“It’s about the insight plan, now you don’t believe anyone, don’t take anyone, go to Stark alone and wait for me, I’ve been ambushed, Alan has let the ball come to support, you don’t have to worry!”

Fury finished and said:

“Jarvis, activate Airplane Mode Lift!”

“You put a flight function on this car?” Is it necessary? ”

Alan finally interjected, hey, can the car fly? Alan was speechless, which was easy to do, but not much of a need.

“Hmm, Fury, the head of the secret service, is in a different position, and it is easier to save his life with more functions!” But Fury, now that the flight system is damaged, the communication system is still my help to restore it! ”

Tony said triumphantly.

“Is there any other system that is good?”

Fury asked wordlessly.

“Sir, the air conditioning system is in good condition!”

Jarvis said.

“Haha, Fury, you can turn on the air conditioner to calm down first!”

Tony didn’t seem to feel nervous at all, and even though Fury kept coming from the sound of gunfire and crashes, Tony was joking.

But yes, the danger is not him, of course, he stands and talks without waist pain.

“Alan, how long will the ball arrive, I can’t concentrate my mental strength now, Jarvis, you control!”

Fury felt very tired at this time, and there were several broken places on his body that were bleeding, although not much, but also made his spirit a little loose.

“There are more than 30 seconds left, you hold on!”

Alan said after glancing at the location on the phone.

“Jarvis, did you see the guy in the block in front of you with a cannon barrel in his hand?” This guy gave me a very bad feeling, one of his arms seems to be metal, immediately turn around, otherwise I am afraid that Fury will not be able to hold out for half a minute! ”

At this time, Tony directly clicked on a long-haired man with a half-covered face and an indifferent face in the front block of the picture, frowning.

“Metal arms? It was the Winter Soldier, Tony was right, Jarvis immediately turned around, this Winter Soldier could not even be found by us S.H.I.E.L.D., LIKE A GHOST, VERY DANGEROUS, Natasha almost planted in his hands once! ”

Fury heard a stirring and said hurriedly, at this time Fury looked a little bad, the appearance of the Winter Soldier made him feel that things were a little tricky, plus these well-trained, not police agents at first glance, he had some speculation in his mind.

Jarvis immediately controlled the vehicle to turn around, and suddenly the sound of gunfire and crashing over there, the horn sounded more frequently, obviously abandoning the block in front, although there would be no winter soldiers, but there would be more pursuing soldiers behind.

Only Alan knows that Fury’s choice is correct, these pursuers may not be able to take Fury, but the Winter Soldier is different, the Winter Soldier is a reinforcement person, and has a metal arm, is the base friend of the US team, Fury is not an opponent at all.

“Damn, I really can’t hold on, and I’ve been shot twice, Alan, hasn’t the ball arrived yet?”

Fury said weakly.

“It’s here, Jarvis, stop!”

Just as several police cars were driving close to Fury’s car, and there were still people inside who kept firing at the car with guns, a mercury-like metal ball finally broke through the air and suddenly landed in front of Fury.


Jarvis also hurriedly controlled the vehicle to brake a sharp brake, so that the vehicle made a long section on the ground and then stopped steadily in front of the metal orb.

A few police cars next to them that didn’t have time to brake directly hit the metal ball, and it was obvious that they also knew who the ball was.

“Send out the Destroyers!”

Alan in the manor gave a faint glance at Fury’s situation in the car and then ordered directly.

Then a portal was opened by the ball, full of spikes, and the huge destroyer with a very magical metallic texture came out of it, and as soon as he came out, he fired a ray of destruction at the front.

The people around them only saw a few police cars rushing towards the destroyer suddenly begin to shatter, and then a strong explosion sounded in front of the destroyer, and the fire suddenly burst into the sky.

This is the explosion of these police cars.

At this time, it is a red light, and at this intersection, these vehicles are parked, and the drivers in the car are also very flustered to brake, so that the traffic on this side is directly blocked here.

“Huh, you’re finally here, Stark, Alan, and they might do something to Rogers too, so let’s see…

Fury finally breathed a long sigh of relief, and after saying this last sentence, he directly fainted.

“Rogers?” Alan, you bring Fury back first, and Rogers doesn’t care! ”

After a moment of silence, Tony suddenly said something to Allen’s surprise.


Alan was a little hesitant, and Alan also knew that these people could not take the captain, after all, the captain was the protagonist, but did he just leave it alone?

“No, Alan, believe me, Rogers will find it, you bring Fury back first, this time things are not simple, we need to discuss!”

Tony said hurriedly.

“All right!”


Alan finally nodded and stepped out of Fury’s car, just as he was about to take Fury away from the car when a sniper bullet in the distance roared directly at Alan.

Who is Alan? Immediately sensed the man over there, but the footsteps did not stop, and he did not even pay attention to the bullet, but a dark red revolver appeared in his hand, fired a shot at random, and then walked faintly towards Fury.


A roar appeared in front, and the sniper bullet was instantly hit by the same bullet and exploded in the air, making the originally cold-looking Winter Soldier in the distance show a shocked look.

“Sir, Mr. Fury has lost too much blood and is now in shock, his blood type is AB, and Dr. Zhao has been informed that Dr. Zhao has prepared a cradle of regeneration, and Mr. Fury will not be in danger of life in half an hour!”

Alan entered the car, Jarvis’s voice sounded again, Alan nodded and then picked up Fury out of the car, lightly skimmed the Winter Soldier over there and slipped into the portal and disappeared in place.

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