Fury saw the situation and quickly said:

“Alan, don’t be impulsive, and Tony, we’re all for your good, Natasha has lithium dioxide in her hand, which can suppress the metal palladium and slow down your condition, and we want Tony to return to normal working conditions.”

This makes Fury a bit of a headache, Alan, this guy, this time is obviously ready to focus on Tony, and Tony is not easy to deal with, even if this time caught Tony’s weakness, but what about later?

Tony is not an idle dweller, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has many secrets. If some moths are made in the future to fall out with Tony, wouldn’t that be tantamount to falling out with Allen?

Allen’s performance from today’s performance is to say that the hand is done, not at all scrupulous to the Lord.

Not to mention what Fury thought. Alan decided to talk less and say more wrong, and leave everything to Tony anyway. Alan hadn’t liked this kind of deception since the beginning.

“Really? Can you cure me? Come on, just give me a few more boxes and I’ll be fine! ”

Tony was overjoyed and asked Natasha to give him an injection, to tell the truth, he didn’t believe that Fury would hurt him like this, he was already going to die, why bother with such a show?

Natasha looked at Alan and made sure that Alan really didn’t do it anymore before injecting lithium dioxide into Tony’s body.

Sure enough, as soon as the thing was injected, the toxins in the blood vessels in Tony’s neck subsided, and Tony became refreshed.

“This is not an antidote, it can only suppress the metal palladium, alleviate your symptoms of poisoning, if you rely on this thing, you will die sooner or later, it seems that it is really not easy to cure you!” 」

Fury walked over and looked closely at Tony’s neck, then shook his head and said:

“It seems that a substitute for palladium metal must be found, otherwise no one will be able to save Tony the next time the toxin breaks out!”

Fury said quietly.

“By the way, Alan, just outside you said you have a way to save me, what is the solution?”

At this time, Tony finally remembered Alan’s words just outside and asked in a hurry.

“What? Alan, can you save Tony? Have you found a replacement for palladium metal? I know Tony asked you for help a few weeks ago, but I just don’t think you’re going to be able to figure out anything at all this time! ”

Fury looked at Alan in surprise, even Natasha was very surprised at this time, they had been looking for it from S.H.I.E.L.D., with their resources they couldn’t find out, Alan could actually do it?

At this point, all three of them looked at Alan, waiting for Alan’s answer.

“Yes, I did synthesize the new element, but I didn’t actually find it, it should have been found by Tony’s father, Howard Stark!” This new element can replace the metal palladium, and once it is added to the particle cycle acceleration, the energy generated will become cleaner and more powerful! ”

Alan worded for a moment before speaking slowly.

“What? My father? ”

Tony was stunned to hear this, and then looked at Alan eagerly, wanting Alan to continue.

Fury had an inexplicable gleam in his eyes, did not speak, and looked at Alan silently, wondering what Alan really knew.

“Well, you remember the time I went to look for Obadé, where I met Coulson and Pepper!”

“I know this, and I also know that you had a direct showdown with Obadai at that time!” But you should have gone for Miss Pepper’s safety, right? It’s to pay back the love that Tony helped you save the kidnapped Susan, right? ”

Natasha said without even thinking about it, she knew Alan’s personality very well, and if it were not for the return of human feelings, Alan would never have gone to find Obadé.

But this time Natasha guessed wrong, Alan actually went for the 1974 Stark Industrial Park model, and by the way, Tony’s affection, killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, Allen was not stupid enough to say it, but directly followed Natasha’s words:

“Yes, I went there for Pepper’s safety!” But when I went in and gave Pepper and Coulson a look to let them go first, I suddenly saw something! Because I studied energy very deeply, I knew immediately that it was not simple! ”

Alan looked at Natasha unexpectedly before continuing:

“It’s the 1974 Stark Industrial Park model in the office of the CEO of Stark Industries!”

“You say that?”

Tony’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and he seemed to think of a possibility.

“Yes, at that time, I found that the model was definitely not accidental, it seemed to be able to arrange some kind of new element with powerful energy, so I immediately scanned it with a watch that was connected to the white queen at that time, and when I went back, I began to study it!”

“After that, it took me half an hour to simulate the new elemental calculations, and I came up with this thing just to learn from it and see if it would help my own ‘Ark Reactor’, and I didn’t get the finished product out, after all, this is the Stark family thing, I won’t take advantage of it!”

Alan said proudly.

“It should be true that when your father, Howard Stark, touched the head of a huge super-energy, this thing in your chest is simplified from that energy, like a small 3A battery!”

Fury also opened his mouth at this time, which is also the purpose of his coming, to help Tony complete the super energy that Howard developed according to the Cosmic Cube.

“He was limited by the technology at that time and could not make that thing, he said that only you have the resources and wisdom to complete this thing, and now it seems that the resource is the model he left behind!” Next is wisdom, but it looks like Alan is already done! ”

Fury looked at Tony and asked.

“Oh, only Tony has wisdom?” You Stark family members are very arrogant! In terms of energy, I dare say I’ve gone further than anyone, including your dead dad! ”

Alan sneered, but Tony didn’t have the heart to listen at this time, but looked at Alan wordlessly:

“I can’t believe that you made something a year ago, and now you’re telling me?” Why don’t you wait until I’m dead to tell me? ”

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