“Of course I’m going, I just received the news and am getting ready to go!”

Alan is sure to go, and Alan has to find a way to go to Asgard, which is Alan’s plan to get the ‘Gem of Reality’.

As for how to get to Asgard, this is the best opportunity.

“Then when we get to the place, I’m close here, you’re fast, we should be almost there together!”

Tony finished and said:

“I also bought a building in New York, and after that, both New York and Los Angeles will have places to live, and this building is my new energy pilot, and it is still under construction!”

“Yes, we will be neighbors in the future, and we don’t have to go to Los Angeles to find you!” You can always make an appointment to come out for a drink! Without further ado, I’m on my way! ”

When Alan had finished speaking, he sat down on the silver throne made of the ball and broke into the air.

New Mexico, one kilometer outside the small town of Wu~shan

A dozen black SUV urban off-road vehicles surrounded a steel giant that appeared to be made up of a combination of many moving blocks of metal.

The giant was more than three meters tall, made of unknown metal, his arms crawled with spikes, and he looked like he had a coordinated viciousness.

Next to the vehicle were a group of heavily armed soldiers and several senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and researchers in suits.

“Is this something that Tony Stark made over there?”

“No, I think it’s more like Alan Hammer’s handwriting!”

One of the skinhead agents and the other spoke, both looking at Coulson.

“I don’t know, the two of them never told me anything, let’s ask first!”

Coulson shook his head, picked up a loudspeaker and asked the steel giant.

Three days ago, S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered that there was a very special hammer drop here, and the faint energy radiation emitted by this hammer interested them.

However, no matter what method was used, they could not move the hammer in the slightest, and the whole hammer seemed to be connected to the earth, so they set up a temporary stronghold here and found many researchers to start researching.

As for the steel giant, named ‘The Destroyer’, it was an ultimate weapon in the hands of Odin, the god king of Asgard, and was controlled by Odin’s scepter.

This time Odin fell into a deep sleep after banishing Thor, in fact, Odin’s life expectancy has arrived, Asgardians are only 5,000 years, and Odin is actually over 5,000 years old.

It’s just that Thor hasn’t fully grown up yet, and Odin often goes into a deep sleep in order to suppress Hela, so that he can live as long as possible, helping Sordo suppress the ‘Goddess of Death Hela’ for a while.

Odin fell into a deep sleep, Thor was again, the power of Asgard naturally came into Loki’s hands, Odin’s scepter was also obtained by Loki, this time Loki sent the destroyer down, he dropped Thor, making himself the sole heir to the throne.

“Listen, your weapons are unregistered, turn off your weapons, come, we’ll find you!”

Coulson said.


As Coulson’s voice fell, the Destroyer, who had been walking a small step, stopped, giving Coulson a smile.

But then Coulson couldn’t laugh.

Only to see the position of the Destroyer’s face suddenly open, revealing a completely hollow appearance inside, as if the entire giant had only one shell and nothing inside, which could be fully seen from the gap in the metal sheet composed of the Destroyer.

As the Destroyer’s face opened, the entire Destroyer’s interior immediately began to fill with a flame-like red, and everyone felt that it was about to be moved.


Coulson also knew that it was not good, and shouted hurriedly.


A fiery red energy column swept the surrounding vehicles away, and a huge explosion resounded through the desert, making several people in the town a kilometer away immediately notice it, watching the distant scene and talking about it.

“Jane, you have to get out of here!”

A stout Thor with blond hair and charming blue eyes said to the pretty female Dr. Jane.

“What about you?”

Jane asked worriedly as she looked at the destroyers who were coming step by step in the distance after destroying the convoy.

0······· Ask for flowers… 0

“I want to stay!”

Sol Road.

“Of course Thor is going to go to war with us against the Destroyers!”

Of the foursome who came looking for Thor, the chubby, Asgardian with a large axe said.

“My brothers, I am only a mortal now, and going to the battlefield will drag you down and kill you!” But I can help you evacuate these ordinary people first, open up a battlefield for you that no one disturbs, and then it’s up to you! ”

Thor said firmly.

At this moment, there was a sudden cracking sound in the sky, and a silver metal throne appeared in front of this group of people from far to near.

“Mortals? Battlefield? It seems that this thing is coming for you, and you are Asgardians, right? ”

On the floating throne, Alan, who was wearing a suit and a calm face, slowly walked down, stared directly at Thor and said, the ball immediately turned into a metal ball and followed Alan.

“‘King of War’ Alan Hammer!”

Jane’s intern, the beautiful and slim Daisy, recognized Alan at a glance, and immediately said with his eyes shining, you know, Alan is the dream lover of many young women.

Extremely talented, handsome, strong, the richest man in the world, and has never had a bad scandal, has the perfect character from the movie.

“Alan Hammer, do you know Asgard?”

Dr. Shavig asked in surprise.

“Of course I know, it seems that you are indeed Asgardians, and I happen to have something to do in Asgard, and when I solve this thing, can I take me to Asgard once?”

Alan looked unchanged and asked casually.

“As long as you can solve things, I will definitely take you to Asgard, but this is the ultimate weapon for my father King Odin to guard the treasure house, and you mortal should hurry up!”

Although Thor felt that Alan was not simple because of Alan’s strange appearance, Thor felt that this was the earth, the planet of mortals, and this young man could not defeat the destroyer at all. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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