“So this weekend there’s a tech business conference in Monaco, where a lot of tech companies are going to get together and talk about cooperation, and there’s Formula Racing, or are we going to have one race between the two? I’ve wanted to drive a car for a long time! ”

Tony had figured it out, it was all up to Providence, and he was going to do what he wanted to do in his last moments.

“Since it’s a game, then there must be a bet, what do we bet?”

Although Allen has not studied much about racing, Allen believes that he can easily cope with his reflexes that far exceed human limits.

“If you want to gamble, bet big, I want your new material ‘Eternal’, and if I lose, I will give you the property rights of the Ark reactor and the steel armor!” I can even give you a 20% stake in Stark Industries that I own! ”

Tony said without hesitation.

“It’s crazy, are you afraid that Pepper won’t be able to keep these things after you die?” I will not bet with you, the boat to the bridge is naturally straight, you panic what! Bet on a building, if you lose, you will pay for me to build me a building in Sokovia that is at least enough for 10,000 people, and I will lose the same, just when our ‘War-torn Land Reconstruction Redemption Fund’ is the opener, at most it will cost tens of millions of dollars! ”

Alan laughed and refused without hesitation, then said.


Tony shook his head in disappointment and said nothing.

After that, the hearing ended successfully, Susan and Pepper went together to discuss the establishment of the ‘War Places Rebuilding Redemption Fund’, while Alan and Tony went home separately.

In the evening, Alan did not hesitate to welcome Justin Hammer at home.

“Brother, you really opened my eyes today, am I still your brother?”

Alan looked playfully at his brother.

“So am I still your brother?” We’re brothers, but do you have anything good to do with Tony Stark and just dump me? ”

Justin said angrily.

“You wouldn’t want to cry, would you?” Brother, this world is like this, I and Tony are a strong combination, his strength and technology and I are equal! If I work with you, what can you bring me? ”

Alan laughed.

“So you won’t give me even a little technical support?”

Justin said reluctantly.

“Yes, I don’t want to give it to you, and I’m going to swallow up your Hanmer industry!”

Allen’s unceremonious words made Justin show a look of disbelief and he said loudly:

“Want to swallow up my company? Do you think you can do it? Do you think I’m afraid of you? Don’t forget that your small arms department still has 50% of my shares! ”

“Whether you’re afraid or not, in short, I’ll swallow up your company!” Of course, you are my brother, I will definitely give you a way to live, you can rest assured that you are a rich man! This is good for all of us, isn’t it? ”

This time, Alan did not hide his thoughts at all, and directly told Justin about his intention to annex Hanmer Industry, because Alan knew that with his own ability, even if Justin was no longer on guard, he could not stop it.

“Good, good, then I’ll wait for you!”

Justin slammed the door in a huff, leaving a helpless Alan shaking his head, and when Susan returned, the two fell asleep embracing each other.

A week passed quickly

Monaco, a small country by the sea.

Tony and Allen sat in their own extended luxury car and watched the scenery outside as the vehicle went, while Susan sat next to Ellen and chatted quietly with Ellen from time to time.

Two stretch cars stopped in front of a luxury hotel in an open-air speedway, and as soon as they got out of the car, they heard a large crowd of spectators cheering at Alan and Tony in the nearby spectator area.

A group of people entered the hotel lobby, and when they came to the dining area, they saw all kinds of people inside.

Rich people from all walks of life, reporters, waiters, secretaries of bosses. It’s all about eating, chatting, talking about business, pulling sponsorships, interviews. Wait a minute.

Natasha greeted her as soon as she entered.

“Mr. Stark, Miss Pepper, and Mr. Allen and Susan, are you still having a good trip?”

“Very good, it’s a pleasure to see you Natasha again, wait until after dinner let’s go shopping, right?” The first time I went abroad I wanted to buy more. ”

Tony, Alan and Pepper greeted Natasha after they finished greeting each other. Susan went up and gave Natasha a hug.

“No problem Susan, just we need a man to carry things for us.”

Natasha smiled and said to Susan.

“I asked Alan to stay with us, he has a lot of strength, but we have to wait for him to finish the race.”

Without even thinking about it, Susan decided to ask Alan to be a coolie.

In the face of Susan’s inquiring gaze, Alan gave a smile that was uglier than crying, and nodded to indicate that it was no problem. It made Natasha chuckle.

I thought that Allen was at the helm of a business empire, and he didn’t expect to go outside to carry his bag, but Alan had already thought about it, and everything was handed over to the almighty ball.

Then there’s Pepper, Susan, and Tony, and Natasha is busy following along. Very competent.

In Alan’s opinion. Natasha is actually very perfect as an assistant, not much worse than Pepper. The bottom line is that this is just one of the things Natasha is proficient in.

‘Worthy of being a level 9 agent, if I have the ability to master everything, what kind of work is not good, what a secret agent.’ ’

Alan felt that Natasha was too wasteful and that whatever she did was promising.

Hacker ability can engage in software development, management ability can go to professional manager. Acting ability plus natural beauty can be an actor, fighting ability can be a coach or go directly to the Olympic gold medal.

Tony and they were busy, and Alan and Susan went to the place Natasha had set for them to order something to eat.

“I said that Susan wouldn’t have to send an assistant to arrange it, and see how capable Natalie was, and directly arrange everything for our two families!” But then you really don’t need to hire another personal assistant? Didn’t Susan pick it for you? ”

Tony triumphantly showed off to Alan and then asked.

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