don’t know when he became a weapons expert. One big hammer, one big hammer! As far as I know, Big Hanmer has no ability, but Little Hanmer is a full-fledged weapons expert! ”

Tony taunted without hesitation, not feeling good about Justin, who used to approach him on various occasions and couldn’t stop talking about it.

Tony’s words embarrassed Justin, who had just sat down, but he had already developed a cheeky face, and he was obviously prepared today, and immediately said after two awkward laughs:

“Oh, you’re right, I’m not a weapons expert, you are, Tony!” You and my brother Allen are recognized today as the most authoritative experts in the world of arms! Two geniuses! A ‘Death Merchant’, oh, now it’s supposed to be called ‘Iron Man’! There is also a ‘King of War’! Listen, what a fearsome title! This is not their self-proclaimed, this is the recognition given to them by others! ”

Justin stood up and spoke as he spoke, which made Allen, who had been silent since Justin came in, show a hint of helplessness.

Good brother, now actually began to pinch the knife and the gun.

“But maybe I’m not an expert in weapons, but ‘Iron Armor’ is definitely not a toy, it’s a lion that can bite people at any time!”

“Nine months ago, Tony Stark created a brand new weapon, for too many reasons, but he insisted it was just ‘protective armor’!”

Justin showed a distressed expression and continued:

“Tony Stark wants us to believe in him and hide behind him under his protection!” But after all, he alone has limited power, I really hope that the world is safe, I don’t have to lock the door when I go out of the house, but the truth is just the opposite! ”

Justin said with a serious face:

“We live in a dangerous world, and Stark Industries has such a great power that it has been operating since seventy years ago and has now formed a business empire with incomparably complex connections!”

“Now there is a super individual combat weapon ‘Steel Armor’, which is a weapon that can easily break through a military base at any time!”

“With this power, we don’t know what Stark Industries will do in the future, and we can’t guarantee it!”

Justin said pointedly, which made someone look at Tony with a look of alarm and concern.

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